

Study on Risk and Trust Mechanism of Innovative Cooperation among Clustered Enterprises

【作者】 葛萍萍

【导师】 陈红儿;

【作者基本信息】 浙江师范大学 , 企业管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 从19世纪中叶开始,企业之间的合作便开始形成。进入20世纪80年代,新一轮的企业合作着重表现在企业的技术创新合作行为上。集群企业是基于某一产业专业化分工和合作而在地理上的集聚,在这种环境下,企业间的知识、信息、技术的交流、沟通更为便利,使得集群企业的合作创新具备了一般企业合作创新所不具备的优势。本文在前人对企业合作创新研究的基础上,着力于集群企业合作创新的风险分析,并试图通过建立和强化合作企业间的信任机制来降低合作创新中的风险。这一领域的研究不仅能够在一定程度上补充和拓展现有的集群企业合作创新理论和信任理论,并且可以为集群企业合作创新时识别和防范风险提供理论上的指导。在理论部分,本文运用集群理论、创新理论、合作创新理论和信任理论等基础理论,对集群企业进行合作创新时可能遭遇的风险进行了较为系统的理论研究,并提出了降低和防范风险的方法——在合作企业间建立和加强信任。在实证部分,本文采用总体分析和个案分析相结合的研究方法,通过实地访谈,对集群企业合作创新的风险及信任机制进行实证分析。本文首先界定了集群企业合作创新的概念,指出合作创新是集群企业进行创新活动时的必然选择,并对合作过程中可能出现的风险进行剖析。随后,在对集群企业合作创新中信任的内涵进行分析后,明确提出集群企业合作创新中的信任在降低由合作伙伴主体造成的动机风险、促成双方的合作,促进合作过程中信息、资源的投入和流动,降低创新成果和市场不确定性等因素造成的风险,促进合作双方合作的融合等方面发挥了重要的作用。其次,本文提出了信任机制运行的过程模型,首先,合作双方的人际关系、历史经历和声誉、凭借着完善的法律规范可以产生信任;在合作过程中,又可以通过对对方能力的认识、沟通、在合作过程中感受到公平和双方企业文化的兼容,使得双方的信任程度得到加强;而合作创新失败的成本、集群内的道德和制度环境、合同和契约等的约束,都可以保障合作双方信任机制的运行。再次,通过对永康产业集群的实地调研,了解永康产业集群的创新氛围及集群对企业合作创新中信任的保障作用。并采用永康市星月集团与双健健身器材有限公司合作研发气垫船的案例,对本文的理论进行实践的验证,以增加本文论点的说服力。最后,归纳了论文的基本结论,并就如何能够更好在集群企业合作创新中运行信任机制提出了若干建议。

【Abstract】 From mid-19th century, cooperation among enterprises has taken shape. From 1980’s on, enterprises cooperation focuses on cooperative technological innovation. Cluster is a kind of geographical concentration which based on specialized division of labor and cooperation between industries. In such circumstance, knowledge, information and technology can be exchanged more conveniently, so is communication. That makes clustered enterprises have more advantages. This paper analysis the risk among cooperative innovation enterprises innovatively, and then trying to reduce risk by the operation of the trust mechanism. Research in this area not only can complement and expand existing cooperative innovation theory and trust theory, but also offer a practical direction for reducing cooperative innovation risk in clustered enterprises through promoting trust.This paper systematically studies the risks in cooperative innovation, and then proposes the running model of trust mechanism using theories of clustered enterprises, innovation, cooperative innovation and trust. While in the empiric part, collectivity and individual analysis, and field researches are used to analyze the risk and trust mechanism of innovation cooperation among clustered enterprises empirically.The paper firstly defines cooperative innovation among clustered enterprises and trust among clustered enterprises when they carry on cooperative innovation. This paper dissects the possible risk at the basic of analysis cooperative innovation process profoundly. Clearly mentioning that trust among clustered enterprises plays an important role in the following aspect: such as reducing risks caused by malicious enterprise cooperative innovation motives, increasing input, reducing market uncertainty, promoting cooperation integration and so on.Secondly, this paper puts forward the trust-running model. In this model, relationships between the partners, historical experience and enterprises reputation can produce trust; reorganization of partners’ ability, the fair of procedure and distribution of benefits, and the compatibility of parterners in the process of cooperation, can strengthen trust; the cost of the failure of cooperative innovation, the moral and institutional environment of clusters, contracts and contract law can protect the trust mechanism.Thirdly, through field research of the Yungkang industry cluster, learning that the innovative atmosphere in Yungkang industry cluster promotes cooperative innovation, and environment of cluster safeguards trust among cooperative enterprises. The paper uses the case of cooperative innovation between Xingyue Group and Shuangjian Fitness Equipment Co., Ltd. to support the view of this paper.Finally, the author summarize the basic conclusions of the paper, and put forward a number of recommendations about how to make trust mechanism running better among cooperative innovation enterprises in clustered enterprises.
