

Study and Realize of Automated Compilation System for Train Timetable Based on OLE Technology

【作者】 李素强

【导师】 吕红霞;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 交通信息工程及控制, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 当前我国经济快速发展,对铁路运输需求越来越大,加强铁路信息化建设水平提高铁路运输能力变得更为重要。针对列车运行图调整频率高、人工编排时刻表效率低的问题,开发一个具有自动生成和智能排版功能的列车时刻表编排系统显得十分必要和极为迫切。这不仅能够极大地降低有关时刻表编排的劳动强度、提高劳动效率、准确率,而且为相关部门提供良好的辅助工具,具有十分广阔的应用前景和很好的现实意义。论文首先描述了当前时刻表问题的现状,并指出时刻表白动生成问题的技术难点,介绍了时刻表的概念和意义。论文从系统的设计流程、系统功能设计、系统的数据库设计和开发环境四方面进行系统的详细设计,然后分析时刻表智能编排数学模型,给出时刻表自动生成和智能排版具体实现过程,给出时刻表时刻表自动生成和时刻表智能排版问题的解决方案。论文重点研究了OLE自动化技术和XML DOM技术,并将其应用在列车时刻表系统当中,实现自动生成和智能排版。介绍并实现列车时刻表智能编排系统的各功能子系统,包括时刻表自动生成和智能排版子系统、时刻表调整子系统,以及相关实现界面。最后总结全文,并指出论文所做工作以及系统的问题与展望。

【Abstract】 With the fast development of the economy of our country, the demand for the railway is getting greater. So it is more important than ever to improve the construction level of railway information and the ability to transport. Here are several existing problems for train timetable scheduled, Such as the adjusting of the train diagram, the low efficiency of scheduling train timetable in artificial method. So it is more important and more urgent than ever to design and realize Train Timetable Intelligent Compilation System which possesses automatically compilation function can greatly reduce the labor intensity of the work, improve the work efficiency, provide a good compilation tool for the relevant departments. It has very broad application prospects and good practical significance.Firstly, this paper reviews the development of train timetable intelligent compilation, introduces the difficulty of train timetable compilation, and explains the concept of the train timetable in detail. The system design process, system functional design, system database design and development environment are introduced. Then, mathematic model of the train timetable complication and automatic typesetting are analyzed, with the relevant solution given.This thesis focuses on OLE Technology and DOM Technology and realizes intelligent compilation and automatic typesetting. At the same time, this thesis also introduces the automated generation subsystem, the human-compute adjustment subsystem, and relevant interface. Finally, the thesis concludes with a summary of the work in this paper and work to be completed in the future.
