

【作者】 董红明

【导师】 黄尚军;

【作者基本信息】 四川师范大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 牌坊作为古时里坊制度的产物,后来与旌表制度相结合,具有传统文化中的标识、纪念、装饰、旌表和空间分界等功能,蕴藏着深刻的历史文化内涵。从全国来看,牌坊数量较大,但相关成果较少,大多集中于研究其建筑艺术等方面,很少涉及牌坊的铭文。巴蜀地区现存明清牌坊170余座,至今未进行过系统调查与研究。本文利用导师10余年来的调查研究资料,首次从语言、民俗、历史等角度对之进行了研究。在参照前人成果的基础上,本文对巴蜀牌坊按功能分为了褒扬人物牌坊与标识装饰牌坊两大类。此外,第一章还介绍了巴蜀牌坊铭文的特点、位置、类型等内容。第二、三、四、五章,分别探讨了巴蜀牌坊铭文所反映的巴蜀历史、方言民俗以及其所见旌表节孝、艺术等内容。其中第二、三章侧重于探讨巴蜀牌坊铭文反映的个性,第四、五章侧重于探索牌坊铭文的共性。第六章主要选取11余万字巴蜀牌坊铭文中的有关“皇恩、贞节、高寿、宗教”等常见词语,进行初步考释。最后一章,对巴蜀牌坊的现状与保护作了粗略探讨。

【Abstract】 Paifang in as heritage of the ancient community system, and later combined with Recognition system, it has the traditional culture symbol, Memory, decoration, Recognition, and space division functions, There are deep historical and cultural connotations. Nationally, the number of Pangfang is large, but less relevant research production, most of the research focused on its artistic value of the building, very few of the researches were related to the inscriptions of Paifang.In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, there are more than 170 Bashu Paifangs in existence. It has not been systematic investigation and research. In this paper, on the basis of supervisor’s more than 10 years of survey data, for the first time, we study from the language, customs and history of perspective.In the light of our predecessor’s research production, this paper is divided into two categories, according to the functions of the Bashu Paifang, compliment figures decorated Paifang and the logo for decorating Paifang, and in addition, the first chapter also describes the location, type inscriptions on the characteristics of Paifang Bashu and so on. In the Second, third, fourth and fifth chapter, we Discussed separately that reflected in inscriptions on the Bashu Paifang history, dialect and the folk festival Recognition what filial piety, art, etc.. In the second, third chapters, Discussion is focused on the inscriptions on the Bashu Paifang reflect characteristics, in the Fourth, fifth chapters, we focused on the exploration of the common characteristics of Paifang inscription. Chapter VI we mainly select more than 11 million words relating to Bashu inscription in the Paifang of the "grace of emperor, chastity, longevity, religion etc.," and we make the preliminary commentating. The final chapter, on the status quo of Bashu Paifang and protection were also discussed.

【关键词】 牌坊铭文巴蜀研究
【Key words】 PaifanginscriptionBashuresearch
  • 【分类号】K877.4
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】391