

Applied Reasearch of‘Experience’in Reform Design of City’s Space of Historical Block

【作者】 于小洋

【导师】 王林科; 李兵营;

【作者基本信息】 青岛理工大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 随着社会、经济的不断发展,城市建设速度越来越快,城市空间布局在新的经济形势下发生了结构性的调整。与此同时,由于诸多历史原因,历史街区城市空间在现代生活中的矛盾日益突出,导致其在新的时代浪潮中逐渐退出历史的舞台,不在充当重要角色。然而这些历经沧桑的老街区却同时是最具本土文化特色和深厚地方人文思想精髓,最能唤起长期生活于此的人们认同感和归属感的城市空间。本文拟将“体验”这一概念引入历史街区城市空间改造的设计过程中,以期历史街区的城市空间改造设计更加赋有人性关怀特征。本文以此角度作为切入点,主要讨论以下三个问题:(1)历史街区城市空间与体验的历史街区城市空间存在怎样的关系;(2)体验在历史街区城市空间设计中的新的含义,以及体验性历史街区城市空间的要素;(3)将体验应用到历史街区城市空间设计中,需要遵守的设计原则和应用手法是什么,以及将体验运用到历史街区城市空间设计中的意义是什么。本文第一章主要探讨了本文研究的历史背景、研究现状以及目的,并明确本文的研究内容,考虑论文的针对性对本文的研究范围进行界定,限定在居住性历史街区和商业性历史街区城市空间范围内,并确定论文的基本研究方法和论文的基本框架结构。本文第二章主要是针对第一个问题进行回答,体验引入历史街区呈失控设计的基础可以分为以下三个方面:对历史街区原有的城市空间进行分析,强调可使用性和主观性是历史街区的本质属性,进而为人对空间体验对后续的空间设计作用提供现实基础;分析城市空间要素,明确本文的历史街区城市空间要素按照凯文·林奇城市空间五要素进行分类:道路、边沿、区域、结点、标志,从而引出理论基础;通过对国内当代历史街区城市空间现有问题和其产生原因的分析,强调公众的参与、体验程度确实现象,为将体验引入历史街区城市空间设计改造建立需求基础。本文第三章把体验概念引入历史街区城市空间设计中去,研究历史街区城市空间的体验需求,进而探讨城市空间与体验需求的关系、体验性历史街区城市设计的要素,将历史街区城市空间与体验联系起来,主要是针对第二个问题进行回答:体验引入历史街区城市空间设计中去,带来了新的需求——“个性化”需求、文化保护的需求和可持续发展的需求;体验性历史街区城市空间的要素,包括功能因素(功能转换和功能制约)、文化传统因素、参与因素(模糊的界面、领域性和依靠性)和空间限定因素(光线因素、色彩因素、材质因素和通风因素)。本文第四章在上一章引入“体验”概念的基础上,对体验性历史街区城市空间设计的意义、原则、方法进行讨论,主要是针对第三个问题进行回答:体验在历史街区城市空间设计中的应用意义主要促进对历史文化传统的继承、适应现代社会的发展和使现代生活融入传统生活氛围;体验在历史街区城市空间设计中应用的设计原则:功能复合化原则、空间统一性原则、使用者参与性原则、传承性原则、场所精神原则;体验在历史街区城市空间设计中应用手法主要从建筑处理、街道格局调整和景观界面调整这三方面进行讨论,并结合第五章上海新天地和济南芙蓉街这两个实例进行具体讨论。本文的研究将历史街区更新的侧重点、兴奋点落在体验空间的创造上,将人们生活中的体验需求摆到了较为重要的高度,并为历史街区体验空间营造提出了一些可供遵循的设计方法和导则,对历史街区更新与空间创作具有比较重要的现实意义。

【Abstract】 With the social and economic development,the pace of city’s construction is more and more faster,the layout of city’s space have taken a structural adjustment in the new economic situation.At the same time,a number of historical reasons,the contradiction of the historical street and the city’s space in modern life is becoming increasingly prominent,resulting in withdrawing from the stage of history gradually in a new wave of era,not to serve as an important role.However,these old street experienced the vicissitudes at the same time is the most local cultural characteristics and hold the deep essence of thinking in humanities and locality,it is also city space of being able to arouse the self-identity in people living there.In addition,the community is more attach importance to "people-oriented",and it is particularly important that "experience" of "human design" in the current space design of history block is emphasized.In this article it is from this perspective as a starting point to discuss the following questions:(1) What about the relations to the city space of historical block and experience of the city space of history.(2) The experience and application of new meaning in the design of city space of history block.(3) What is the design principle and applied technique need to comply with when experience applying in the city space design of historical block.In this paper,firstly the historical background,study of status and purpose and the contents of this article are made clear,the thesis of this article is considered to focus on defining the scope of the study,limiting to the history of residential neighborhoods and business district of the history of urban space the scope and identifing the basic research methodology papers and papers of the basic framework of the structure.ChapterⅡof this article is mainly aimed at answering the first question,the basic of the historical experience in design that was out of control can be divided into the following three aspects:the original blocks of historical analysis of urban space,and can be used to emphasize the subjectivity of history the nature of block attributes,and human experience of space on the role of follow-up to provide space for the design of foundation in reality;analysis of urban space elements,a clear history of this article in accordance with the block elements of urban space urban spatial Kevin Lynch to classify the five elements:roads,edges,region,node,signs,and thus leads to the theoretical basis;contemporary history of the domestic block of existing problems of urban space and its analysis of the cause,stressing the participation of the public to experience the extent of the phenomenon is indeed,for the quarter will experience the introduction of the history of the transformation of urban space design basis for the establishment of the demand.ChapterⅢof this article the concept of experience is introduced to urban space block design for studying the history of neighborhoods experience urban space needs, and to explore the demand for urban space and experience the relationship between the historical experience of the elements of urban design district,neighborhood history and experience of urban space linked mainly to the second question for the answer:the historical experience of the introduction of blocks to the design of urban space,bringing a new demand-"personality" of demand,the demand for cultural preservation and sustainable development needs;experience of Historic District of the elements of urban space,including the function of factors,cultural traditions,factors that limit the participation factors and spatial factors.From the ChapterⅢ,the design meaning,principles,methods,in experience of urban space are discussed,and mainly answer to the third question:to experience the history of neighborhoods in urban space design major significance in the application of the promotion of historical and cultural traditions of inheritance,to adapt to the development of modern society and modern life into the atmosphere of the traditional way of life;experience of urban space in the Historic District Design principles:the principle of composite function,the principle of spatial uniformity users to participate in principle,the principle of inheritance,the spirit of the principle of place;experience of urban space in the Historic District application design practices to deal with mainly from the construction,street and landscape pattern of adjustment to adjust interface to discuss these three areas,combined with ChapterⅤof Shanghai Xintiandi and Hibiscus Street,Jinan,two examples of this specific discussion. Textual study will focus the history of the updated,the excitement of experience space on the creation,putting on the people’s demand in lives on a high degree,and creating methods and guidelines that can followed in experience the history of blocks design,which has more important practical significance in updating and creation of the experience space and blocks.
