

Research on Semicentralized Wastewater and Solid Waste Integrated Treatment System

【作者】 梁春

【导师】 程丽华;

【作者基本信息】 青岛理工大学 , 环境工程, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 随着我国城市化进程的快速推进,中小城镇经济得到了迅速发展,但与此同时,也给生态环境带来了巨大压力,“半集中式污水、固体废弃物综合处理系统”正是在这样的背景下提出的一种能够促进中小城镇物质循环利用、废物资源化、污染物减量化的环境保护新理念,符合“可持续发展”的原则。生活污水中的灰水具有污染轻、水量大的特点,对其进行回用可以节约城市用水、减少城市污水排放量,具有良好的社会效益、环境效益和经济效益。目前,我国在灰水回用方面的研究还处于起步阶段,研究开发适合我国国情的灰水处理技术对于提高污水资源化技术水平、解决水资源短缺的问题具有重要的意义。本课题以洗浴废水作为灰水的代表性水源,研究了新型曝气生物滤池和传统混凝工艺处理灰水的可行性及应用前景。主要研究内容包括:(1)新型曝气生物滤池工艺处理灰水的试验研究从曝气生物滤池的启动挂膜、对灰水中各类主要污染物的去除效果、滤池的压力损失等几个方面,对比研究了黏土生物陶粒和新型轻质陶瓷滤料对灰水的处理效果,探讨适于灰水处理的滤料特性。(2)传统混凝工艺处理灰水的试验研究通过正交试验研究两种水质条件(Ⅰ为洗浴废水原水,Ⅱ为厌氧储存后的洗浴废水)下灰水的混凝效果,考察了混凝剂的种类、投加量、pH、搅拌速度、助凝剂等因素对灰水混凝效果的影响,得出较优的混凝条件范围,再通过单因素优化试验进一步确定灰水处理的最优混凝条件。试验结果表明:(1)新型曝气生物滤池工艺处理灰水的试验研究a.黏土生物陶粒具有孔隙率大、粗糙度高、比表面积大的特点,滤料表面适于微生物的附着生长,可以使曝气生物滤池具有较强的生化降解能力、抗冲击负荷能力。系统稳定运行期间,COD、氨氮、LAS、SS、浊度的去除率分别可达到85%、80%、90%、80%和95%,出水浓度可分别在50mg/l、5mg/l、1.0 mg/l、10mg/l、5mg/l以下,满足生活杂用水的水质标准(CJ25.1-89)要求。但由于黏土生物陶粒的机械强度不高、反冲洗时滤床膨胀性能较差,容易使滤床堵塞产生较高的过滤阻力,并使反冲洗的频率与强度也随之提高,从而增加系统能耗。b.新型轻质陶瓷滤料机械强度较高,耐磨擦性能好,比重轻,利于曝气生物滤池反冲洗,不易堵塞,可以达到节能低耗的目的,稳定处理运行期间,新型轻质陶瓷滤料对COD、氨氮、LAS、SS、浊度的去除率分别可达到75%、50%、90%、65%和95%,出水浓度可分别在50mg/l、10mg/l、1.0mg/l、20mg/l、5mg/l以下。但由于其表面粗糙度低、孔隙率小,比表面积小,在洗浴废水较多表面活性剂的作用下,会使生物膜的附着生长不稳定,反冲洗时易脱落,削弱了曝气生物滤池系统对废水的生化降解、过滤截流能力,导致系统处理效果不稳定,出水悬浮物较多。(2)传统混凝工艺处理灰水的试验研究a.通过正交试验得出了洗浴废水混凝的较优条件范围:pH≈7、转速为中速、混凝剂种类为聚合氯化铝或聚合氯化铝铁、投加量(以铝、铁离子浓度计量)对于Ⅰ水质为30mg/l、对于Ⅱ水质为20mg/l。b.本试验条件下加入助凝剂可使絮体的沉降性能提高,但对污染物去除率的提高作用不明显。c.通过单因素优化试验得到洗浴废水混凝的最佳试验条件:Ⅰ水质条件下:投加量为10~20mg/l、转速为50~100r/min。Ⅱ水质条件下:投加量为10~15mg/l、转速为30~80r/min。综上所述,本试验通过对新型曝气生物滤池工艺和传统混凝工艺处理灰水的研究,得到以下结果:(1)通过对比研究黏土生物陶粒、新型轻质陶瓷滤料对洗浴废水的处理效果,总结出最适宜处理灰水的滤料特性,为滤料的优化、筛选提供了重要参考依据。(2)曝气生物滤池对进水要求较高,试验发现即使是灰水这类低污染的污水也要进行相应的预处理。混凝工艺可作为灰水处理的预处理单元(实际应用中根据具体的灰水水质选择最经济的混凝剂投加量),去除绝大部分胶体、颗粒态悬浮物和难降解的表面活性剂,为后续的生化处理系统提供更加有利的生化降解环境。

【Abstract】 With the course of rapid urbanization in our country, economy of city and town has got prompt development, which has brought about enormous pressure to ecological environment at the same time. Under this background the concept of "semicentralized wastewater and solid waste integrated treatment system" was proposed, which could promote reduce, reuse, and recycle in the city as a new philosophy of environmental protection. As an important component of domestic sewage, greywater has characteristics of low-pollution and large volume, and its reuse could save water and reduce discharge in the city, which has great social, environmental and economic effectiveness. So far, the research of greywater reuse in our country is still in its beginning stages, so research and development of greywater treatment technology is great important to resolve the problem of water shortage and promote the level of wastewater recycling technology.This subject tends to research the feasibility and prospect of Biological Aerated Filter and Coagulation process to treat greywater. The main content includes:(1) Research of Biological Aerated Filter for greywater treatmentFrom the aspects of startup of BAF, removal of main pollutants and pressure loss, Clay ceramsite agitator and new type sphere ceramics filter material were individually studied in BAF, to research the most suited characteristics of filters media to greywater treatment.(2) Research of Coagulation process for greywater treatmentOrthogonal experiment is carried out to research the Coagulation effect of bathing wastewater in two water qualities, and find out better range of reaction conditions and finally determine the best coagulation condition for greywater.The results show that:(1)Research of Biological Aerated Filter for greywater treatmenta. Clay ceramsite has characteristics of high porosity, high roughness and big specific surface, which is good to microbes’ growth. So the ability of biochemical degraded and shock load of BAF is high. In steady-going stage, removal rate of COD, NH3-N, LAS, SS, turbidity was individually 85%, 80%, 90%, 80%, 95%, and effluent concentration was individually bellow 50mg/l, 5mg/l, 1.0 mg/1, 10 mg/1, 5mg/l, which could satisfied the reuse criteria for urban non-potable household. But the mechanical strength and filter bed expansibility when backwashing of this filter media is not good, so the filter bed was blocked easily which load to more frequently backwashing and high energy consumption.b. New type sphere ceramics filter material has characteristics of high mechanical strength and low specific gravity, which is good to backwash of BAF and prevent blockage. In steady-going stage, removal rate of COD, NH3-N, LAS, SS, turbidity was individually 75%, 50%, 90%, 70%, 95%, and effluent concentration was individually bellow 50mg/l, 10mg/l, 1.0mg/l, 20mg/l, 5mg/l. But characteristics of lower porosity, lower roughness and smaller specific surface lead to unstable growth of biomass, which weaken the ability of BAF treatment, for example the unstable treatment effect and higher SS.(2) Research of Coagulation process for greywater treatmentOrthogonal experiments were carried out to research the Coagulation effect of Bathing wastewater in two water quality (one was bathing wastewater; the other was bathing wastewater after storied ), and find out better range of reaction conditions and finally determine the best coagulation condition for greywater.a. Through orthogonal experiment, the better range of coagulation reaction conditions for bathing wastewater was got: pH≈7, middle mixing speed, PAC or PAFC, dosing amount of coagulant is 150mg/l for "I water quality" and 100mg/l for "II water quality".b. In this experiment, adding coagulant aid could promote the settling ability, but the effect of pollutant removal didn’t increase.c. The best coagulation reaction conditions for bathing wastewater was got by single factor experiment: I water quality: dosing amount of coagulant was 50~100mg/l, mixing speed was 50~100 r/min. II water quality: dosing amount of coagulant was 5075mg/l, mixing speed was 30~80 r/min.As a whole, through the research of Biological Aerated Filter and Coagulation process for greywater treatment we got results as follow:(1) The most suited characteristics of filters media for greywater treatment were got by research of comparison of Clay ceramsite agitator and new type sphere ceramics filter material in BAF, which would supply important reference to choose and optimize filter media. (2) BAF demands higher influent quality, even greywater which is low polluted also need pretreatment. Coagulation process could be chosen for greywater pretreatment to remove most SS and LAS, providing better biochemical degraded condition for subsequent treatment system.
