

【作者】 王丹

【导师】 李明生;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , MBA, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来,电信业被推到了世界经济的最前沿,快速增长的电信市场成为全球瞩目的竞争焦点,伴随着世界经济一体化的进程与知识经济时代的到来,企业面临的经营环境复杂多变,市场竞争越来越激烈,人力资源成为企业经营的首要资源,激励成为现代企业管理的核心职能之一。因此,建立起一套适合企业需求的激励机制,使人力资源的功能得到最大程度的发挥,就成为企业谋求生存与发展的必然选择。岳阳联通公司作为一个大型电信企业的地市级分公司,和很多其它电信企业一样,在这几年得到迅速发展,但伴随着企业的扩张,公司出现了人力资源紧缺、员工满意度低、员工的潜能没有充分发挥现象,这些现象无疑会成为阻碍企业发展的瓶颈。本文在对岳阳联通公司激励机制的现状及存在的问题进行调查分析后,运用传统激励理论与委托—代理理论,从企业可控资源以及激励诱导因素集合出发,从薪酬、职业发展、培训、文化认同四个方面提出了切合企业本身的员工激励措施,并提出从岗位评价、绩效管理、及沟通体系建立三个方面保障激励机制的实施的有效性。上述激励机制的研究成果已应用岳阳联通公司,应用实践表明该研究可以对员工起到更为有效地激励效果。希望研究结果对我国其他类似企业激励机制的改革实践有一定的指导和参考意义。

【Abstract】 Telecom industry became the most active area recent years, and apid growth of telecom market was the competition focus. With the pressure from the enhanced market competition is becoming fiercer, also with the continuous upgrade and development of the enterprises management capabilities, the small-middle enterprises have recognized importance of the human resources. Human resources management has become the core component of the enterprises management. Of which all the human resources management skills, incentive scheme is the fundamental system for every manager at all levels. Using the incentive scheme to movivate staff is also one of the main objectives when establishing the enterprises management system. YUEYANG Unicom is a large-scale communication enterprise, same as many other telecommunication enterprise, before this several years get prompt development. But with the enterprise dilation, the company has appeared human resources is short-supplied, employee degree of satisfaction is low, employee’s latent energy does not bring a phenomenon into play sufficiently, these phenomenon may become the bottleneck hindering enterprise from developing beyond doubt.According to the analysis of the survey of YUEYANG Unicom in this article on the incentives of the current situation and problems, and with the use of the traditional theory of incentives and the principal -agent theory, and from the enterprise reality as well, the thesis establishes four aspects, from the pay, career development, training, cultural identity to suit Enterprises’ own staff incentives. And from the job evaluation, performance management, communication systems, it submits three aspects to the implementation of incentives to protect its effectiveness.The above-mentioned incentives research has been applied in YUEYANG Unicom. The application of the research shows that employees can get incentives effected more. Hope that the results can play a certain degree of guidance and usage to other similar enterprises in China’s reform and incentives practice.

【关键词】 激励机制薪酬绩效
【Key words】 incentive mechanismsalaryperformance
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 04期
  • 【分类号】F272.92;F626
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】257
  • 攻读期成果