

Study on the Treatment of Aged Landfill Leachate

【作者】 耿广晋

【导师】 郑爽英;

【作者基本信息】 西南交通大学 , 环境工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 卫生填埋是我国目前处理垃圾的主要方法,但是其产生的垃圾渗滤液对环境危害很大。如果垃圾渗滤液进入环境,会对土壤和地下水带来严重污染。老化垃圾渗滤液,是一种水质复杂,含有多种有毒有害的无机物和有机物,COD浓度高,B/C低,可生化性差,色度高,有恶臭的液体。采用以生物处理为主体工艺,物化法作为预处理工艺,已经无法有效的处理老化垃圾渗滤液了。本论文以成都长安垃圾填埋场的老化垃圾渗滤为研究对象,采用Fenton试剂、超声波和超声波-Fenton联合法处理。确定了各方法的最佳运行参数。论文的主要研究成果如下:(1)采用Fenton试剂处理老化垃圾渗滤液。在初始pH值为4,FeSO4·7H2O投加量为0.015mol/L,H2O2/FeSO4·7H2O的投加比控制为4:1,H2O2投加次数为1次,反应时间为60分钟,反应后调节pH值为8.0的反应条件下,COD去除率为72.9%。处理后出水水质可以达到国家污水综合排放标准。(2)随着超声波输入功率的增大,垃圾渗滤液中COD去除率上升。初始pH值对COD的去除率影响不明显。(3)氨氮去除率随着超声时间的延长而逐渐提高,但在180min后提高不大。提高输入功率,氨氮的去除率升高。随着初始pH值的升高,氨氮去除率迅速上升。(4)超声波—Fenton联合处理中,最佳的处理条件为,初始pH值为5,超声波发生功率为75W,硫酸亚铁投加量为0.03.mol/L,一次投加双氧水,使H2O2/FeSO4.·7H2O的摩尔投加比在为3:1,反应90分钟后,调节pH值为8.0,沉淀静置,COD去除率为79.87%。

【Abstract】 Sanitary landfill is the main method for processing municipal landfill these days,but it will produce landfill leachate which is very harmful to our environment. If the landfill leachate is discharged into the environment,the soil and groundwater environment will be polluted severely.The aged landfill leachate is a kind of liquid,which contains lots of toxic and nocuous inorganic and organic matters,whose COD is very high while biodegradability(B/C) is low.Pollutant concentration of the landfill leachate used to change largely,which has apparently foul smell.The treatment schedule is physical-chemistry combined together with biotechnology,which can not do the aged landfill leachate.The aged landfill leachate used in this dissertation comes from Chengdu Changan Municipal Wastes Sanitary Landfill,which is by the Fenton’s reagent, ultrasonics and ultrasonics-Fenton process.The optimum process conditions of the method are achieved.The major achievements in the dissertation are as follows:(1) The purpose of this experiment is to operate Fenton oxidation process efficiently.The total COD removal of the leachate by Fenton oxidation is 72.9% under the following oxidation conditions:60min reaction time,0.015mol/L FeSO4·7H2O,the H2O2 / FeSO4·7H2O ratio of 4 to 1,the optimum pH of 4 for the Fenton oxidation process and 8.0 for the coagulation process,reaching the sencod class standard of "Sewage Comprehensive Discharging Standard".(2) Irradiation COD removal efficiency increases with increased ultrasound power input.The effect of initial pH on COD removal is not obvious.(3)Ammonia nitrogen removal efficiency increases with increased initial pH. Ammonia nitrogen removal efficiency increases gradually with extended reaction time,but increases little after 180min reaction.Increased ultrasound power input makes for ammonia nitrogen removal efficiency.(4)The purpose of this experiment is to operate Ultrasonics-Fenton process efficiently.The total COD removal of the leachate by Fenton is 79.87%.The optimum condition in this research are these:power input of 75W,90min reaction time,0.03mol/L FeSO4·7H2O,the H2O2/FeSO4·7H2O ratio of 3 to 1,the optimum pH of 5 for the process and 8.0 for the coagulation process.
