

Study of Feng Menglong’s Works Qing Shi

【作者】 丁琼

【导师】 涂波;

【作者基本信息】 中南民族大学 , 中国古代文学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 冯梦龙所辑评的文言小说总集《情史》一书,首先是作为小说作品长河中的一份子,具有其特有的文学意义;其次,《情史》网罗了从周朝到明代几千年的情趣逸事,其丰富的素材罗列对小说的创作具有重要参考价值;最后,《情史》也是一部中国古代社会饮食男女的爱情婚恋生活史,其真实而全面地展示了中国传统爱情观念的风貌和婚恋原则,为现代人解读数千年前的古人们尤其是封建伦理枷锁束缚下的古代女子的爱情婚恋生活提供了珍贵的资料。鉴于此,对《情史》进行全面的研究,意义深远。本文正是基于此种想法,从《情史》的生成背景与辑评因由、《情史》文本结构、《情史》故事类型、《情史》中所承载的编选者思想以及《情史》的地位、影响等诸方面对《情史》加以研究,希望藉此能更深入、全面的解读冯梦龙其人及其生活的时代风貌,以及中国古人的情感生活。本文第一章对近年来学术界针对《情史》一书所作的相关研究作了一个综述,包括《情史》辑评者、成书时间等有争议的问题的探寻,以及对其中所辑录的故事的来源的考察和其中所体现的辑评者的情学思想等方面作了详细的介绍,藉以让读者对《情史》一书有一个大致的了解,为下文作铺垫。第二章介绍了《情史》辑评的背景与因由,从文学背景、外部条件,再到冯梦龙创作《情史》的个人因由等方面作了深刻的挖掘。本文的重点在于第三章和第四章,第三章是对《情史》文本的解读,分为四部分,包括对《情史》书名的解析、文本架构和编选理念和编选方式等的解析,以及对《情史》中九百余则故事进行了细致的分类和总结,罗列出了古代社会婚恋爱情故事的主要类型,包括至情型、薄情型、情恋型、离合型、有缘无份型、异女荐枕型等。第四章从五个方面总结了《情史》一书中所体现出来的冯梦龙的情学思想,具体来说包括至情论、情教观、对世俗婚恋观的认识、对非正常婚恋关系的认识以及女性观等。最后一章总结了《情史》一书作为古代爱情婚恋之百科全书的地位及对此后文学创作的影响。

【Abstract】 The collective works of Feng Meng-long’s classical Chinese Novel Qing Shi, First as the materials on the novel history, has collected those anecdotes for thousands of years from the Zhou Dynasty to the Ming Dynasty, which has a very important qualification on the novel creation. At the meantime,Qing Shi is also a Chinese women’s life history and spirit history, it could be called as a encyclopedia of how Chinese ancient women loved and married in the ancient society in the past thousands of years. It reveals the principles, rules, values, ethics, systems, taboos, magic and various art performances of the love world, which have displayed truly and comprehensively the style, features and basic principles of the Chinese traditional love concept, it is a key to study the Chinese emotional world. In view of this, to have a comprehensive study of Qing Shi has a far-reaching significance. This article is right based on such ideas, to study from the generation background and the compilation reasons of Qing Shi, the text structure of Qing Shi, the story types of Qing Shi, the thoughts of the editors of Qing Shi have carried out, the status, impacts and many other aspects of Qing Shi, hoping to understand Feng Meng-long himself more in-depth and more comprehensively.The first chapter of this article gives a overview of the academe researches in recent years on Qing Shi, including the argumentative questions on editors, the written time and other questions for Qing Shi and the detailed introductions on the source of the stories and the emotional thoughts of the editors to make the readers have a brief idea about Qing Shi to pave the way below. The second chapter mainly introduces the compliatory background and reasons for Qing Shi, deeply analyzed from the literary background, the external conditions, then to the personal causes of why Feng Meng-long created Qing Shi and other aspects. This article will focus on Chapters III and IV, Chapter III is the interpretation of Qing Shi, including four parts: the interpretation of the name of the book, the structure of the text and the compliatory concept and mode. Among them were more important part of talking about the love stories of Qing Shi.This part has carefully summarized and classified the over 900 stories in Qing Shi to list out the types of the love stories in the ancient society, including the type of situation,the man of merciless,man and wemen love each other,love of people gathered after years of separation,love each other bue not live together,immortal monster ghost women take the initiative to become the mistress and so on. The fourth chapter summarizes the love concepts of Feng Meng-long which has been presented by Qing Shi in five aspects.Specific to that include infatuated theory, teaching situation, and to the secular concept of marriage for non-normal understanding of the relationship between marriage and women and so on. The final chapter sums up the "Love Story" as the ancient love of the Encyclopedia of Marriage and the status of literature after this impact.

【关键词】 冯梦龙情史婚恋爱情情学思想
【Key words】 Feng MenglongQing ShiMarriageLoveThe love concept