

The Research on the Characteristicis of Ordovician in Salt Covered Area of Southern Tahe Oilfeild

【作者】 顾炎午

【导师】 李国蓉;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 矿产普查与勘探, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 塔河油田南部盐下地区是指塔河油田南部C1b盐体尖灭线与中石化塔河油田南部矿权登记边界线所包围的区域。该区域经过近几年的勘探和滚动开发,已形成了S106井区、S112井区两个奥陶系油气开发区块;2007年,该区东部阿探区块的AT5井又在奥陶系获得高产稳产工业性油气流,进一步加强了对这一广大区域勘探开发的信心。但已有的勘探开发也表明该区域奥陶系,储层类型多样,储层成因机制复杂,储层发育非均质性强,为进一步勘探带来了困难。本次论文通过对研究区取芯井奥陶系的岩芯和薄片的观察,将研究区的储集空间分为五大类:溶蚀孔隙类、溶蚀孔洞类、洞穴类、风化裂缝类、构造裂缝类。再根据储渗空间类型及其组合特征、赋存岩石类型和层位、以及成因机制方面的差异性,将区内奥陶系发育的储层划分为溶蚀缝孔洞型储层、岩溶洞穴型储层、溶蚀孔隙型储层、裂缝型储层等四种类型,并总结了这四种类型储层的测井响应特征,对全区近70口井的奥陶系地层进行了储层的划分。重点对塔河南部盐下的岩溶(溶蚀)作用进行了研究,总结了各种岩溶(溶蚀)的识别标志及特征。在此基础上了对研究区的储层的发育分布控制因素进行了研究,总结了各类储层的形成机制。认为研究区内溶蚀孔隙型储层为同生期或受四-五级高频层序界面控制的滩体暴露-大气水溶蚀作用形成;良里塔格组顶部岩溶孔洞型储层是在加里东中期运动第二幕时,在滩体发育的基础上,遭受加里东中期运动第二幕不整合面大气水溶蚀改造形成的;由北而南的贯穿性断裂控制的岩溶洞穴型储层遵循的是大气水沿断裂通道渗入流动岩溶机制;而在研究区沿缝溶孔洞型储层可能为热液作用成因。结合洞穴系统连通型分析、储层地震响应特征、地震属性分析,井震结合,对研究区储层分布进行了预测。研究区岩溶洞穴型储层发育的有利区带往往是沿由北而南贯穿性断裂带呈南北向条带状分布,而沿缝溶蚀孔洞型储层发育的有利区域与研究区的小断裂密切相关。初步建立了塔河南部盐下地区奥陶系储层评价标准,在研究区优质储层主要沿着几条由北而南贯穿性断裂带发育。

【Abstract】 The salt covered area of southern tahe oilfeild is an area that be surrounded by the wedge-out boundary of C1b rock salt and mining right boundary of the southern tahe oilfield of Sinopec. In recent years,the area has formed a S106 borefild, S112 borefild two Ordovician oil and gas development block through a rolling exploration and development. In 2007, the AT5 well that located east of the atan block obtain high and stable yield industrial oil and gas flow in Ordovician, to further strengthen its exploration and development confidence in the vast region.However, the exploration and development have also shown that the reservoir of Ordovician in the region have character of itself,that the types is varied , the genetic mechanism is complex, the heterogeneity of reservoir is high, and take the difficult for further exploration.In this paper, by observing the drill core and sheet, the reservoir pore space of the region of interest is divided into five main categories: porosity, vug, cave, fracture of weathering and tectoclase.According to the differet type of pore space、the rock types、the horizon and the genetic mechanism,the reservoir of Ordovician in the region is divided into reservoir of karst fracture-cave system, reservoir of karst caves , reservoir of dissolved pores, reservoir of fracture, and summarized the response characteristics of the logging of the four types reservoir ,then, the reservoir of nearly 70 wells in the region have been divised.Focusing on the karstification(dissolution)that occurred in salt covered of southern Tahe Oilfield, the author firstly summarized the the karst(dissolution)characteristics of the identification mark in the study area, Secondly, the reservoir-forming mechanism was generalized, by means of studying the controlling factors on the development and distribution of reservoir in the study area, yielding an understanding that, in the study area, the reservoir of dissolved pores followed chemical erosion of atmospheric water mechanism in syn-sedimentary ; The karst vugs at the top of Lianglitage Formation followed the karst of atmospherc water mechanism that dominated the parallelism unconformable surface of theⅡaction in the middle caledonian Orogeny .The karstic cavernous reservoir controlled by a huge fault trending from north to south, followed the infiltration flow karst mechanism of atmospheric water, however, vug reservoir controlled by the distribution of fractures probably followed the hydrothermal activity mechanism.On the basis of the seismic response of reservoir, attribute analysis, combination of well and seismic data, the author carried out study on the selection of favorable reservoir facies belt, the results show that the karstic cavernous reservoir favorable facies belt is generally present along the S-N trending huge faulted zone mentioned above, presenting a strip-shaped distribution. The vug reservoir controlled by the distribution of fractures favorable facies belt is development of llittle fractures in the region of interest.Evaluation standard on the Ordovician reservoir for the study area was preliminary established, excellent reservoir is mainly distributed along several S-N trending faulted zones.
