

Study on the Composite Designing of the College Service Facilities

【作者】 许伟荣

【导师】 郝赤彪;

【作者基本信息】 青岛理工大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 复合化概念的提出有着独特的社会背景,它是随着教育理念转型,社区建设的引入,学生心理行为特征的再认识,以及对经济和文化条件等因素的综合考虑而提出的。可以看作是对过去传统的专业化观念和规划设计方式的反思。它首先被运用与校园的规划和教学楼、食堂等传统校园建筑,在高校扩招的十年中,这一理念开始被广泛地接受和运用,这可以看作是我国的高校建设走向了个性高质量的模式的开始。但是,配套生活服务设施在新时期的高校规划建设中未得到足够的重视,它同校园公共生活的密切联系和潜在的巨大影响未得到应有的关注。本文提出“复合化生活服务建筑”的概念,抛开传统的建筑设计过程,从活力校园生活的形成基础到具有公共影响的校园生活服务建筑生成机制进行系统设计,用复合化的设计手法,创造一种提供无限可能性的校园生活,并以此作为对新时代背景下高校复合化的校园价值体系和生活方式的解答。本文首先对高校复合化生活服务建筑的概念和研究范围进行界定,接着就国内外复合化生活服务建筑的发展和校园生活服务建筑的复合化发展的驱动因素展开研究,总结其发展的趋势及特点。第五章属于设计方法研究,笔者通过实地调研,对各种不同类型校园生活服务建筑的定位、类型、运作以及公共影响进行分析研究,并结合相关的研究理论,从活力校园生活形成的基础、支持和提升条件到生活服务建筑内容、形式以及实现的前提条件进行系统研究,总结出功能规划,建筑空间设计以及运行系统组织的复合化设计方法。最后,通过青岛理工大学新校区学生街的设计分析,总结前文,得出高校生活服务建筑的复合化设计求解。

【Abstract】 With the transformation of Chinese higher education, the target which was focused on the inculcation of professional knowledge has been turned to cultivate compound talents.The interdisciplinary interaction, the interpersonal communication and the interaction between students and campus has become increasingly vital. In the new conception, the teaching contents, methods and places have changed correspondingly .University education has went out of the classroom and expanded to every corner of the campus.College service facilities and extra-curricular life of college students was extremely close, but it had not caused enough attention in the new campus planning. And the former model of development has been lagging behind the campus’s new demands. In this paper, bases on the research of several different domestic college service facilities, we put forward a concept of Composite College Service Facility. Based on the demands of the campus developing, we try to analysis it from different perspective and to found the way which to re-estabished the association between the new campus life and college service facilities, also as a guide to the design of the new campus of Qtech University Students Street.The first chapter elaborates the significance and concerning concepts and builds the target structure.The second Chapter expatiates the basic concept of the composite college service facilities, defines the scope of the study and sums up the characteristics of its contents, as well as for further research. The third chapter expatiates the development process, and the fourth chapter explores the internal factor of the Composite College Service Facilities development and sums up it’s characteristics. The fifth Chapter is the design method. Through field research of many different types of college services facilities to the construction of the positioning, type, operation and public analysis of the effects of study and related research combining theory, concluding function of planning, building design, as well as the operating system design, research service life of college composite structure building systems.In the sixth Chapter, through the design and analysis of Student Street in new campus of Qtech University, sums up earlier, comes to the composite design of composite College Service Facilities and completes the full text.

【关键词】 高校复合化生活服务建筑设计
【Key words】 College & universityCompositeServices facilityDesign