

Research on New Audiovisual Media and Culture Consumption

【作者】 童文杰

【导师】 石长顺;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 广播电视学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 进入21世纪,一股新的媒体力量——视听新媒体迅速崛起并迅速蔓延至社会的各个角落。以手机电视、车载移动电视、网络电视(IPTV)和楼宇电视为代表的新兴媒体作为一支新军,打破了社会对传统媒体的诠释。视听新媒体以便捷、快速、互动的传播方式,冲击着人们的日常生活,并掀起了一场新的文化消费高潮。20世纪电影电视的推广,文化消费不再是束之高阁的书籍消费,文化消费的范围,从文人雅士发展到平民百姓,电影电视,逐渐模糊了阳春白雪与下里巴人的分界线。21世纪互动新媒体的诞生与发展,人类的文化消费开始了一个新的飞跃。如果说,电影电视在某种程度上促成了文化消费的从无到有,那么,新媒体实现的,是从发展到繁荣,从被动的延续,到主动的膨胀。视听新媒体是怎样的一种媒介形态,它如何影响着受众的消费心理,如何拓展着文化消费的市场,如何引领消费文化消费新格局,以及它应当沿着怎样的方向发展,这都是本文研究的范畴。本文将从六个部分展开对以上问题进行深入研究。第一章着重介绍选题背景、研究理论基础和研究方法。第二章主要是视听新媒体和文化消费的相关界定,包括IPTV、手机电视、移动电视、楼宇电视,以及文化消费的概念和内涵。其中,新媒体带来的文化消费内涵的拓展是本章的重点。第三章重点研究新媒体与文化消费的关系。本章从产业属性的角度阐释了新媒体的信息产业、文化产业、内容产业的属性,并深入探讨了新媒体的商业化运营,以及新媒体时代的文化产业格局。第四章着重介绍新媒体环境下的受众文化消费理念、心理、行为等特征。第五章基于新媒体的市场消费分析探讨新媒体带来的文化消费变迁。第六章在文化消费的语境下,探讨新媒体发展运营之路。

【Abstract】 In the new century, mobile TV, IPTV and Building TV, as a new kind of audiovisual media , which have grown so rapidly that it changed the annotation of traditional media. Expediently audiovisual media can transmit messages as fast as it could, and it provides people with interactive service. It changed people’s daily life greatly , in the same time, a new climax of culture consumption broke out.In the 20th century, the popularize of TV and movie leads to a great spending on culture consumption. Culture consumption is no longer the special action of literators , the common people begin to spend time and money on this activity. In the 21th century , this new kind of interactive media has raised a new leap in human’s culture consumption. What’s more, new media has accelerated the growth of culture consumption , cultural consumption would become more and more prosperously with new media.New audiovisual media is what kind of media? How can it affect people’s psychology of consumption? How can it expend the market of culture? How can it grows in the following years? I will finish this paper from six parts below.The first part is mainly about the background of the theme, the basic theory and means of this research. The second part of this paper tries to introduce new media and culture consumption. For example, IPTV, mobile TV , Building TV and so on.. The new meaning of culture consumption is very important in this part. The third part of this paper emphasize on the relationship between new media and culture consumption. It presents the property of new media in the sight of in information industry, cultural industry and content industry. Meanwhile, the part tries to do research on trade management of new media. The fourth part of this paper tries to study people’s concept , psychology, and action. Basic on the research of market of new, the fifth part tries to study the transformation of culture consumption. The last part tries to find a good way for new media to hold on, in the sight of culture consumption.

  • 【分类号】G206;G124
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1152
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