

Structure Design of Supersonic Swirling Separator and Research of Flowfield Character

【作者】 魏江东

【导师】 曹学文;

【作者基本信息】 中国石油大学 , 油气储运工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 超声速天然气旋流分离器是一项用于天然气处理的新工艺,它将绝热膨胀、低温凝析、旋流分离、减速扩压等处理过程都在一个密闭紧凑的装置内完成,该装置无移动部件,无再生系统,能够有效的降低设备投资投资和运行费用。本文在国内外原有研究的基础之上,采用先旋流再膨胀的原理设计出一种新型的超音速旋流分离器,这种分离器其旋流发生部件创新性的采用楔形体加旋流叶片的形式,并把旋流器后移至拉法尔喷管的收缩段,能在不影响膨胀制冷的前提下取得更好的旋流效果,大大提高分离器的效率。在旋流分离器设计中旋流叶片的选择是至关重要的一部分。叶片必须既要提供很好气体旋流作用,又不能对喷管的膨胀过程造成太大的影响。经过FLUNT数值模拟,表明叶形选E186、叶片安装角为40~42o、叶片扭曲角为30o、叶片安装位置为94~96mm、叶片数目为12个,楔形体曲率取1:4时,能保证分离器高效正常的工作。另外,喷管亚声速收缩段按照双三次曲线成比例的缩小设计,喉部设计成一段光滑圆弧,扩张段采用圆弧过渡、直线段加富尔士消波法设计,喷管出口流速均匀性较好,具有较小的能量损失,后部的扩压段设计为锥形扩压器。文章的最后对新型超音速旋流分离器的流动特性、总压损失、升压比、出口和入口压力范围、流量适应范围等进行了模拟计算,并和国外其他两种设计方法做了比较,模拟表明本文设计的超音速旋流分离器在膨胀和旋流方面都能获得更好的效果。

【Abstract】 The supersonic swirling separator is a revolutionary new natural gas processing technology. The separator has thermodynamics similar to a turbo-expander, combining thermal insulation expansion, low temperature condensation, swirling separation and re-compression in a compact tubular device. It has no moving parts, and the need for associated regeneration systems is eliminated. So the new technology can cut capital and operating expenditures effectively.In this paper, based on the original study both at home and abroad, a new type of supersonic swirling separater was designed Under the principles of first expansion and then swirling,whose Swirl component use wedge-shaped body and swirling leaves.What’s more,the swirler is placed at the condensation section of nozzle,so the separater can obtain better cyclone effects and raise the efficiency greatly.The swirler is the key part of the separator.According to the design requirements of swirler,the structure of swirler was a wedge with several swirling vanes.By numerical simulation,its optimum structural parameters was determined as follows: E186 phylliform preferred as swirling vanes, the swirling vanes installed by the angle of 40 to 42 degrees and twisted by 30 degrees,the location for the installation of 94 to 96mm,the number of 12, and the wedge curvature of 1:4.Besides,subsonic convergent section of Laval nozzle is designed according to double cubic curve method, throat is designed as a smooth circular arc, and supersonic divergent section is designed on the basis of arc transition、linear portion and Foelsch method. The stream from this type of nozzle has preferable uniformity of velocity, less energy loss.And the diffusion section is designed according to conical contour.At the last part of the article, the new hydrocyclone supersonic flow characteristics, total pressure loss, step-up ratio, the scope of the export and import of pressure, and flow self-adaptive scope is simulated.the simulation compares the other two methods of foreign and shows that the supersonic swirling separater designed in this paper is able to obtain better results about swirling and expansion effectivenesses.

【关键词】 超声速旋流器叶片数值模拟
【Key words】 supersonicsswirlerswirling vanesnumerical simulation
  • 【分类号】TE977
  • 【被引频次】5
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