

The Impact of Economic Interdependence on Sino-U.S. Relations

【作者】 李尉华

【导师】 袁鹏;

【作者基本信息】 国际关系学院 , 国际关系, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本文对通过对已有的经济相互依赖概念进行梳理,综合现实主义和自由主义观点的合理内核,对经济相互依赖概念进行了界定,确定了经济相互依赖概念的两个维度:敏感性、脆弱性。并在每个维度选择了考察的指标,给出了经济相互依赖水平的评价方法。在贸易、投资、金融三个领域分别对中美经济相互依赖关系进行了衡量。在中美贸易相互依赖关系中,中国的敏感性要大于美国的敏感性,中国的脆弱性也大于美国,因此,中美贸易相互依赖关系是非对称的,美国在中美贸易关系中处于有利地位,具有可以操纵的权力,但是中国在中美贸易相互依赖关系中的地位在上升,美国的地位在下降,换言之,中美贸易相互依赖关系具有对称性变化趋势。中美直接投资关系同样具有非对称性,美国处于优势地位,从变化趋势上分析,中美投资关系也具有对称性变化趋势。中美金融领域的相互依赖关系,本文主要考察的是中国持有美国巨额国债的情况,认为,中美金融关系并没有形成所谓的“金融恐怖平衡”。经济相互依赖对中美关系产生了积极的影响,也带来了不确定的因素,本文讨论了经济相互依赖给中美关系带来的摩擦,分析了经贸摩擦政治化给中美关系带来的消极影响。以2000年为界把中美关系分为冷战后和新世纪两个时间段,分别考察了经济相互依赖在这两个时段给中美关系带来的积极影响。分析了经济相互依赖的不对称性变化趋势给中美关系带来的影响。本文讨论了在经济相互依赖背景下的中美关系走向和平的必要条件,一是,保证中美经济相互依赖关系的持续稳定发展,特别是在当前金融危机的影响下,中美经济未来的走向更加重要。二是要实现战略稳定。实现战略稳定的前提是建立战略互信。要使中美之间建立战略互信,除了要有机制这个交流和保障平台外,中美还要不断的加强合作,拓展中美关系的未来发展空间,在良性互动中培育新的共识,实现新集体身份的建构,在新的集体身份中,中国是美国的朋友,不是对手,更不是敌人,这样,美国才会其在台湾的利益重新界定。中美关系在经济和安全两个方面有了保障,中美才会走向持久的和平。

【Abstract】 Through carding the concept of economic interdependence , This dissertation synthesize the ratinable views on economic interdependence of realism and liberalism. Defining the concept of economic interdependence, confirming that there are two demensions , the first one is sensibility, the other is vulnerability. And chosing indexes in each demension, giving out the method of how to evaluate the level of economic interdependence.This dissertaion evaluate the economic interdependence In the field of trade,direct investment and finance.In the trade economic interdependence of sino-U.S. Relations ,the sensitivebility of china is bigger than america’s, and zhe vulnerability of china is also bigger than america’s. Therefore, the trade interdependence of sino-U.S. Relations is asymmetric, the U.S. Stand in predominance position, and possess the power of manipulation, but the status of china in the trade interdependence of sino-U.S. Relations is ascending, meanwhile, the status of the U.S. is declining. In other words, the trade interdependence of sino-U.S. Relations possess the trend of symmetry. The direct inveatment relations in sino-U.S. Also has the character of asymmetric, the U.S. Situate dominance position, Analysing in the trend of change, The direct inveatment relations in sino-U.S. Also has the trend of symmetry. In the realm of finance, this dissertation mainly study the situation of which china holding the U.S. treasury bonds. We consider that the sino-U.S. Finance Relations have not formed "Financial balance of terror".the economic interdependence have generated positive impact on sino-U.S. Relations, and also brought uncertain factors, this dissertation discussed the friction which the economic interdependence bring about. Analyzed the impact of Politicization of economic and trade frictions on sino-U.S. Relations. We bordered by 2000 year, divided sino-U.S. Relations into two Periods, one is post-Cold War, the other is The new century. Exploring the Positive impact of the economic interdependence on sino-U.S. Relations. Analysing the infulence of asymmetric trend on sino-U.S. Relations.This dissetation discussed the necessary condition of the Sino-U.S.Relations how to get the way to peace under Economic Interdependence. Firstly, ensuring Sustainable and stable development of the economic interdependence in sino-U.S. Relations, the trend of Sino-US economic relations is more important eapecially under the influence of the current financial crisis. Secondly, To achieve strategic stability. the prequisite of achieving strategic stability is the establishment of strategic mutual trust. To establish a strategic mutual trust between China and the United, in addition to having a mechanism for the exchange and Protection platform, China and the United States also continued to strengthen cooperation. Expansion of the future development space in Sino-US relations. To nurture new consensus in Positive interaction, Achieving new construction of collective identity, In the new collective identity, China is a friend of the United States,rather than a rival, not an enemy. in this way, The United States will redefine its interests in taiwan. with the protection in two areas of the economic and security , the Sino-US relations will get to the way of peace.

  • 【分类号】F125.5;D822.371.2
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】1571