

Design and Research of a 4-DOF Assembly Robot with Flexible Wrist

【作者】 王四平

【导师】 高云峰;

【作者基本信息】 哈尔滨工业大学 , 机械电子工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 装配是产品生产的后续工序,在现代化加工和制造业中占有重要地位。机器人自动化装配作业是现代化生产的必然趋势,而且随着社会的发展,自动化装配将逐渐取代人工装配,发挥越来越重要的作用。本文设计了一款具有柔顺手腕的四自由度装配机器人,该机器人具有工作空间大、控制简单、额定负载大、精度适应性强等特点,在装配、物料搬运等方面具有良好的应用前景。本文主要工作如下:首先,分析了平行放大机构的特点并确定了各杆件尺寸;根据设计指标,以平行放大机构为主体结构,对机器人本体结构进行了合理详细的设计。其次,分析并导出了机器人正运动学方程以及运动学逆解,为以后的控制以及轨迹规划奠定了基础;建立了装配机器人的虚拟样机,并利用ADAMS软件,对装配机器人进行了动力学仿真。再者,对平行放大机构的机构误差进行了分析,并讨论了不同杆件制造误差对末端位置精度的影响;同时还分析了杆件柔性对末端位置精度的影响,为全面衡量所设计机器人的精度指标提供了参考。最后,分析了层叠型弹性杆柔顺手腕(RCC)的工作原理,给出了刚度矩阵和RCC主要性能参数的计算表达式,得出了手腕的结构参数和性能参数,并设计了RCC手腕的结构;为了弥补理论分析中存在过多假设的不足,文中利用ANSYS非线性有限元方法对手腕进行了仿真,验证了所设计柔顺手腕的合理性。

【Abstract】 Assembly is one of the last processes of production, and it plays an important role in the modern processing and manufacturing industries. As time goes on, robot automatic assembly will inevitably take the place of manual assembly, rising to a key position in various application fields.This paper focuses on a 4-DOF assembly robot with flexible wrist. With large working space, it has an ability of heavy load and strong precise adaptability. Moreover, it can be easily controlled, making it have a vast prospect in assembly, material handling and so on. Based on this robot, some research work is carried out in this paper.Firstly, a parallel magnify mechanism is analyzed, and dimensions of the links are determined. Base on the parallel magnify mechanism, the mechanical structure of the robot is carefully and properly designed.Secondly, the kinemics and dynamics of the robot are both analyzed, giving a solid foundation for the following path planning and controlling. Also, a virtual prototyping is built through Pro/E and ADAMS to simulate the robot in a nearly reality situation.Thirdly, error of the parallel mechanism is analyzed. Then position error of the manipulator caused by tolerance of the links is discussed. Modal neutral files are generated to precisely evaluate the performance of the parallel magnify mechanism considering the flexible of the links. Moreover, the accuracy of the encoder as well as the transfer accuracy is discussed. The totally accuracy of the assembly robot is given according to the analysis above.At last, the principle of the RCC wrist is expatiated. Then the stiffness matrix and formulas calculating the parameters of the wrist are both proposed. In order to minimize the affects of the assumptions used in the formulas, a simulation using ANSYS’nonlinear method is done for the RCC wrist. Deformation result proves the correctness of the design.

  • 【分类号】TP242.2
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】421