

Synthesis and Character of Double-side Acrylate Liquid Crystallines Used in Brightness Enhancement Film

【作者】 杜新语

【导师】 段洪东;

【作者基本信息】 山东轻工业学院 , 应用化学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 增亮膜用液晶材料是近年涌现出来的研究热点,双端丙烯酸酯类液晶化合物是其中重要的一种原料,它有较好的光电性能,这类液晶化合物在信息存储和混晶材料的配制等方面也具有很大的应用潜力。本文对两个增亮膜用双端丙烯酸酯类液晶材料的合成进行了研究,根据链段的不同,采用了不同的工艺路线,合成出了两种双端丙烯酸酯类液晶化合物,一种含碳三烷氧基链段,一种含碳四烷氧基链段。第一种方案,合成含碳三烷氧基链段的双端丙烯酸酯类液晶化合物。合成分为以下三步:第一步是对羟基苯甲酸与3-氯丙醇反应生成4-(3-羟基丙氧基)苯甲酸,从而在对羟基苯甲酸上引入了柔性链段;第二步是将产物与丙烯酰氯反应,从而生成含双键的4-(3-丙烯酸酯丙氧基)苯甲酸;第三步是将上一步产物与邻甲基对苯二酚在DCC和DMAP催化下进行酯化反应,从而生成含碳三液晶基元的双端丙烯酸酯类液晶化合物。第二种方案,合成含碳四烷氧基链段的双端丙烯酸酯类液晶化合物。合成分为以下四步:第一步是四氢呋喃在氯化锌催化下与乙酰氯反应生成4-氯丁基乙酸酯,得到保护的4-氯丁醇;第二步是作为液晶基元的4-(4-羟基丁氧基)苯甲酸的合成,首先,4-乙酸酯丁基氯与对羟基苯甲酸乙酯在DMF中进行醚化,然后将产物在碱性条件下水解,最后用盐酸酸化得所要的4-(4-羟基丁氧基)苯甲酸;第三步是将产物与丙烯酰氯反应,从而生成含双键的4-(4-丙烯酸酯丁氧基)苯甲酸;第四步是将上一步产物与邻甲基对苯二酚在DCC和DMAP催化下进行酯化反应,从而生成含碳四液晶基元的双端丙烯酸酯类液晶化合物。采用显微熔点测定仪、红外光谱、核磁、DSC等手段对制备的两种双端丙烯酸酯类液晶分子进行了表征和性能测试。结果表明,两种液晶分子都具有非常好的液晶性,两者都为向列相液晶分子,而且它们的液晶性能很稳定。

【Abstract】 Liquid crystals used in brightness enhancement film, is a new style function materials in these years. Double-side acrylate liquid crystallines with good photo-electricity performance is one important materials of BEF. It has good application potentiality in the field of information storage and mixed liquid crystals. Two double-side chain liquid crystal acrylates, one with three carbon spacers and the other with four carbon spacers, were prepared in different processes.In the first process, liquid crystal double-side acrylate with three carbon alkoxy chain was synthesized, which is divided into three steps: firstly, 4-(3-Hydroxypropoxy) benzoic acid was made by p-hydroxybenzoic acid with 3-Chloropropanol, and the flexible spaces were added into p-hydroxybenzoic acid; secondly, 4-(3-Acryloyl oxypropyloxy) benzoic acid was produced by the product with acryloyl chloride; thirdly, it was esterificated with o-hydroquinone in the DCC and DMAP-catalyzed, in order to generate the double-side acrylate liquid crystal with three carbon alkoxy chain mesogenic unit.In the second process, liquid crystal double-side acrylate with four carbon alkoxy chain was synthesized, which is divided into three steps: firstly, 4-Chlorobutyl acetate was made by Tetrahydrofuran and Acetic chloride with ZnCl2 as a catalyst; sencondly, the synthesis of 4-(4-Hydroxybutoxy) benzoic acid as mesogenic unit, was produced by 4-Chlorobutyl acetate with ethyl p-hydroxybenzoate in DMF, then hydrolysis under alkaline condition, and acidification with hydrochloric acid; secondly, 4-(4-Acryloyl oxybutoxy) benzoic acid was produced by the product with acryloyl chloride; thirdly, it was esterificated with o-hydroquinone in the DCC and DMAP-catalyzed, in order to generate the double-side acrylate liquid crystal with three carbon alkoxy chain mesogenic unit.Result of performance measurement of the two double-side acrylate liquid crystallines by melting point apparatus、IR and DSC shows that they are of perfect liquid crystal performance, the two are all nematic liquid crystals, and their liquid crystal performance is very stable.
