

A Study of EU Legal System of Freedom of Movement for Persons

【作者】 祁通

【导师】 李道刚;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 国际法学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 人员自由流动是欧盟公民的一项根本权利。对流动人员的权利保护是国际人权法的一项重要内容。欧盟现已有27个成员国,对于人员自由流动规定的已经非常完备,其立法经验值得借鉴。本文分四个部分予以论述,第一部分从人员自由流动的概念和性质入手,对于流动自由的原因以各国对流动自由的历史发展及限制做了详细的论述。之后论述了欧盟人员自由流动的概况和法源。第二部分讲述欧盟工人自由流动权。工人的概念,《建立欧洲共同体条约》没有明确的定义,对于概念的深入理解尤为重要,结合几个案例,笔者对于欧盟工人的概念进行了深入的分析,后论述了工人的权利、行使权利受到的限制以及自由流动工人的社会保障制度。《马斯特里赫特条约》引入欧盟公民的概念,欧盟公民概念的引入是欧盟政治一体化中一个关键性的历史时刻。第三部分首先对欧盟公民概念及其自由流动权利的具体规定做了阐述,之后论述了欧盟公民家庭成员的权利。欧盟理事会在自由流动方面通过了新的指令,笔者将之与旧指令进行了比较,发表了自己的看法。同时,开业自由和提供服务自由也是人员自由流动不可分割的一部分。成员国限制开业自由和提供服务自由的规定,除特殊情况外,欧共体法予以禁止。第四部分论述我国由于历史原因,在人员自由流动方面还受到种种限制,最主要就是受户籍制度的限制。很多学者对于这一问题提出了自己的看法,笔者认为这一制度是不公平的,是不符合国际潮流的,是对人权的侵犯,其弊端显而易见,笔者提出了改革户籍制度和完善社会保障制度的思路。笔者结合欧盟立法状况与中国关于迁徙自由与社会保障的立法进行比较分析,指出了在中国实现人员自由流动的重要意义,提出了改革相关制度的思路,是本文的创新之处。保障人员自由流动,是培育全国统一劳动力市场,促进国民经济发展和解决“三农”问题及大学生就业的有效途径,社会保障制度的完善是社会稳定的一个重要因素。保障人权是《世界人权宣言》的要求,废除不合理的制度,建立符合公平合理的新制度,从而将人员自由流动权上升到宪法高度予以保障,真正实现公民在法律面前人人平等是本文的写作目的。需要明确的是人员的自由流动是个人进步和社会发展的催化剂,必须予以重视。本文主要采取了案例分析法、比较分析法、历史分析法、法律解释等研究方法。

【Abstract】 Freedom of movement for persons is a foundmental right of European citizens. Protecting the right of freedom of movement for persons is an import content of International Human Rights Law.There are 27 members of European Union now.The provisions of pretecting freedom of movement for persons are very complete,we should draw lessons from the legislation experience of European Union.This article is devided into four parts to discuss.The fist part is the concept and nature of freedom of movement for persons,the reasons of freedom of movement, the historical development and restrictions of related countries. Then the author discussed an overview of freedom of movement for persons within European Union and the sources of law.The second part discusses the right of freedom of movement for workers within European Union. The concept of workers, Treaty establishing the European Community didn’t give a specific definition.It is important to understand the concept deeply. In light of several cases, the author gives a in-depth analysis for the concept of the workers within the European Union, and discusses the rights of workers, Maastricht Treaty leads in the concept of European Citizens,it is a critical historic moment of political and economic integration of European Union.The third part firstly expatiated the concept of European Union citizen and the specific rights of freedom of movement for persons,then dealed with the rights of their family members. Council of European Union has passed new directive. Combined with the old directive,the author expressed his views. At the same time, freedom of establishment and providing services is an integral part of freedom of movement for persons. The European Community Law prohibited that member states limit the right of establishment and providing services, except in special circumstances.The fourth part demonstrates that because of the history reason,there are many limitations of freedom of movement for persons.The mainly limitation is household registration system.Many scholors put forward their views for this question, the author thinks this system is not fair,and is not in conformity with the international trend and violates human rights.This system has its obvious drawbacks, the author proposed a train of thought of reforming to the household registration system and improving the social security system.The author has been analysed comparatively the fact that European Union legislation and China legislation about freedom of movement and social security system.The author pointed out the important meaning of freedom of movement for persons in China,and put forward the countermeasures of reform, that’s the innovation of this paper.Protecting the rights of freedom of movement for persons and the rights of residence is an effective way to cultivate the uniform labour market, promote the national economic development and solve the problem of obtaining employment for colleage students.Protecting human rights are the requirments of Universal Declaration of Human Rights,abolish unreasonable social system,and build fair,reasonable and new social system,so put the right of freedom of movement for persons to a high degree for constitutional protection, enforcing the real equality before the law is the purpose of writing this article.To be specific, the freedom of movement for persons is a catalyst of personal and social development, we must take it seriously.The author has adopted the research methords of case-analysis, comparison analysis, historical analysis of law, legal interpretation and so on.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 05期