

The Starting Point of Modern Chinese Fiction

【作者】 黄梅

【导师】 曹万生;

【作者基本信息】 四川师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 本文汲取现代语言学、现代语言哲学以及语言文化学的理论资源,按照发生学原理,从共时性和历时性研究维度,以清末民初小说语言与小说文体作为研究对象,考察小说语言与小说文体演变的内在关联,揭示二者在发展中出现的现代因子对五四现代汉语及现代汉语小说成功转型的影响。本文对清末民初新小说语言与文体研究的正文部分分三章。第一章通过对晚清白话文运动的分析,梳理出新小说的语言准备。其中涉及晚清白话文运动的理论倡导、实效、意义和局限分析,阐明了白话文运动与文学的内在关系,而这一点长期以来被学界忽视和误视。第二章总结了清末民初新小说创作的理论倡导。梁启超提倡的“小说界革命”使一直处于“小道”地位的小说一跃而成为“文学之最上乘”。尽管这是学术界出于社会功利心揠苗助长的结果,但不能否认小说正是借此机缘才作为一种文学文体获得独立品格,这在小说的现代化进程中是具有里程碑意义的。学术界关于小说创作的理论倡导中还包括了对小说语言的要求,白话日益得到认可并开始有了审美性的要求。第三章全面探讨了小说语言变革和小说文体变革的内在关联。清理了白话章回体小说中叙事、描写语体模式转变与小说文体转变的关系,归纳出二者均产生了偏离“声音中心”的新质;分析了长篇文言小说语体与文体变革的互为依存关系,总结出文言变革的主观诗化特质和文言小说的“内面”书写倾向;论述了短篇小说语体和文体的现代品格试验和获得;考察了汉语欧化与译本小说发展的互为促进关系,阐明了二者和小说语言现代化及文体现代化的直接渊源。本文的研究意义在于,以现代语言学和现代语言哲学作为理论资源,回到文学自身,以清末民初小说语言和文体变革作为研究模本,探索小说语言变革与文体变革的内在关联,这是语言学视野中小说文体演变研究的尝试和创新。

【Abstract】 Based on modern linguistics, modern languages philosophy, as well as language and culture study , in accordance with the principles of Embryology, taking the synchronic and diachronic research dimension, this paper takes the language and style of new fictions of late Qing Dynasty as study object, discovers the internal connection between the language and stylistic evolution of the fictions,and reveals the modern factors’impact on the successful transformation of the WuSi modern Chinese Fictions .The body of this paper is divided into three chapters.The first chapter concludes the language preparation of the new fictions with the analysis of the vernacular literature movement in the late Qing dynasty.It involves the theory advocacy,effectiveness,significance and limitations of the movement,sets out the intrinsic relations between the movements and the literature,which has been neglected and misused in academic circle.The second chapter summerizes the theory advocate on the new fictions creation.“The fictions revolution”promoted by Liang Qichao caused the fictions which had been in the lowest status leap to become“the best literature”.Although this was a result caused by the academic circle spoiled things by excessive enthusiasm due to the social merit thoughts of gains,but it couldn’t be denied that the traditional Chinese fictions just took the advantage of this chance to obtain the independent moral character as one of literary styles,which had the milestone significance in the fictions modernization process.The theory advocate also included the fictions language request. The vernacular obtained approves and was expected to have esthetic request day by day.The third chapter discusses the intrinsic connection about the transformation of the fictions language and style.It discovers the relations between the narrate together with desciption language transformation and the style in the traditional Chinesd fictions with chapter form.It induces the both of the two gained new characters by deviating“the sound center”.It analyzes the internal relations of the language and the style about the lengthy fictions written by classical Chinese language,and it summarizes the subjective poem characters resulted by classical Chinese language reform and the“inside”writing tendency of the fictions.It disserts the modernization experiments on the short novels language and style.It reveals the promotion relations between Chinese Europeanization and the translated edition fictions development,and expounds that the two are the direct origin of the modernization on the fictions language and style.The research significance of this article lies that it returns the literature itself , takes the language and style of new fictions of late Qing Dynasty as study specimen, discovers the internal connection between the language and stylistic evolution of the fictions.This is an attempt and the innovation of the style evolution research with the linguistics vision.
