

【作者】 俞飞

【导师】 张毅;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 物理电子学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 由于双通道彩色夜视系统两个通道成像机理不同,融合前的配准工作成为难题,影响了彩色夜视技术的发展。微光双谱单通道彩色夜视技术可以解决双通道系统配准难、实时性差及成本高的问题。本文在分析微光电视成像特点及微光双谱探测方法的基础上,重点研究了微光双谱单通道彩色夜视方法。论文对十多年来课题组所开展的双谱微光、微光与近红外、微光与紫外等双通道彩色夜视理论与技术研究工作进行了回顾,根据微光图像的特点和夜间典型景物的反射光谱特性研究了最佳光谱匹配技术;研究了光栅分谱滤光单通道彩色夜视技术,其中包括主要包括图像的拆分与补偿;分析了调谐滤波技术的原理,并将其应用于夜视技术实现单通道彩色夜视显示,提高了目标的探测率;研究了双谱图像融合与彩色显示算法,并对获得的双谱微光图像进行融合与彩色显示仿真。本文的创新之处在于提出了一种基于宽波段调谐滤波的单通道双谱彩色微光夜视技术,其核心是在单一通道的微光成像器件之前放置可调谐光学滤波器。基于宽波段调谐滤波的双谱微光单通道彩色夜视技术是对彩色夜视理论与技术研究的进一步深化,是解决单通道实现彩色微光成像的一种新的技术手段。

【Abstract】 Because the imaging mechanism of the dual-channel system is different, so before fusion we have to registration the two images, it is a technique problem and it affects the development of night vision system. The single channel dual-band low light level color night vision technique can solve the problem of dual-channel.The paper reviews the works of the past fifteen years. They are dual-channel color night vision of dual-band low light level, low level light and infrared light, low light level and ultraviolet and so on. The paper researches the optimal spectrum matching technique according to the characteristics of low light level image and the reflective spectral characteristics of scenery in night. The paper researches to obtain dual-band low light level images by raster filter. The paper analyses the principle of the tuned filter and combined it with the single-channel system to realize color night vision. The paper finds appropriate arithmetic to realize fusion and color night vision of low light level images. The paper innovates a single-channel low light level imaging system based on broad band tuned filter, the key technology of this system is coupling a tuned filter on the imaging mechanism. The single-channel low light level imaging system based on broad band tuned filter is further deepening of the color night vision imaging.

  • 【分类号】TN223
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】153