

Study on the Relationship between Plant Type and Quality and Quality Characteristics of Early Japonica Rice in Cold Region

【作者】 张子军

【导师】 冯永祥;

【作者基本信息】 黑龙江八一农垦大学 , 作物栽培与耕作学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 本研究针对寒地特殊的生态环境,以180份早粳稻资源为试材,分析了稻米品质、农艺性状和产量及产量构成因素的变异,系统研究了寒地早粳稻品质的特点,并运用多种统计方法,对株型指标及稻米品质性状进行综合分析,探讨了品质性状间的相互关系以及根、茎、叶、穗等株型指标与品质的相互关系,主要结果如下:1、水稻种质资源的生育特性、植株形态、穗部性状等株型性状均具有极显著的差异性,如千粒重变化在14.2~33.0g,。品质测定结果表明,种质资源材料的碾磨、营养品质均较优,其中整精米率达国标一级标准的为67.5%。外观品质则较差,特别是垩白粒率、垩白度表现较差,仅有6.1%和1.2%的品种达到了国标优质稻谷一级标准,是今后水稻品质育种改良的重点。2、稻米品质性状间具有多重的、复杂的相关关系。偏相关分析表明:精米率与糙米率间呈极显著正相关,与整精米率呈显著正相关;垩白粒率与粒长宽比呈显著负相关,与粒宽呈显著正相关;直链淀粉含量与碱消值呈极显著正相关,而与蛋白质含量呈极显著负相关。3、株型与品质的相关分析表明:品质性状和茎叶性状、穗部性状之间都存在着不同程度的相关关系。增大倒2叶基角,减小倒3叶基角可提高蛋白质和直链淀粉含量,降低垩白粒率。回归和通径分析也表明,株型与品质性状有着显著的、复杂的线性关系。其中,增加倒3节间粗度、倒1节间长、剑叶面积、二次枝梗结实率减小剑叶叶基角、着粒密度、穗粒数都有利于提高稻米品质。4、水稻高产和优质在单位面积穗数、千粒重、着粒密度上是有矛盾的,而在单株有效穗数和二次枝梗结实率上是不矛盾的,因此,在控制一定的单位面积穗数和着粒密度的前提下,提高单株有效分蘖数和二次枝梗结实率来达到优质和高产的有机结合。5、理想品质株型模式:株高95~110cm;茎杆粗壮,株型紧松适中;剑叶长而窄,倒2叶叶面积大,叶挺立,剑叶叶基角15°左右,叶绿素SPAD值在41左右;单穗重2.2g左右,着粒密度5.5~6.6个/cm,结实率高,千粒重22g左右,穗数/㎡在475穗左右,理论产量在9t/hm2左右。

【Abstract】 180 early janopica rice varieties (or lines) were studied in special ecological environment of cold region. The variation of rice quality, agronomic traits and yield and yield components were discussed. This experiment systematically studies the paddy rice quality characteristic and make comprehensive analysis on the plant type of rice quality traits through varieties of statistical methods. The correlation of different quality trait and stem,leaf characters,panicle characters and rice quality were clarified.The main results were as follows:1. The birth characteristic,adult plant shape,ear of character of idioplasm resources agronomic characters have the extremely remarkable difference,like weight of a thousand seeds change in 14.2-33.0g.The results showed that most of varieties had better nutritional and cooking quality than others quality.Head milled rice rate of 67.5% varieties reached First class’s standard of grain quality.The differences of CR and CD among varieties were significant.According to high quality rough rice qualitative index, China (GB/T17891-1999),6.1% and 1.2% varieties reached First class’s standard of grain quality score.CR and CD will be the emphases of rice qulity breeding in future.2. Multiple and complex correlation exist among each character. The results of partial correlation analysis indicated that Milled rice rate was supreme significantly positive correlation with brown rice rate, but significantly correlation with Head milled rice rate.There were significantly negative correlation between chalkiness grain rate and grain length/width and had significantly positive correlation with grain width. The results also showed that amylose content had supremely positive significant correlation with gel consistency,but had supremely significantly negative correlation with protein content.3. Correlation analyse showed that rice quality characters was relative to straw and leaves traits and panicle type characters. Increasing width of the 3rd leaf from the top can be improve Head rice rate and length / width and angle between leaf and stem of the 3rd leaf from the top was smaller, amylose and protein content was higher and chalkiness was less in certain range. Regression and path analysis indicated that the character of quality has the complicated linear relation with plant type characters. longer the 1st internode from the top,bigger Flag leaf area,smaller the 3rd leaf area from the top area,lesser angle between leaf and stem of flag leaf, medium grain density,fewer grain number per panicle and higher secondary branches Setting rate can be used to select offspring with high quilty.4. There were contradictions in panicles per square meter, 1000-grain weight and grain density between high yeild and high quality. We should enhance the choice of effective tillers number and kernel set on the second rachis-branches.5. Ideal quality plant type model: Height 95-110cm; stem sturdy, compact plant type moderate; flag leaf long and narrow, 2nd leaf from the top area was bigger leaf stand, The angle between leaf and stem of flag leaf is about 15°, value of chlorophyll SPAD is about 41, single spike weight 2.2g. grain density 5.5~6.6, the higher seeding setting rate, 1000-grain weight 22g, Panicles per square meter is about 475, The yield is 9 t/hm2; grain number/leaf weight is 250 per gram.

【关键词】 寒地早粳稻株型品质
【Key words】 Cold regionJaponica RicePlant tapeQuality