

Distribution Rule of Gas and Water in the Second Member of Shanxi Formation in Zi-Zhou Area

【作者】 杨露

【导师】 冯文光; 杨宇;

【作者基本信息】 成都理工大学 , 油气田开发工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 储集层作为油气储集的场所和油气开发的对象,历来是油气藏开发所关注的重点。储集层空间分布与性质好坏,决定了储集流体的空间分布特征,最终直接影响气井产能和气藏开发。子洲地区山西组2段气藏砂体物性变化较大,砂体储集岩性较多,是典型的低孔低渗气藏,受构造-岩性控制。在有效识别储集层基础上再有效识别气藏流体,摸清砂体空间分布特征和流体分布规律,能够合理制定气井产能和气藏开发策略,为气藏的高效合理开发提供保证,延长气藏生命周期,提高最终采收率。结合子洲气藏山2气藏地质特征,论文以常规测井资料为基础,结合现场多口井岩芯描述结果,提取对应的砂、泥和煤岩性的相关测井属性特征,综合应用多元判别分析和BP神经网络方法科学有效的识别了山2岩性;在综合识别各单井砂体基础之上,分析了研究区山2砂体的平面展布规律;通过测井属性和岩芯分析结果对比拟合,建立了有效的孔、渗、饱测井参数解释模型;在定义不同产层标准基础上,采用流体声阻抗、多元判别分析和支持向量机等多种方法研究不同产层流体测井响应特征及判识,并对全区单井储层流体进行了有效识别,筛选出了流体判别的一些较好方法;最后结合水化学分析数据和生产井动态数据,建立起工区不同水型的判别标准,并指出富水区和气水界面所在,讨论了富水区生产井的生产管理。结果表明,子洲山2气藏砂体分布较复杂,山23小层是气藏主力产层;多元判别方法和BP神经网络方法识别岩性效果较好,可以应用于工区的岩性识别中;论文建立的储层孔渗饱解释模型较好;在讨论的流体识别方法中,推荐使用多元判别分析、流体声阻抗法和支持向量机进行子洲气田山2段流体识别;多角度全面分析了全区53口投产井的生产动态特征和全区不同水类的离子化学特征,按照水气比变化特点将投产井划分为水气比上升、水气比稳定和水气比下降三大类来讨论;全面系统总结出工区所有投产井的出水机理,即透镜体水、致密地层水和边底水;结合水样离子分析资料进一步分析了不同地层水的水化学特征和离子参数分布规律,计算了不同地层水的特征系数,制定了工区不同水型的识别标准;同时,论文指出工区存在三大块富水区,且富水区地层水性质存在较大差异;提出了工区透镜体水和致密地层水与边底水矿化度差别受凝析水稀释影响的观点。根据渗流力学理论,对比气井产能方程,结合相对渗透率曲线,从含水饱和度角度讨论了产水对产能影响;建立了边底水的气藏理想模型,计算了气井排水采气合理井径、合理产量和合理生产压差;以气水剖面为手段剖析了研究区气水空间分布特征,指出气藏不存在统一的气水界面,且至西向东气水界面相差较大,进而指出了无水区及潜在含水区所在;最后系统总结了研究区的四类气水分布模式,提出工区内地层水型可能受煤层水影响的观点。通过研究,对子洲山2气藏砂体展布及流体空间分布特征有了更明确的认识,也为现场应用特别是合理制订气藏开发方式、延长气藏无水采气期,延长气藏稳产时间、提高气藏采收率等提供可靠依据。

【Abstract】 Reservoir is defined as a place to accumulate oil and gas or a subject of hydrocarbon bearing pool empoldering, which is focused by oil & gas development engineers. Distribution and quality of the reservoir determine the fluid reservoir spatial distribution. Ultimately they make a direct impact on gas production and gas reservoir development. Physical property of gas pool in Shanxi-2 formation in Zizhou area has a great change, and it has more lithologic character. it is a typical low-porosity & low-permeability formation, which is controlled by structure and lithology. Based on the effective identification of the reservoir, It is useful for high efficient and reasonable development through effective liquid identification and confirming liquid distribution.Considering the geologic characteristics, based on traditional logging data and getting logging properties of sand, shale, and coal from description of rock core, this paper has scientifically and effectively identified lithology with multiple discriminant analysis and BP neural network, and analyzed the distribution of sand body after identify the sand of single well. This paper has established log interpretation modeling through fitting the logging properties and rock core analytic data, such as porosity, permeability and water saturation. At the same time, the author tries to study pay formation liquid log response and discrimination via some different methods, such as fluid acoustic impedance, multiple discriminant analysis and support vector machine, based on different production formation criterion and selects some applicable methods. At last, according to water chemistry and production data, the paper establishes the identification criterion for different water, and further points out the rich water area, the altitude of water contact, and the management of production wells where are nearby the rich water area.The results have shown that Shan-23 is the major productive formation. Multiple discriminant analysis and BP neural network are useful for the identification of the lithology. And the log interpretation modeling is effective. Multiple discriminant analysis, fluid acoustic impedance and support vector machine are the recommended practicable methods for Zi-Zhou reservoir during all the discussed methods. In addition, this paper sums up three water output mechanisms of lenticular water, tight water and fringe/basal water combined production performance data of 53 brought-in wells that are divided to raised, sustained, and descendant water/gas ratio, and global water chemical analysis data, and works out the recognition criteria of different water. In addition, the paper points that there are three rich water areas during the reach area and there is different characteristic for different water of the three rich water areas. Besides, the paper is also points that the total salinity of fringe/basal water was not different from lenticular water and tight water because of the condensed water. Calling on water saturation, this paper has discussed the relationship between production water and production gas. Considering the relationship, this paper has built the gas field modeling containing fringe/basal water, calculated the feasible well diameter, output and drawdown pressure. According to the prior study, this paper researches the liquid distribution based on gas-water section, and points that the gas reservoir does not have united gas/water surface, and the surface differed from west to east. Simultaneously, the paper points the location of no-water and potential-water. At last, the paper generalizes four gas/water distribution patterns and proposes the concept that the formation water salinity is affected by coal water.Sand body and liquid distribution of Shan-2 gas reservoir have become clearer than ever before through this research, which also provide a reliable basis for gas reservoir exploitation, prolonging water free gas recovery and stable production period of gas well, enhancing gas recovery, etc, in further research.
