

Research on Control Method in High Precision Turntables System

【作者】 郑罕

【导师】 桂先洲;

【作者基本信息】 国防科学技术大学 , 航空宇航科学与技术, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 转台是具有重大经济价值和国防战略意义的高精尖仿真试验设备,在卫星、飞机、导弹、舰艇和鱼雷等武器系统的研制中起着极其重要的作用。转台性能的优劣关系到仿真试验的可靠性和置信度,也是保证航空、航天和武器系统精度和性能的基础。因此,对转台的高精度、高频响、整体制造水平和性能、伺服控制系统设计与实现提出了更高的要求。论文研究的大型高精度电液伺服转台是飞行器的测试和仿真重要工具,与经典的自破坏性全实物实验相比,具有造价低、可重复测试、极其安全等优点,具有越来越广泛的应用。此转台采用全电微动控制方式,其难点在于大型电液转台的研制时间长、造价高、场地要求高、控制复杂等因素。论文针对电液伺服转台,在理论分析与实际试验研究的基础上主要研究液压转台各个主要部件中的控制技术。在转台油源系统中,针对高精度转台油源压力波动的特点,对高精度恒压油源波动进行了详细的理论研究和试验分析,在此基础上提出了多种针对双比例压力调节阀的主动控制方案,选择设计了针对高精度恒压油源控制系统的控制器;在转台中框的设计过程中,考虑转台中框受液压马达摩擦和外框耦合干扰较大,分析了摩擦和耦合干扰问题,给出了基于CARIMA模型和NARMA模型的预测控制系统。在此预控系统中,将NARMA模型转换为基于神经网络的NARMA-L2网络模型,在实际控制器试验中,设计的PID控制器,在仿真中分析证明了控制器的实用性与可靠性;在转台外框控制系统中,转台外框的特点是双马达驱动,双马达同步控制,也是本论文研究的重要方面。论文分析了转台外框同步控制过程中的干扰因素,在此基础上提出了基于模糊神经网络的转台速度反馈同步控制技术,同时在速度反馈基础上运用自适应滑模控制器控制角度反馈系统进行高精度控制;对基于自适应控制的滑模控制器进行稳定性分析,针对外框非线性干扰的特点,提出Hammerstein多变量解耦预测模型控制系统,在MATLAB中搭建控制器的仿真系统,并用试验的方法验证了外框控制技术的精度要求;在各种控制体统中,控制的实时性必须得到保证。所以实时控制系统也是本文研究的一个重要内容之一,论文在比较多种实时控制方案以后,选定了基于RTX的实时控制系统,进行了相应的软硬件设计,实验的结果均满足论文所提出的实时控制要求。实际试验不仅满足高精度系统实时性,也满足控制系统的设计要求。

【Abstract】 Three-axis turntable is one of the key measuring equipment of the inertial component. With the development of aerial industry, the requirement of performance of the three-axis turntable is to be highest. This thesis is written on the background of the research project of three-axis turntable. Inertial system is very important in aviation field and navigation field. With the improvement of inertial component and inertial system accuracy, the requirement of performance to the test equipment is to be highest. This dissertation is written on the background of a research project. It is mainly focused on many questions about control system design and control algorithms of three-axis simulating turntable that is a test equipment of inertial systems. The results verified in application.Firstly, inertia equations and dynamics equations are presented according to the structure of the three-axis simulating turntable, and torque equations of the motor controlled by PWM controller are presented. Mathematic model is given for the simulating turntable. The ability of uncoupling of the three-axis simulating turntable is proving by using adverse system theory, and nonlinear uncoupling network is also obtained. Using state feedback and dynamic compensating uncoupling, the model is transformed into three single-input and single-output linear systems and equivalent transfer formation. So the coupled system is uncoupled.The control system is designed to a digital system including, velocity-loop and position-loop, in order to meet the requests such as high precision, quick response wide velocity range and low velocity. At the same time the theory of sutra control and modern time control are applied to turn and compensate the control system. The control system apply nonlinear scaling fuzzy controller to improve quick response of positioning. A model reference adaptive system is applied to compensate the action of torque disturbance. A power converting circuit of H-bridge bipolar PWM control is designed to decrease the low velocity.The design methods is applied to the control system of three simulating turntable. The experimental results show that all the methods are effective and feasible. Every index of the system meets or surpassed the performance requirements. Now the three-axis simulation turntable is tested and used by the user.To make use of analysis and design on the theory of neural network, it mainly focuses on the analysis of frictional disturbance and designing neural-PID controller and the real time system software on the base of Windows 2000-RTX operation system. Firstly, the mathematical model of three-axis turntable is presented by the theory analysis, and is simplified according to practical parameters. The state equation of three-axis turntable is established. According to the adverse system theory the uncoupled ability of the network is proved and linear uncoupling network is also obtained. The model is transformed into three single input and single output linear systems, and then it can be analyzed and designed by the linear system theory. Secondly, based on affection of the machine and molecular the friction which is the mainly disturbance in the control accuracy is introduced. The useful friction model is given.After discussing the characteristic and algorithm of BP neural network, the applications of neural network, using in three-axis turntable system, are discussed. The method of compensation is discussed, and then made the theoretic analysis and simulation. The PID controller based on BP neural networks is designed to realize control parameter self-learning and self-adjusting. Both convergence and stability of this system are analyzed and simulation results are presented in the article.Finally, for the three-axis turntable real time control requirement the control software was specifically designed and accomplished on the base of windows2000 plus RTX real-time operating system.
