

Precise Positioning Methods of Netted UWB Battlefield Surveillance Radars

【作者】 李正荣

【导师】 黄晓涛;

【作者基本信息】 国防科学技术大学 , 电子与通信工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在现代野战对抗、战场建设、要地防护和反恐斗争中,雷达的需求量巨大,而超宽带(UWB,Ultra-Wide Band)战场侦察雷达因为出色的叶簇穿透、精确测距等能力,其研究与开发更具有重要的军事和民用价值,国内在这方面的研究尚处空白。本文的工作在于解决P波段UWB雷达所固有的方位向分辨率较低的问题。本文分析了(T/R) ~n型双(多)基地雷达基于距离定位的基本原理与理论基础。提出两种易于实现的、对时间平均进行速度补偿的方法:一是利用多卜勒测速结果进行径向速度补偿;二是在近似三角形内,利用目标的估计速度进行补偿。提出使用三站2D定位结果作为三站3D定位迭代算法的初始值。研究双站2D定位面积与定位精度之间权衡的问题,并获得对应最大定位区域以及最大高精度定位面积的临界基线长度的取值规律。研究适合描述UWB脉冲传播的通信信道模型以及根据信道模型参数提高测距精度的方法,提出构建UWB雷达波穿透叶簇传播模型的思路,研究近年来才提出的可高精度测距的自适应脉冲压缩(APC,AdaptivePulse Compression)方法。最后,将以上方法进行了系统整合,并给出实现流程。通过设置与实际应用相符的参数,仿真验证了上述思想和算法,以上方法将在近期的实地测试中进一步加以验证。

【Abstract】 There are tremendous application requirements about radar in modern war, preparation of the battlefield, strategic point protection and fighting against terrorism. UWB (Ultra-Wide Band) Battlefield surveillance radar has excellent performances in foliage penetration and precise ranging, thereby there are much greater values in military and civil fairs with research it. Unfortunately, the domestic research in this area is still blank. This paper should solve the inherent problem of the low azimuth resolution of P-band UWB radar.In this paper, firstly, the foundation theories on (T/R)~n bistatic(multistatic) radar positioning based on range observations are analyzed. Secondly, two new methods implemented easily about improvement with velocity compensation on the average time method are brought out, one is using Doppler velocity to compensate relative velocity, the other is using the estimated target speed in approximate congruent triangles. Thirdly, one method is proposed to use 2-D positioned results as the initial value of the 3-D iterative algorithm with three radars. Fourthly, tradeoff between positioning accuracy and region is studied in 2-D positioning by two radars, and the critical values of the baseline length is found, that corresponding to the largest area in which targets can be positioned precisely enough. Fifthly, UWB communication channel model and improving ranging accuracy ways depended on the model parameters are studied, furthermore, establishing channel model on UWB radar wave propagation through foliage is described. Sixthly, APC (Adaptive Pulse Compression) just proposed in recent years, which can be use for super-accuracy positioning, is investigated. All of the methods mentioned above have been systematically integrated, and the implementation process is brought forward.Finally, results of the above ideas and algorithms are showed by MATLAB simulations, and the parameters are selected according with the practical application. Further verifiers will be done in field experiments in the near future.
