

The Research of Germany Social Market Economy Model

【作者】 李光玉

【导师】 刘雅静;

【作者基本信息】 山东大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 1945年第二次世界大战结束后,德国受到战争的严重摧残,国民经济陷于崩溃的边缘,国土四分五裂,社会秩序混乱,人民生活苦不堪言。1948年,德国实行货币改革,社会市场经济模式开始实施。它迅速抚平了第二次世界大战给德国造成的严重创伤,使德国经济迅速崛起,1950年联邦德国的国民生产总值大约为233.4亿美元,相当于当时美国国民生产总值的8.2%,1994年德国民生产总值达到26810马克,几乎相当于英国和意大利两国国民生产总值之和。2006年德国的国内生产总值达到23027亿欧元,在发达国家中,德国经济紧随美国和日本之后,位居世界第三位。社会市场经济模式因此被世人公认为是一种成功的市场经济模式,并且受到越来越多的关注。中国从1978年改革开放以后逐步走上了市场经济之路,深入的分析德国社会市场经济模式的基本观点和运行特征,可以为我国建设社会主义和谐社会,完善社会主义市场经济体制提供重要的理论指导和实践依据。本文共分五大部分。第一部分着重分析德国社会市场经济模式的思想理论来源。德国社会市场经济是多种理论综合的产物,德国新自由主义、社会主义理论、基督教教义是社会市场经济的主要思想理论来源。第二部分详细阐述了德国社会市场经济模式的基本理论观点。生产资料私有制、自由竞争、政府的有限干预和社会保障是德国社会市场经济模式的主要观点。其中,政府的有限干预理念是德国社会市场经济模式的显著特征,它既区别于“资本主义市场经济”,又区别于“社会主义中央计划经济”,因此又被人们称为第三条道路。第三部分探讨了德国社会市场经济模式的运行特征,论述社会市场经济模式在运行中所采取的一些政策和措施。第四部分以国家的宏观经济调控为主要线索,从纵向展开介绍了德国社会市场经济模式的发展阶段以及在每一个阶段上取得的经济成就。第五部分着重论述了德国社会市场经济模式对我国是否具有借鉴意义的争议,并得出结论。提出了德国社会市场经济模式对中国构建社会主义和谐社会,完善社会主义市场经济体制的一些借鉴和启示。社会市场经济模式不仅是一种经济政策同时也是社会政策。本文从当前我国构建社会主义和谐社会的角度出发,分析德国社会市场经济模式不同于以往的单纯的就经济模式讨论经济模式。本文论述的侧重点在于德国社会市场经济模式的社会责任对我国的启示,通过借鉴德国的成功经验解决我国目前经济发展的难题,如贫富差距问题,公平与效率的关系问题,社会和谐问题等。

【Abstract】 During the WWII, Germany had been greatly destroyed be the war. Its national economy nearly fell apart; its territory broke up; the society was disordered; the people’s lives suffered pain in the neck. In 1948, Germany implemented the monetary reform, the social market economy mode began to implement. It smoothed the serious wound caused to Germany in World War II rapidly and made Germany’s economy rose rapidly. In 1950, the gross national product of Federal Republic of Germany was probably 23,340 million dollars, which was equivalent to 8.2% of U.S.A.’s gross national product at that time. In 1994, the gross national product of Germany reached 26810 marks, which was nearly equivalent to the sum of Britain and Italy’s gross national product. In 2006, the gross domestic product of Germany reached 2,302,700 million euro. In the developed country, Germany’s economy was immediately after U.S.A. and Japan, and occupied the third place in the world. The social market economy mode was recognized as a kind of successful market economy mode by common people and received more and more concerns. China was on the way to market economy progressively after reform and opening-up since 1978. A deep analysis of Germany’s social market economy mode and operation characteristics will offer the important theoretical direction and practical base for our country’s building of socialist market economy and socialist harmonious society.This thesis includes five major parts together. Part one analyzes the thought theory source of Germany’s social market economy mode emphatically. Germany’s social market economy was the result of the composition of many kinds of theories. Germany’s new liberalism, socialist theory, Christianity’s religious doctrine were the main thought theory source of the social market economy. Part two has explained the basic theories of Germany’s social market economy mode in detail. The private ownership of the means of production, free competition, the limited intervention of government and social security were main views of Germany’s social market economy modes. Among them, the idea of the limited intervention of the government was a prominent characteristic of Germany’s social market economy mode. It was not only different from "capitalist market economy" but also different from "socialist centrally planned economy". It is so called the third road by people. Part three probes into the operation characteristic of Germany’s social market economy mode, describes some policies and measures taken in the operation of social market economy mode. Part four takes national macroeconomic regulation and control as the main clue, and introduces the developing stage of Germany’s social market economy mode and economic performance made at every stage longitudinally. Part five have expounded a dispute emphatically, that is, whether Germany’s social market economy mode will give our country a lesson and finally draw a conclusion. Some reference and enlightenment are also given about building socialist market economy and constructing of the socialist harmonious society in China after putting forward Germany’s social market economy mode.The social market economy mode is not only a kind of economic policy at the same time but also the social policy. This thesis proceeds from the angle of constructing the socialist harmonious society in the present China, and analyzes Germany’s social market economy mode. It is different from the past practice to discuss the economic mode simply on the economic mode. The emphasizing point of discussion in the thesis lies in the enlightenment to our country given by the community responsibility of Germany’s social market economy mode. The thesis also discusses if we can solve of economic development at present in our country through using the successful experience of Germany for reference. The difficult problems include the question of gap between rich and poor, the question of fair relation with efficiency, the question of social harmony, etc.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 山东大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 05期