

Study on Oil Gathering Technology of Single Electrothermal Pipe of Yushulin Oilfield

【作者】 王雪

【导师】 崔海清; 王健;

【作者基本信息】 大庆石油学院 , 油气储运工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 单管电加热集油工艺是开发高寒、低渗透、低产和零散小区块油层的一种经济有效的集输流程,大庆榆树林油田正在应用这种集输流程。因此研究单管电加热集油流程中相关参数的优选,对指导榆树林油田的输油生产、管道安全运行和节能降耗具有重要意义。本文结合油田生产实际需要,优化了管径、流速、压力等单管电加热集油参数;根据流体在多层圆筒壁圆管中流动的导热热流量公式,得出了油井产出液在管道中流动时管道最大散热量,即加热功率计算公式;应用选定的加热功率,建立了单管电加热管道的温降计算公式,给出了相应的数值计算方法;以多井集中拉油方式取代了单井拉油方式;为榆树林油田单管电加热集油工艺制定了设计方案,并对其进行了经济评价。由上述研究成果对榆树林油田七口油井的单管电加热集油流程进行了试运行,结果表明:数值计算的管道出口温度与实际测得的管道出口温度的相对百分比误差在5%以内,验证了本文给出的加热功率计算公式、温降计算公式及相应数值计算方法的正确性;多井集中拉油方式充分发挥了新型油井密封储油装置的全部优点,且电加热总费用较单井拉油降低了23.9%;电加热管道在对油井产出液输送的升温、伴热、解堵等方面可以满足生产需要。

【Abstract】 Oil gathering technology of single electrothermal pipe which is being used in Yushulin Oilfield is a cost-effective oil gathering flow in developing subnival belt、low permeable sublayer、low productivity layer and subregion layer. Therefore, researches on the optimization of parameters of oil gathering flow of single electrothermal pipe are of significance to direct oil transportation and production, management security and energy saving.Combined with the practical needs of oil field, the parameters of oil gathering of single electrothermal pipe, such as the diameter of pipe、velocity of flow and pressure were optimized. The calculation formula of the maximum conductive heat quantity, which is the calculation formula of heating power, for the flow of the produced liquid in the pipe of the oil well was obtained, according to the formula of conductive heat quantity for the flow of the fluid in multilayer pipe. The calculation formula of the temperature drop of the single electrothermal pipe flow using the chosen heating power was established, and the corresponding method of numerical calculation was given. The method of single well shares one oil storage tank was replaced by the method of multiwell share one oil storage tank. The design scheme of oil gathering technology of single electrothermal pipe of Yushulin Oilfield was constituted, and the economic assessment was given.The oil gathering flow of single electrothermal pipe of the 7 wells was operated in Yushulin Oilfield practically, according to above research production. The results show that the relative percent errors between the calculated temperature values at the exit of the pipe and the measured those are within 5%, which proves the calculation formula of heating power、the calculation formula of temperature drop and the corresponding method of numerical calculation given in this paper are correct. All the excellences of the new hermetic oil storage tank using the method of multiwell share one oil storage tank were exerted adequately, and compared with the method of single well shares one oil storage tank, the cost of the method of multiwell share one oil storage tank was decreased by 23.9%. Electrothermal pipe can satisfy the need of production in rising temperature、heating and broken down of transportation of the produced liquid.
