

Design and Research on Parametric Finite Element Analysis of Tower Crane Boom System

【作者】 任世杰

【导师】 马鹏飞;

【作者基本信息】 长安大学 , 机械电子工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 吊臂是塔式起重机的主要承载部件,在设计中普遍采用有限元法对吊臂进行计算分析。但在传统的设计校核过程中,往往需要通过对实际工况“设计—建模—分析—修改设计—再建模—再分析”的复杂过程,而如果采用有限元分析方法对其分析,则需要多次建模,明显会造成大量重复无效工作。此外,由于存在多种实际工况,为了充分体现设计的全面性,合理性,则需对实际工况逐一分析,无疑这工作量也是相当巨大的。根据上述问题,本文分析吊臂系统的结构,通过对参数化技术、有限元参数化技术、ANSYS的二次开发技术、Visual Basic6.0的编程技术以及数据库技术深入学习研究的基础上,提出了建立塔式起重机臂架有限元参数化分析系统的解决方案。本文取得的主要研究成果如下:(1)从参数化技术角度出发,科学论证臂架系统有限元参数化的可行性。(2)通过对已有有限元参数化分析方法的研究和总结,针对实际臂架系统所受的载荷和约束情况,选择基于几何造型的建模方式。(3)在ANSYS中实现塔式起重机参数化有限元分析。本文根据塔式起重机臂架的结构特点和有限元分析的特点,以编程参数化为基础提出了基于ANSYS提供的二次开发工具APDL语言的有限元装配参数化建模方法。(4)开发塔式起重机臂架系统专用的分析软件。软件提供了友好的程序交互界面,封装所有的ANSYS操作,使用户只需进行对设计参数的输入,并能得到相应的分析结果。最后基于应用实例,从力学模型位移计算和系统读取两个方面对比分析来验证整个臂架系统的科学性、可行性以及实用性,并体现出整个系统相对于传统分析方法的优越性,提高了设计分析效率,减少了人为错误的发生。

【Abstract】 As the key part of tower crane, the booms generally adopt the finite element method to aid design. During the traditional design and strength calculating of the boom system, the process "preliminary design - modeling - analysis - revision - re-design - re-modeling -re-analysis" are carried out repeatedly. According to the requirement of finite element analysis soft, every revision of the structure need to rebuild the finite element model, so there must be plenty of repeat work. What’s more, for tower crane have many case, a large number of models need to build.To solve the problems mentioned above, the author studies the boom structure, the parametric technology, the parametric finite element analysis, the active automation technology, the Visual Basic6.0 programming technology, and database technology carefully, and proposes the parametric finite element analysis solution of tower crane boom systems. The main research work and achievements are as follows:(1)On the base of studying the parametric technology, the feasibility of adopting parametric finite element analysis to aid the boom system design is reasoned.(2)The defects of the existing parameters finite element analysis method are research. The choice of geometric modeling based on modeling.(3)The parametric finite element analysis in ANSYS is realized. Fix the design variables follows the method of sifting through parameters, then write the parametric finite element analysis programs of parts and assemblies using APDL language, that ANSYS applies.(4)A special finite element analysis soft of tower crane boom systems is developed, which encapsulation all the ANSYS operations. It’s possible that the users can concentrate their attention on design variables, and no need to care the generation of the finite element models and calling ANSYS to calculate.At the end of the paper, base on application, calculated from the theory of displacement and systematic comparative analysis of two aspects of reading to verify the entire system of scientific, the feasibility and practicality.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 长安大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 12期