

Study on Knowledge Sharing in View of Trading among Enterprises in Supply Chain

【作者】 钟剑凤

【导师】 郑双怡;

【作者基本信息】 中南民族大学 , 企业管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 在知识经济时代,由于剧烈变化的生存环境的影响,供应链理论己经远远不能满足现代企业在竞争中的要求。有鉴于此,在供应链中实施知识管理有助于提高供应链运作效率,有助于提高企业的整体竞争力。同时,人们已逐渐深刻认识到知识价值在经济社会当中的重要作用。在供应链知识管理中,知识共享是重要的核心骨架。对于供应链上的节点企业来说,出于利益的考虑,知识的拥有者一般不会主动或无偿地将知识共享给知识的需求者。因此在供应链中建立知识市场,构建市场机制,不仅可以推动知识在供应链中流动与共享,而且提高供应链企业间的知识能力与协作能力。由于知识在现实经济中越来越重要的地位使得对于知识的经济理论研究越来越紧迫。本文正是在在把知识类比一般商品进行交易的前提下而展开的供应链企业间的知识共享研究。首先,在对现代供应链企业的经营状况和知识管理状况分析的基础上提出供应链知识共享研究的现实必要性;同时,对供应链管理与知识共享进行相关的文献研究,分析了知识管理与知识共享的研究现状,并从多个角度对知识共享的含义进行了一一地阐述。其次,分析了知识的重要特征即:知识的公共性和知识的专有权,并且进一步辩证地分析了它们与知识共享之间的矛盾与均衡;再分析了供应链管理的不确定性,讨论了节点企业知识不对称性,进而得出供应链企业间进行知识共享的必然性。最后,从经济学的角度对知识及知识共享的性质进行探讨,从知识交易的角度,分析了知识市场在供应链企业间存在的可能性,详细阐析了供应链知识市场的各种组成要素,并对其运行模式进行了分析。然后基于知识市场,以及在详细阐述了委托-代理理论的基础上,提出各种假设,构建知识交易模型,并基于此模型研究知识交易过程;分析和评价该模型后,得出知识共享成本、信息技术基础设施、知识共享外部环境等因素对企业知识交易的积极性及知识交易水平都存在一定的影响,进而影响企业间的知识共享。分析得出了相关影响因素以后,便基于上述内容,基于知识交易,提出了供应链知识共享的相关对策:主要有增强交易能力的策略、改善交易外部环境的策略及促使知识供求方提高其共享意愿的方式。

【Abstract】 In the era of knowledge economy, knowledge becomes a decisive factor in economic development.The theory of the supply chain based on the logistics, capital flow, information flow has been unable to meet the requirements of modern business who want to win competitive advantage in the survival enviroment full of drastic changes. Therefore, the implementation of knowledge management in supply chain is the effective measures to improve supply chain operational efficiency and overall competitiveness, knowledge-sharing is the core of knowledge management in the supply chain. Knowledge-sharing from the perspective of knowledge trading is the transaction between different knowledge owners. With the knowledge in the socio-economic playing an increasingly important role,from the economics people are gradually going deep into the understanding on the value of knowledge.For the nodes enterprises in the supply chain, out of interest, the knowledge owner generally will not take the initiative to be free sharing to the knowledge demanders. Therefore, to create a knowledge market in the supply chain, using market mechanisms to promote knowledge flows and sharing between different subjects so as to enhance supply chain’s knowledge ability and cooperation ability .Knowledge has more and more influences on the economy,and it is very urgent to built up the economic theory for knowledge. This article is folded based on the situation that treats knowledge be trades as the general merchandise.Firstly,the author brings forward the necessity of studying supply chain knowledge sharing, which is based on the research of modern supply chain enterprises’ management and knowledge management status. Meanwhile, through the literature study of supply chain management and knowledge sharing, The author analyzes the knowledge management and knowledge-sharing research, explains the definition of knowledge-sharing from various angles. Secondly,analyzing dialectically the conflict and balance between the public nature and exculsive right with the knowledge sharing;the author proposes the necessity of knowledge sharing in the supply chain based on the uncertainty analysis,and discussion about asymmetry of knowledge between node enterprises. sharing.Finally, it discusses the nature of knowledge and knowledge sharing from an economic point.Also, the knowledge market in supply chain is constructed from the view of point of knowledge trading. Then the main component, price system, market signal and operating mode of knowledge market in supply chain are researched.Then,knowledge trading rocess is studied by using the rincipal-agent theory,and the model of knowledge trading is established.According to the analysis and evaluation of the model, knowledge-sharing costs, knowledge-sharing environment, information technology infrastructure, organizational learning capacity, and cultural factors environment are considered to be the factors that affect the knowledge sharing and knowledge trading of enterprises in supply chain.It gives out the strategies of improving the knowledge sharing level of enterprises in supply chain in view of the previous chapter.These strategies includes strengthening trading ability, improving the external environment and enhancing trading desire. separately. These give an academic reference on the practice of knowledge sharing in supply chain for the majority of enterprises.
