

Effect of Transfer Factor on Immune Indices and Its Toxicity Test in Chicken

【作者】 孙秀玉

【导师】 王振勇;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 兽医, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本课题就转移因子对肉仔鸡和产蛋鸡的生产性能与免疫机能的影响做了系统的研究,并对转移因子的毒性进行了试验,具体内容如下:试验一转移因子对肉仔鸡生产性能及免疫机能的影响选择1日龄健康的肉仔鸡120只,随机分为4组,每组30只鸡,1组为对照组,饲喂基础日粮;2、3、4组为试验组,转移因子配合疫苗使用,转移因子的剂量为:1日龄分别为0.25ml、0.5ml、1ml饮水;7日龄分别为0.25ml、0.5ml、1ml饮水;14日龄分别为为0.5ml、1ml、2 ml饮水;21日龄分别为为1ml、2ml、4 ml饮水;试验期为8周。旨在研究转移因子对肉仔鸡生产性能、免疫机能的影响。研究结果表明,添加转移因子可明显提高肉仔鸡的体重,28日龄时第4组鸡的体重明显高于1、2组(P<0.05)。在免疫指标方面,各试验组与对照组之间,胸腺、法氏囊、脾的相对重量差异不显著(p>0.05),所以关于转移因子在免疫器官指数影响方面有待于进一步研究。尽管各组抗体效价差异不显著(p>0.05),但添加不同浓度转移因子组抗体效价要比其余组高。试验表明,添加转移因子可提高了肉鸡的生产性能,增强机体免疫力。试验二转移因子对肉仔鸡的毒性试验选择90只28日龄体重相近的健康AA肉仔鸡随机分为6组,每组15只,饲喂基础日粮;1组为对照组,2~6组为试验组,同组的15只鸡灌服相同剂量的口服转移因子,不同组剂量不同,2~6组受试鸡灌服转移因子的量分别为3ml、6ml、12ml、24ml和48ml/只,试验期为14天,旨在研究转移因子对肉仔鸡的使用安全性。研究结果显示:超大剂量灌服转移因子并未对肉仔鸡产生不良影响,实验组和对照组的死亡率、增重及内脏器官均未出现明显差异。试验表明,转移因子在本实验条件下安全、无毒。试验三转移因子对蛋鸡免疫机能的影响为研究转移因子对蛋鸡免疫机能的影响。选择35周龄健康的产蛋鸡120只,随机分为3组,每组40只鸡,饲喂基础日粮;1组为对照组,单纯疫苗免疫;2、3组为试验组,口服转移因子配合疫苗使用。转移因子的剂量为:接种疫苗的当日和第7日分别为1ml、2ml饮水。研究结果显示,添加转移因子可明显提高蛋鸡禽流感灭活苗和新城疫Ⅳ系疫苗的免疫效果,体内的抗体水平明显增高(P<0.05),而且维持时间比对照组明显延长。试验表明转移因子能有效提高蛋鸡的免疫机能。

【Abstract】 The aim of the test was to research the effect of transfer factor on the production and immune function of broiler and layer and have made the toxicity tests on transfer factor, the result as follows:Experiment 1: Effects of transfer factor on the immune function for broiler chicken Selected 120 one-old-day broiler chicken were divided into 4 groups randomly, with 30 chicken in each group, The first group was fed with basal diet; 2,3,4 were experiment groups, which drench transfer factor and vaccine at the same time, at the 1st day the dose of transfer factor were 0.25,0.5 and 1ml in the 2,3,4 groups respectively; at the 7th day the dose of transfer factor were 0.25,0.5 and 1ml in the 2,3,4 groups respectively; at the 14th day the dose of transfer factor were 0.5,1 and 2ml in the 2,3,4 groups respectively; at the 21st day the dose of transfer factor were 1,2 and 4 ml in the 2,3,4 groups respectively; the experimental stage was 8 weeks. The aim of the test was to research the influence of transfer factor on the production and immune function of chicken. The results show that, the group which added transfer factor can improve the performance of the broiler chicken, On the 28th day, the 4th group’s growth weight was higher than the1st and 2nd(P<0.05) groups. There was no difference on the weight of thoracic gland, bursa and spleen (P>0.05),so the effects of transfer factor on organ index should be studied in the future. Though the antibody titer of the experiment groups has no significant difference, the antibody titer was higher in the group which added transfer factor. So the group which added transfer factor can improve the performance and reinforce the immunity of the broiler chicken.Experiment 2: The toxicity of transfer factor in chickenSelected 90 28-old-days AA broiler chicken were divided into 6 groups randomly, with 15 chicken in each group, fed with basal diet; The first group was control group,2~6 groups were experiment groups, the chicken which in different experiment groups drench the different dose transfer factor,2,3,4,5and6 groups drench transfer factor at the dose of 3,6,9,12,and 15ml respectively for one chicken,the experimental stage was 14 days. The aim of the test was to research the security of transfer factor to broiler chicken. The results show that: there was no adverse effect even broiler chicken drench high dose transfer factor, There was no difference on death rate, growth weight and internal organs of the control and experiment groups. So the transfer factor was safe and no toxicity.Experiment 3: Effects of transfer factor on the immune function for layers Selected 120 35-week-days layers were divided into 3 groups randomly, with 40 chicken in each group, fed with basal diet; the first group was control group, 2and 3 groups were experiment groups, which drench transfer factor and vaccine at the same time. The doses of the transfer factor were 1 and 2ml respectively in the 1st and 7th day; to research the effects of transfer factor on immune function of the layer. The results show that, drench transfer factor and vaccine at the same time can significantly improve the antibody level of the inactivated vaccine against avian flu. and NDⅣvaccine, and it also significantly prolong the time than the control group. So the transfer factor can improve the immune function of the layers.

【关键词】 转移因子肉仔鸡蛋鸡免疫功能毒性
【Key words】 transfer factorbroiler chickenlayerimmune functiontoxicity
  • 【分类号】S852.4
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】213