

Study on Design & Development of Farmland Information Management System

【作者】 金宝石

【导师】 郑殿峰; 蔡德利;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江八一农垦大学 , 作物栽培与耕作学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 在农业生产中,农业投入品在多个生产阶段都有使用,食品经济发展中,农业投入品的安全使用是保证食品安全的前提,广大消费者希望对食品生产有更多的了解,而农业生产正处在“从农田到餐桌”这条产业链的源头位置,从而成为溯源管理的重要一环,所以农业信息的管理已经变得越来越迫切。在兼顾信息可用性和溯源管理两个原则的基础上,以农业信息技术为工具,应用实体-关系分析方法建立了农田生产管理信息系统的数据库模型,该模型中有企业、农田、人员、作物、作物品种、农业投入品等实体,也有土地承包合同、整地、播种等关系。在数据库建模工具Microsoft Visio下,绘出了数据库实体关系图,并依据数据库转换原则,将实体关系图转换为SQL Server中的表。通过编程,建立了数据库接口类ClsDatabases,通过ADO.NET技术对SQL Server中的表进行管理。在需要时打开数据库读取数据,编辑后再写回数据库。程序界面采用Visual Studio.NET 2005与第三方控件ESRI MapObjects、DevExpress共同编写,实现了资源管理器式界面的地理信息系统,建立了菜单系统、工具栏、窗体、状态栏等常见界面要素,符合国际流行的习惯标准,既适用,又美观大方。系统经初步试用,能满足农田信息管理的实际需要,以此得出以下结论。(1)本研究通过对国有农场种植业生产的调查,采用种植业数据建模、实体-关系(Entity-Relationship)等方法分析了整个农田信息的内容及相互关系,并结合地块的空间数据,设计与开发出农田信息管理系统,以解决生产管理、科学决策、质量追溯等相关问题;(2)该农田信息管理系统通过在赵光农场、八五〇农场测试后证明,能够满足农田生产信息管理的需要,为指导生产管理、科学决策和质量追溯提供可靠的信息支撑;(3)该农田信息管理系统的建立,大幅度地降低了农业生产管理成本,提高了农业生产管理效率和科学决策水平,从而进一步提高了农业生产效率,促进了现代农业的可持续发展;(4)该农田信息管理系统的建立,实现了农产品生产全过程的信息集成、动态监控和质量追溯,保证了农产品质量安全和消费者健康,从而提高了农产品的市场竞争力,促进了农业增产、农户增收、农场增效。

【Abstract】 In agricultural production, the agricultural investment has the use in many production bases, in food economic development, the agricultural investment’s safety handling is guaranteed that food security premise, the general consumers hope more understandings to food production, but the agricultural production is occupying“from farmland to dinner table”this industrial chain’s source position, thus becomes the tracing management important link, therefore , agricultural information’s management already became more and more urgent.In proper attention to both information usability and the tracing manage two principles in the foundations, take the agricultural information technology as the tool, the application entity - relationship analysis method has established agricultural production management information system’s database model, in this model had entities and so on enterprise, farmland, personnel, crops, crop assortment, agricultural investment, also had relations and so on and contracting contract, preparation of soil, sowing seeds. Under database modelling tool Microsoft Visio, drew the database entity relational graph, and based on the database transformation principle, the entity relational graph transformation was in the SQL Server table.Through the programming, has established database interface class ClsDatabases, carries on management through the ADO.NET technology to the SQL Server table. When need opens database read data, after the edition, writes the database again.The procedure contact surface used Visual Studio.NET 2005 to control ESRI MapObjects, DevExpress with the third party to compile together, has realized the resources supervisor type contact surface geographic information system, has established the menu system, the toolbar, the window, the condition fence and so on ,common contact surface essential factor, conformed to the international popular custom standard, both were suitable, and elegant appearance.The system can satisfy farmland information management actual need through preliminary test, then we can draw these conclusions.(1) The study has designed and developed farmland information management system in order to solve those questions of production management, scientific decision-making, quality tracing and so on, through investigating on state farm crop production, analyzing content and correlation of the whole farmland information by means of crop production data modeling and Entity-Relationship analysis method, and combining plot space data.(2) After preliminary test in the Zhaoguang Farm and Bawuling Farm, the farmland information management system has been proved that it can satisfy demand of farmland information management and offer reliable information support for production management, scientific decision-making, quality tracing .(3) The foundation of the farmland information management system can reduce the cost of agricultural production management, heighten agricultural production management efficiency and scientific decision-making level, improve agriculture productivity accordingly, and boost continuance development of the modern agriculture.(4) The foundation of the farmland information management system can realize information integrating, dynamic supervising and quality tracing of the whole process of farm produce production, ensure farm produce safety and customers’health, improve the ability of farm produce market competition, and accelerate agriculture increase production, farmer increase income, farm increase benefit.

【关键词】 农田信息管理系统设计开发
【Key words】 farmland informationmanagement systemdesignexploitation