

Secondary Energy Recovery and Self-Power Generation Mode of Typical Steel Manufacturing Process

【作者】 韩晓威

【导师】 张玉柱;

【作者基本信息】 河北理工大学 , 钢铁冶金, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 现代钢铁冶金过程是铁-煤化工过程,大量资源和能源使用同时,伴随着能源的排放,即二次能源。在国家节能减排的总方针之下,研究二次能源利用,是钢铁企业实现深层次节能的根本途径。在已有典型钢铁制造流程和工序二次能源产生量研究的基础上,构建了四种典型高炉-转炉流程,通过四种典型钢铁制造流程二次能源产生量计算分析,得出:钢比系数、能源投入量、生产工艺水平是影响二次能源产生量的主要因素;由焦化、烧结、高炉炼铁构成的炼铁系统二次能源产生量占吨钢二次能源总量的86.6%;而各种二次能源中,副产煤气占二次能源总量的49.9%。因此,中国钢铁工业未来的节能方向和途径应以炼铁工序节能为主,重点加强副产煤气、余热余能利用,构建合理的能量流网络,实现钢厂能源结构优化。基于烧结余热回收是未来钢铁工业节能和技术创新的突破口之一,探讨了烧结余热回收的关键技术,提出了工艺优化的初步方案。烧结机烟气余热回收应与除尘和烟气脱硫综合考虑:当除尘器入口烟气温度要求>80℃时,烧结机烟气余热回收和选择性脱硫可行和合理的;当除尘器入口烟气要求>120℃,无法进行烧结机烟气余热回收和选择性脱硫。烧结冷却机余热回收工艺的技术难点在于烧结工况对热源参数稳定性的影响和调节措施。提出了热风循环、双风罩热风混合等工艺,并研究了不同回收工艺引起冷却制度变化对烧结矿产量和质量的影响。副产煤气是钢铁流程二次能源的重要形式,分析了典型钢铁制造流程副产煤气发电模式和“只买煤,不买电”的可行性。研究表明:典型流程的发电模式由余热余压发电、富余煤气发电等方式构成。四种典型高炉-转炉流程可建设装机容量分别为200MW、350MW、400MW、300MW的发电机组,并通过外购一定比例的动力煤实现电力自给。

【Abstract】 Modern steel metallurgy is ferro-coal chemical process. It releases energy called secondary energy by using of massive resources and energy. Under the policy of national energy saving and mitigation, the research of secondary energy utilization is the basic way to realize in-depth energy saving by steel works.Four kinds of typical steel manufacturing processes were established. The primary factors affect secondary energy amount are analysed. Secondary energy per ton steel prodcuted by ironmaking system account 86.6% for total quantity. By-product gas accounts 49.9% for each kind. Therefore, the direction and way of Chinese steel industry energy saving are ironmaking system in the future,and should enhance utllization of by-product gas and residual heat and energy. And the construction of reasonable energy network will promote the optimization of energy structure for steel plant.The key technologies of sinter residual heat recovery were discussed and preliminary optimization scheme was proposed. Residual heat recovery of exhaust gases should be considered with dedusting and desulphurization. When the fume temperature demand of precipitator inlet is higher than 80℃, it is reasonable and feasible with desulphurization. But when greater than 120℃, they can not carry on. The difficulty is the adjustment measure and the influence of stable sinter work condition on heat source parameter. The craft of heated air circulation, two windsail heated air mix and so on were proposed, and was researched the influence on output and quality of sinter ore.By-product gas is the important form of secondary energy. Power pattern and the reasonableness of“buying only coal and no electricity”were analysed. The research indicates that: power pattern includes residual heat and pressure, by-product gas and so on. The power set installed capacity of 200MW, 350MW, 400MW, and 300MW could be constructed in the four typical BF-BOF processes, and power self-sufficient will be promoted by puerchasing a certain proportion steam coal.
