

On the Governance of Industrial Cluster: A Corporte Social Respersibility Perspective

【作者】 陈军

【导师】 朱华友;

【作者基本信息】 浙江师范大学 , 区域经济学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 在经济全球化和地方化交互作用的背景下,广泛分布于世界各地的产业集群日益进入人们的视野,并成为各界关注的热点。产业集群在经济发展中扮演着越来越重要的角色,充分发挥着地方化和根植性的优势,已成为提升区域竞争力的动力系统和推动各地繁荣的创新源泉。随着人类社会经济的发展,企业作为产业集群经济活动的主体,其行为对区域经济的发展进步产生着越来越重要的影响,人们对企业承担更多的社会责任的期望越来越强烈。特别是随着经济全球化的迅猛发展,企业社会责任对发展中国家地方产业集群嵌入全球价值链参与国际分工提出了重大挑战。另一方面,产业集群在发展过程中,也暴露出不少问题:在集群内部网络组织方面,会遇到“路径依赖”造成的网络结构性风险、嵌入性不足、创新能力薄弱等问题;在集群嵌入全球价值链方面,会遇到价值链参数的限定、被“锁定”在价值链低端环节、功能升级受阻等问题。因此,为建立和保持集群的持续竞争优势,促进集群成长,实现地方产业集群在全球价值链上的攀升,从企业社会责任的视角进行产业集群治理便具有十分重要的意义。论文以区域经济学、产业经济学、经济地理学、新制度经济学和新经济社会学等学科为指导,借鉴网络组织理论、价值链理论和利益相关者理论的最新成果,从企业社会责任角度实现对产业集群的治理。论文首先从集群网络风险的规避、集群嵌入性不足的弥补和集群内部创新的实现等方面分析论证了企业社会责任与网络组织治理的内在关联;其次,从嵌入全球价值链、突破价值链的“锁定”和促进集群实现升级等方面分析论证了企业社会责任与全球价值链治理的内在关联;再次,论文提出了产业集群的地方价值链治理概念并分析论证了企业社会责任与地方价值链治理的内在关联。在此基础上,论文构建了一个包括网络组织治理、全球价值链治理及地方价值链治理在内的整合的产业集群治理理论框架。最后,论文以浙江永康五金业集群为例,研究了企业社会责任视角下的永康五金产业集群治理,并分析了集群治理对永康五金产业集群创新和升级的影响。

【Abstract】 Under the background of economic globalization and localization, the industrial cluster, which wildly exists all over the world comes into our version and emerges as a hot topic. Industrial cluster has been playing a more and more important role in economic development and has already become the engine promoting regional competence and source of regional creation. Along with the economic development, as the main entity of industrial cluster, firm’s behavior has greater impact on regional economic progress. Taking more social responsibility by firms has been required by ordinary people. Particularly, the process of economic globalization has brought great challenge for local industrial clusters in developing countries to embedded into global value chain and international division of labor system.On the other hand , there still exist many problems in the development of industrial cluster. Firstly, as to the internal network structure of industrial cluster, path dependence has caused structured risk, weak embeddedness and creativity. Secondly, as to industrial cluster embeddeding the global value chain, many industrial clusters were locked-in linkages of low levels and the functional upgrading was hindered. To establish and keep industrial cluster’s competitive advantage, active measures should be taken to deal with the problems existing in the governance of industrial cluster. My work claims that governing the industrial cluster from the corporate social responsibility perspective is operable and meaningful in practice.As a multi-disciplinary work, this paper, based on regional economics, industrial economics, economic geography, new institutional economics, new socio-economics, taking theories as network organization, value chain and shareholder as tools, deeply analyzes the governance of industrial cluster and constructs a theoretical framework which integrates the governances of network organization, global value chain and local value chain as an entity. My work would be a supplementary and meaningful attempt as to the segmentation of current studies. In this paper, the internal correlation between corporate social responsibility and the governance of network organization is discussed firstly from aspects as the reversion of network risk, weak embeddedness of industrial cluster and internal creation of cluster. Then, the internal correlation between corporate social responsibility and the governance of global value chain is analyzed from the aspects as embeddeding into global value chain, breaking through the lock-in from path dependence and upgrading of local industrial cluster. Therefore, this paper firstly proposes the governance of local value chain of industrial cluster and discusses the internal correlation between corporate social responsibility and the governance of local value chain. Finally, taking industrial cluster of hardware in Yongkang, Zhejiang province as an instance, this paper analyzes the governance of industrial cluster from the corporate social responsibility perspective.
