

Study on Quality Improvement in Military News Communication Based on Process Method

【作者】 雷鸣剑

【导师】 陈英武;

【作者基本信息】 国防科学技术大学 , 项目管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 当今社会,新闻传播所创造的“拟态环境”是人们认识和理解现实世界的主要途径之一。军事新闻传播是一种借助新闻媒体面向全军广大官兵传播思想、观念及带倾向的新闻信息的活动。随着我国改革开发和经济的飞速发展,军事新闻传播有了长足进步。但是,由于运行机制与管理体制不完善、法律法规不健全、道德规范与伦理精神缺失、新闻传播者选择性偏差、新闻传播软硬件建设不足、新闻传播过程不畅等原因造成军事新闻传播内环境与外环境的缺失,突出表现为军事新闻传播质量不高、效果不佳。因此,研究如何改善新闻传播过程,提高军事新闻传播质量,对探讨军事新闻传播规律,促使军事新闻传播更好地服务广大官兵具有前瞻的理论意义和深刻的现实意义。探讨军事新闻传播质量的改进,还有助于提高我军舆论战能力,推进我军对战时新闻舆论战的研究。本文首次将项目质量管理中的过程方法引入到军事新闻传播质量改进中,在对军事新闻传播过程进行辨识的基础上,结合质量策划相关理论与PDCA循环方法,提出了一个基于PDCA循环的军事新闻质量管理模式。抓取军事新闻素材是军事新闻传播过程的起点与关键环节,本文重点研究了军事新闻素材质量评估问题。在总结当前军事新闻素材质量评估方法的基础上,文章提出了一种基于模糊综合评价的军事新闻素材评估模型,并给出实例应用。然后,在前面研究的基础上,文章研究了军事新闻传播质量改进的实施框架与对策,并探讨了ISO9000标准在构建军事新闻传播质量管理体系中的借鉴意义,给出了实施军事新闻传播质量改进的五个具体对策:加大人才建设;重视制度建设;加强新闻互动;树立系统观念;坚持持续质量改进之路。最后研究了一个军事新闻传播质量改进的实际案例。

【Abstract】 In recent society, the“mimetic environment”created by the diffusion of news is one of the main ways for people to recognize and understand the outside world. The diffusion of military news is to diffuse ideology, notion and news-information-oriented activities for the whole army with the help of the news media. With our rapid reform development and increasingly growing economic development, the diffusion of the military news has made big progress. However, there are many factors that make the inside and outside environment of the diffusion of the military news not very perfect for diffusing, such as the faultiness of the principles of the operation and management, the distemperedness of the law and regulation, the lack of morality and ethic, the selection bias of the pressman, the insufficient of the hardwares and softwares that needed by the diffusion of the news, the slack news diffusion process and so on. Besides, the study of the improvement of the quality of the news diffusion contributes a lot to improve the“consensus warfare”capability of the PLA, and promote the study of the“consensus warfare”. In this paper, we mainly focus on the situation of the low quality and not good effect of the diffusion of the military news, which created by both the inside and outside environment of the diffusion during the process of the diffusion of the military news, for the first time, we introduce the process and method in the quality management of the project into the improvement of the diffusion of the military news, on the base of the identification of the process of the diffusion of the military news, combined with the theories about the quality plan and PDCA circulation method, we give a new management pattern of the quality of the military news. The material of the military news is the start and critical point of the process of the diffusion of the military news, so, we pay great attention to the evaluation of the quality of the material of the military news in this paper. In this paper, we propose an evaluation model of the material of the military news based-on the faint-comprehensive-evaluation, and we give a practical application instance to show how to use it. Based on the former research, we study the execute framework of the improvement of the diffusion of the military news and related countermeasures, discuss the significant meaning of the use of the ISO9000 standard in the construction of the architecture of the management of the quality of the diffusion of the military news, and we the detailed countermeasures to explain how to improve the quality of the diffusion of the military news, such as enhancing news interaction, emphasizing the importance of the building of the institution; building up the system notion; persevering the way of the continuous improvement of the quality. At last, we analyzed an instance about the quality improvement of the diffusion of the military news to help the readers better understand the method proposed by us in this paper
