

Study on Effects of Direct Seeding in Rocky Hills in Shandong Province

【作者】 刘艳

【导师】 马风云;

【作者基本信息】 山东农业大学 , 森林培育, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 直播造林,是把种子直接播种到造林地而培育森林的造林方法,是一项传统的造林技术。与植苗造林相比,直播造林尽管见效慢,但具有苗木根系完整,对造林地适应性强,施工简单,节约开支等优点。随着退耕还林、三北防护林工程的不断深入,低山近山都已绿化,深山、远山、贫瘠山区已成为造林绿化工作的重点和难点,简单易行、省工省力、节约资金、宜大面积工程造林的直播造林技术已是现在和将来我国山地造林的重点应用技术。1山东省是个少林省份,按照林业建设规划,至2010年,森林覆盖率由现在的24%提高到28%。为实现荒山绿化,山东省林业局自2004年开始直播造林试点,探索适合当前荒山造林绿化特点的应用技术,经过几年的试点,取得了显著的成效。为总结经验,促进荒山直播造林技术的推广应用,采用座谈、实地考察、典型调查等方式对我省山地直播造林进行了专题调研。目的是筛选出适应不同立地类型的直播造林树种,并研究其配套造林技术,总结造林成功经验和失败教训,以对全省类似地类的树种改造和绿化造林摸索一整套科学、合理、实用的直播造林技术和方法,来指导这些地类的造林绿化工作。2通过调研,发现水分和春天动物危害是影响直播造林成活率的主要因素。因此,选取刺槐、国槐、紫穗槐、皂荚、臭椿、侧柏、君迁子7个树种进行露地、覆膜(覆膜1)、覆石块、覆草、保水剂拌土、生根粉浸种的试验,通过几种处理方式对7个树种直播造林地微环境(地温,土壤含水量)和出苗率影响的研究,以进一步规范直播造林技术。同时提出一种新的覆膜方式(覆膜2):穴状整地,规格30×30×30cm,回填土10cm,沿长径方向在穴中间犁沟播种,覆土后种子与地面有15cm的距离,覆膜后扎眼若干,以使雨水下渗。结果表明:(1)地膜覆盖增加了土壤日平均温度;覆膜1提高了日平均温度,有效地增加了土壤各层温度,为种子的萌发提供了适宜的温度;覆膜2表层温度低于土壤表层温度,适于晚春播种;覆草和覆石块降低了土壤温度。(2)覆膜、覆草和保水剂拌土提高了土壤含水量,提高了土壤抗旱的能力。(3)君迁子、皂荚、臭椿出苗率较高,刺槐、国槐、紫穗槐出苗率较低;几种处理方式均能一定程度提高树种的出苗速率和出苗率,多数树种覆膜2、覆膜1效果较其它处理好,覆膜2是一项成功的直播造林技术。(4)覆膜均能提高各树种出苗率和苗高,覆膜1对小粒种子较好,覆膜2对大粒种子效果最好。对于瘠薄山地的直播造林,应多选取一些大粒种子,对于小粒种子,应加大单穴的播种粒数。3枣庄薛城邹坞镇石质山地1993年时选取臭椿、苦楝、侧柏进行了直播造林。应用物种丰富度、Simpson多样性指数、Shannon-wiener多样性指数、Pielou均匀度指数、研究直播造林区和未直播造林山地灌草丛(撂荒区)的物种多样性特征,及二者土壤化学性质变化。结果表明:1)直播造林区乔木层苦楝为优势种,重要值最高,灌木层火炬树为优势种。撂荒区灌木层以荆条为优势种。直播造林区和撂荒区无直播树种外的乔木物种分布。2)直播造林区显著增加了乔木层物种多样性指数和均匀度指数,一定程度增加了灌木层多样性指数和均匀度指数,草本层的多样性指数和均匀度指数均显著低于撂荒区。3)直播造林区土层较厚,有机质、全氮、有效麟、速效钾和电导率均显著高于撂荒区。

【Abstract】 Direct seeding is the process of sowing tree seed by hand or machine directly into a seedbed in the final growing position for the woodland. Although in the early phases of establishment direct seeded sites can appear abandoned and unmanaged compared to neatly planted, well-maintained rows of trees, direct seeding has a number of potential advantages over conventional planting of intact root system, a good suitability of planting site, simple construction and being cheaper (Willough et al. 2007). With further developing of afforestation and greening efforts, remote and barren mountainous areas have become the emphases and difficulties in the regard. So in future, direct seeding, which is cheaper, easier to conduct, lower in cost and easy to spread in large area, will be the pivot technology for afforestation and greening in China.1 In recent years, direct seeding has been adopted in Shandong Province,which can help improve forest coverage in Shandong. After several years, plenty of technologies and experiences of direct seeding have been used. In order to summarize successful technologies and formulate a systemaic standard, investigation of direct seeding afforestration in Shandong was studied. Some of technologies are successful, we adopt them. Other questions are also existed, which need to found better way to settle.2 After investigion, the water provision and animal harm in spring are so far the key questions in direct seeding afforestration. With them, effects of different treating ways, including mulching film1, mulching film2(see method), grass cover, block cover, water retaining agent, rooting powder and open field (control), on soil micro-environment and emergence rage of direct seeding afforestration of several tree species, including Robinia pseudoacacia Linn., Amorpha fruticosa L., Sophora Japonica L., Gleditsia sinensis Lam., Platycladus orientalis (L.) Franco, Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle and Diospyros lotus L., was studied. The results show that: (1) Mulching film1 increases every day average temperature and vertical profile of soil temperature, which supplies suitable temperature to the generation of seeds, and that the surface temperature of mulching film2 is lower than that of the soil, which is suitable to sow in later spring; grass cover and block cover decreasing soil temperature. (2) Mulching film, grass cover and block cover can improved soil water content and supplied a feasible water environment to seed growth, but water retaining agent cannot. (3) The enmergence rate and seedling height of four species forest tree seeds with Film mulching methods are significantly higher than those with open field way. And for litter seeds, the enmergence rate and seedling height with film mulching 1 are higher, while those are greater with film mulching 2 for big seeds. Those big seeds should be choosen in direct seeding afforestation in barren field. If little seeds, more grains in each hole are needed to keep high enmergence rate.3 Using species diversity indices,including species abundance, Simpson diversity index, Shannon-wiener index and Pielou evenness index, the characteristics of species diversity in forest community afforested by direct seeding in 1993, and wasteland in rocky hill in Zouwu town, Xuecheng county was studied ,and soil chemical property of both areas was also measured.The results showed that:(1) In forest community, dominance species is Melia azedarach in tree layer and is Rhus typhina in shrub layer, while dominance species is Vitex negundo in shrub layer in wasteland. No tree species was found except Melia azedarach, Ailanthus altissima, Platycladus orientalis, all of which were introduced by artificial factor. (2) In forest community, species diversity indices and evenness index of tree layer are significant increase, compared with wasteland, while those indices of shrub layer are significant decrease. (3) In forest community, the soil nutrients, including organic matter, total N, available P, available K, are significant higher than those of wasteland.
