

Research of Human Friendly Design of Roadside Greenbelt

【作者】 但迪

【导师】 朱捷;

【作者基本信息】 重庆大学 , 景观建筑学, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 目前快速、大规模的城市建设正在迅速地改变着我国的城市面貌。然而如何在城市巨变的同时能真正提升城市的总体品质,如何使城市成为具备生机和活力的人性场所,成为现今从事城市设计和建设的有关人士关注的热点。从宏观层面来看,城市空间的总体品质是由建筑的“实体”空间和建筑之间的“虚体”空间,这两种空间的品质来共同决定的。需要强调的是,在城市建筑间所谓的“虚”体空间内,不仅是承载市民丰富多彩的日常活动的场所,而且是人们感知城市的主要空间,也是构成城市景观的重要因素,同时还是构成城市绿色基础设施的主要部分。因此在城市规划设计体系中,有关城市绿地系统和城市公共空间系统的研究,从不同的视角对城市“虚”体空间的品质提升起到了关键的作用。街旁绿地作为公共开放空间和城市绿地系统中的重要组成部分,因其具有开放性、可达性、袖珍性和多样性等特点,与市民日常行为和生活密切相关,在承载着大量的市民日常活动的同时,也起着美化城市景观和改善城市生态的重要作用。城市街旁绿地的发展是我国合理利用土地资源,短时间内改善城市微观环境,提升城市环境质量的一种有效途径。因此,加强对城市街旁绿地的研究,尤其是对街旁绿地的“场所人性化”的研究,即充分关注街旁绿地内展开的活动类型和现有的使用状况,在深入调研的基础上归纳总结正反两方面的经验。希望该研究能有助于今后的设计实践,使街旁绿地的设计和建设切实达到满足市民的各类活动需求、提升城市形象、改善城市环境质量的目的。论文依据指导街旁绿地的相关基础理论,对成都市街旁绿地内的活动和使用现状展开较为详尽的实地调查,分析其优、缺点,并针对主要的三种街旁绿地的类型总结出指导其场所人性化的一系列设计对策,具体探讨营造适宜人们需求的街旁绿地设计方法和途径。本文的篇章结构如下:第一章:绪论,主要提出问题,阐述了街旁绿地的重要性、街旁绿地设计中存在的问题以及街旁绿地研究的紧迫性与必要性,论文研究的目的和实践意义,国内外的相关研究与实践,研究的理论基础,同时确定论文的研究方法以及实施框架。第二章:街旁绿地概述,论述街旁绿地的概念、特征、类型、功能、发展的新趋势以及街旁绿地活动与空间设计的核心问题。第三章:街旁绿地中使用者的环境行为研究,首先从人、行为与环境的基本规律分析了人与环境相互作用、环境对行为的影响以及人的基本需要。其次运用环境行为学等相关理论,对街旁绿地中使用者的心理需求与行为需求进行分析,为下文提出场所人性化的设计对策奠定理论基础。第四章:案例调查,以成都市为例,采用了实地调研与问卷调查相结合的方式,对不同类型的街旁绿地在区位环境、空间设计、行为活动、公共设施、水景设施、公共艺术等方面进行研究分析,总结其成功和不足之处。同时对成都市街旁绿地的建设实践进行反思和总结。第五章:总结三种类型街旁绿地场所人性化的设计对策,在前文章节实地调研的基础上,对不同类型街旁绿地使用者的需求以及不同类型街旁绿地使用者的行为特征进行分析与总结。最后分别从入口与边界、空间构成、公共设施、水景设施和公共艺术五个方面得出不同类型街旁绿地场所人性化的设计对策。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, fast and large-scale constructions are rapidly changing the look of China cities. How to upgrade the city and make city a human friendly environment is becoming a concern of city planners and architecture professionals. From macro perspective, the quality of city space is decided by architecture’s solid space and virtual space. What needs to be emphasized is that virtual space is not only the venue for civilian’s various acitivities, but also where people sense the city. The virtual space is an important element of city landscape and city green infrastructure. Therefore, in city planning, the research of greenbelt and city public space plays a key role in enhancing the virtual space quality from different angles.Roadside Greenbelt is an important part in public outdoor space and city greenbelt system. It is closely related to people daily life because it is open, accessible, small scale and diversified. It plays a key role in beautifying city landscape and improving ecosystem. The development of Roadside Greenbelt is a way of utilizing land resource, improving city micro-environment in short time and the quality of city environment. Hence, the research of Roadside Greenbelt, especially human friendly direction, has to focus on activities and usage, and summarize the positive and negative impact based on fieldwork. Hopefully, this kind of research can facilitate design practices, further cater to human needs on different activities, enhance city profile and improve city’s environment quality.Based on relevant theory of Roadside Greenbelt, fieldwork was conducted on activity and current situation of Roadside Greenbelt in Chengdu. Strength and weakness are analyzed on the major 3 kinds of Roadside Greenbelt. A series of design guidance is developed in order to better cater to human needs. The paper framework is as following,Chapter one: Introduction.It sets forth the importance of Roadside Greenbelt and the problems with the design. Then emphasizing the urgency and neccessity of the research on the roadside greenbelt. It introduces the objective of the research and practical meaning, domestic and foreign relevant research and practices, theoretical basis, and nails down the research methodology and framework.Chapter two: Introduction of Street Greenbelt. Introduction of Roadside Greenbelt’s concept, character,category, function, development trend and core issues in designing activity and space in greenbelt. Chapter three: Roadside Greenbelt user behavior research. First, analysis is conducted for interaction between human and environment, environment’s influence on behavior and human needs based on human, behavior and environment. Secondly, analysis is conducted for psychological and physical needs on greenbelt based on environment behavior theory. This is to build up the theoretical basis for following Human Friendly Design.Chapter four: Case Study .A case study is performed in Chengdu. Fieldwork and questionnaire are applied in analysis and research of regional environment, space design, activity, public facility ,waterfront,and public arts in different Roadside Greenbelts in order to summarize the success and weakness. And making reflections and suggestions on Chengdu’s Roadside Greenbelt practicesChapter five: Design Guidance for Three kinds of Human Friendly Design of Roadside Greenbelt.Based on the frontal analysis, analyzing the different demands of Roadside Greenbelt and the behaviors of different users of Roadside Greenbelt.The human friendly design guidance is concluded for different Roadside Greenbelts in terms of 5 aspects, entrance and boundary, space construction, public facility, waterfront and public arts.

【关键词】 街旁绿地人性化场所活动空间
【Key words】 Roadside GreenbeltHuman friendlyPlaceActivitySpace
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 重庆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 12期
  • 【分类号】TU985.122
  • 【被引频次】21
  • 【下载频次】1269
  • 攻读期成果