

Research of HK-2 Sylvite Logging Spectrometer

【作者】 田春华

【导师】 任家富;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 应用地球物理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 我国钾肥消费的增长趋势在未来几十年将保持下去,预计到2010年将达到1000万吨以上,约占世界总产量的1/4,市场金额将超过14亿美元。如果届时如此大量的钾肥供应依然绝大部分来自于国际市场,我国将承担巨大的贸易风险。一旦出现大的价格波动或极端事件,将给我国农业发展带来严重影响。同时如果这样巨大的钾肥市场都让给外国,对我国经济发展本身就是一种损失。我国钾盐产品价格严重受制于国际市场,钾盐已列为国家急缺重点加强矿种。目前我国钾盐资源产量远远低于我国的现代农业的发展要求;钾盐资源不仅可以带动相关产业,促进国家的经济发展,而且有利于缓解我国钾盐进口压力,提高农业附加值。同时,该项目对解决当地就业,促进相关贸易及边疆地区的繁荣稳定也有重要意义。本文对γ能谱测量技术的相关原理及系统整体实现方案进行讨论,设计以DSP为控制器的γ能谱数据采集系统,研究并将其应用于钾盐矿藏测井中,为我国钾盐矿藏能源的开发提供指导性意义。本文介绍系统的人机界面、中断采集程序、串行通信程序、上位机软件处理程序以及数据至Auto CAD的文件格式转换等相关内容。本课题通过一年的努力,利用DSP(TMS320LF2407)自带的ADC完成多道γ能谱测量,并通过PC机向下位机发送控制命令字,实现仪器参数的控制、数据的采集与传输,在PC端进行数据的显示与成图处理。通过本课题的研究,实现了γ能谱仪在钾盐矿藏测井中的指导性作用,具有良好的人机界面,可用于现场测量。

【Abstract】 China’s growth trend of potash consumption in the coming decades will continue, predicts 2010 will reach 100 million tons of the world’s total, approximately 1/4, market value will exceed $14 billion. If most of such large amounts of potash supply is still from the international market ,China will bear huge trade risk. Once big price fluctuations or extreme events appears, it will brings China agriculture development very serious influence. Meanwhile,If hand over such huge market to foreign countries, potash on China’s economic development is itself a big loss. The price of sylvite product is seriously restricted by the international market, potassium by serious shortage has been listed as countries focus on strengthening minerals.At present the potash resources in China is far below the production requirements of the development of modern agriculture, Not only can promote the potash resources related industry, enhance the development of national economy, but also helps to relieve pressure, improve sylvite imported agricultural value. At the same time, this project to solve the local employment, promoting trade and related to the prosperity and stability of border area also has important significance.This gamma spectrometer for measuring technology of related principle and system implementation scheme are discussed, with DSP controller design for the gamma spectrometer, the study of data acquisition system and its application in the potassium mineral logging, as sylvite deposits offer guidance significance to the development of energy. This essay introduces system??n-machine interface, interrupt collection procedures, serial communication program, PC software and data processing program to Auto CAD file format conversion and other related content.This topic using DSP (TMS320LF2407) brings ADC multichannel measurement, andγspectrometer through PC machine control commands sent down, realize the control parameters, instrument, data collection and transmission of the data in the PC display and mapping.
