

【作者】 陈洪翠

【导师】 杨伟文;

【作者基本信息】 中南大学 , 企业管理, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 服务经济时代的到来,使服务企业之间的竞争日趋激烈,一些具有战略意识的服务企业开始重视服务所带来的经济效益。然而,由于服务本身存在的一些特性,如无形性和易逝性等,使得顾客容易产生不确定性和不安全感,再加上顾客的需求在不断变化和发展,对服务质量的追求也在不断提高。在这一动态的过程中,怎样保持服务质量让顾客满意,降低顾客的不确定性,提高顾客的忠诚度,从而使企业达到顾客保留和获取利润的目的,是企业在为顾客服务中必须考虑的问题。近年来,服务质量与顾客忠诚度的关系在很多领域都得到了大量的研究,但对于教育培训产业的研究却非常少见。英语培训行业作为一种新型的服务性行业,其服务质量的重要性不言而喻,但有关此培训行业的服务质量的相关研究及著作基本上还没有,本研究就是从英语培训行业入手,探讨培训行业服务质量的构成维度,以及服务质量各维度对顾客忠诚度的影响。基于上述研究目的,本研究对以往文献进行梳理和总结,进而提出服务质量的五维度模型以及服务质量与顾客忠诚度的关系模型,并运用SPSS 13.0和LISREL 8.5数据分析软件对湖南郴州市英语培训行业的236份有效样本进行因子分析、验证性因子分析、相关分析及回归分析等以检验模型的有效性。根据分析的结果,本文基本验证了研究假设,研究的主要结论包括:(1)实证研究结果支持了PZB关于服务质量的有形性、可靠性、反应性、保证性和关怀性五要素构成模型;(2)在研究模型中,验证了服务质量在关怀性、有形性和反应性方面在英语培训行业对顾客忠诚度有显著正向影响。同时,考虑到影响顾客忠诚度的因素非常复杂,本研究所得结论因没能与其它要素作全面考察而存在着一定的局限性,为此本文最后提出了一些未来研究的建议,以期能提高对服务质量以及顾客忠诚度研究的解释力。

【Abstract】 As the coming of service era, the competition between service enterprises gets more and more vehement. Some service enterprises which have strategic consciousness start to pay attention to economic efficiency brought by the service. However, the service itself has such nature as intangibility and perishalibity and so on, it may make customers have a sense of uncertainty and insecurity, in addition, customers’ demand is unceasingly changing, their pursues to service quality is changing, too. In this dynamic process, how to maintain service quality and satisfy customers, reduce customers ’ uncertainty and improve the degree of customer loyalty, and then achieve the target of retaining customers and improving profitability, is the key issue that enterprises must consider in the service process.The relationship between service quality and customer loyalty has been pursued in a large body of recent researches, but there is little attention to it in education training area. The importance of service quality provided by English training enterprises, which belong to a new service industry, is self-evident, but few research and works is related to this field. This paper focuses on English training industry, discussing the constitution dimensions of service quality and the relationship between each dimension of service quality and customer loyalty.Based on the above research objectives, this research reviews and summarizes related literatures, then proposes five-dimensional model of service quality and relationship model between service quality and customer loyalty. With the help of SPSS 13.0 and LISREL 8.5, this research conducts factor analysis, CFA, correlation analysis and regression analysis towards 236 valid samples to test the validity of the proposed loyalty model.According to the analysis results, this thesis confirms the hypothesis raised in the research, the main conclusions contain:(1) The empirical study result has supported the five essential factors’ constitution model of tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy promoted by PZB; (2)In the research model, empathy, tangibles and responsiveness had a positive effect on the degree of customer loyalty in English training industry.On the other hand, because of great complexity of the influencing factors of customer loyalty, this research has certain limitation for not making comprehensive inspection with other essential factors. Therefore, this article proposes some futurology’s suggestion, expecting to enhance the explanation strength to service quality and customer loyalty.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 中南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 04期
  • 【分类号】F274;F273.2
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1198
  • 攻读期成果