

Research on Selecting of Military Equipment Maintainer

【作者】 王志和

【导师】 丁荣贵; 王建伟;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着武器装备技术水平和复杂程度的不断提高,武器装备维修保障的重要性日益增强。装备维修费在总量上越来越高,且与装备采购费相比,呈现出“两高”的趋势。由于我国国防经费长期投入不足,维修费用的急剧增长与经费不足的矛盾日趋严重,迫切需要改革装备维修管理模式,提高装备维修费用使用效益。近几年来,随着社会主义市场经济体制的日益完善和国防科技工业体制调整的不断深化,我国根据装备发展建设需要,对现行的装备维修保障“大而包”的模式进行了一系列改革。借鉴外军经验,政府和军队相继颁布了一系列政策法规以促进和规范武器装备维修保障的社会化。但由于装备维修社会化保障的问题提出的时间还不长,对武器装备维修承包商选择的研究工作尚处于起步和探索阶段,现阶段关于武器装备维修承包商选择问题的研究成果还不够系统、深入,无法为装备维修承包商选择实践提供很好的支持。本研究认为,武器装备维修承包商选择研究主要包含三个核心问题:一是武器装备维修需求的界定的问题,这是进行武器装备维修承包商选择的前提;二是武器装备维修承包商选择的基本框架,也就是研究“如何实施”的问题;三是武器装备维修承包商评价指标体系的建立与评价方法的选择问题,主要研究“怎么评”的问题。本研究采用文献研究、比较研究和系统分析的方法的研究方法,在整理相关研究成果的基础上,借鉴外军武器装备承包商选择的经验,结合我军武器装备承制单位资格审查的实际,对以上问题进行了系统研究。主要研究成果如下:一是建立了武器装备维修承包商选择基本框架。提出了武器装备维修承包商选择的含义,分析了武器装备维修承包商选择的构成要素,并确立了武器装备维修承包商选择的流程。二是分析和界定了武器装备维修需求。分析了武器装备维修需求影响因素,提出了武器装备维修需求确定的流程。三是在分析现有关于评价指标研究的基础上,结合装备承制单位资格审查项目,以“完备和简洁性、客观和可比性、灵活和可重构、简单和易操作”为评价原则,建立了武器装备维修承包商评价指标体系,并选择以AHP和FCE相结合的方法对承包商评价过程做了详细介绍。以上研究成果从理论上丰富了武器装备维修承包商选择理论,从实践上可为我军实施武器装备维修承包商选择提供参考。

【Abstract】 With the military equipments becoming more and more complex, the military equipment maintenance is more and more important. Equipment maintenance costs at more and more on high-volume, showing a "two-high" trend, compared with the procurement of equipment. Because of the lack of defense budget, it’s becoming more and more serious conflicts between the equipment maintenance costs and the defense budget .In recent years, with the development of socialist market economic system and the improvement in the structural adjustment of national defense technology industry continues to deepen, in accordance with the development of military equipments, we reforms the equipment maintenance and support model .Learned from foreign army’s practices, government and army have issued a series of policies and regulations to facilitate and standardize the socialized support for our military equipment maintenance .Now, the research on military equipment maintainer selection is still in its infancy stage. It can not provide a good support to the practice of military equipment maintainer selection.In this study, military equipment maintainer selection includes three core problems. The first problem is defining the demands of military equipment maintenance, which is the premise of the military equipment maintainer selection. The second is the basic framework of the military equipment maintainer selection. The third is that we set up a evaluation index system of the military equipment maintainer selection and choose evaluation methods of military equipment maintainer selection. Based on the related research, learned the practices of foreign army maintainer selection and combined with the actual situation of our army, the study analyzed the above-mentioned problems with literature research, comparative studies and systematic analysis methods. The research has enriched the theory of military equipment maintainer theory. And in practice, it can provide references for the implementation of our military equipment maintainer.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 05期
  • 【分类号】E920
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】211