

【作者】 宋欢

【导师】 黄英;

【作者基本信息】 四川师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 在对外汉语词汇教学中,留学生今天记住,明天忘记的“回生”现象比较严重,词汇量增长缓慢。怎样让留学生掌握一些汉语词汇特点,为其提供一种掌握汉语词汇的巧方法呢?汉语词汇有一个特点,即合成词是由几种基本的构词方式构成的。如果能通过词汇教学使留学生在学习词语的同时,掌握合成词的构词方式,就为学生提供了一种分类记忆词汇的巧方法。本文将探索设计一个相对科学的引导初级水平韩国留学生掌握合成词构词方式的习得过程,这个习得过程要尽可能的适合留学生的接受程度与学习兴趣。我们通过设计一种测试和分析方法,对不同阶段的韩国留学生进行测试,通过建立数据库对测试结果进行数据分析,全面了解在每个阶段,留学生所掌握的合成词的情况。根据数据分析结果,为每个阶段构词方式的教学设立几个讲解的侧重点,避免强制灌输或面面俱到式的教学带来的学习效果不佳的状况。对于每个阶段如何培养留学生对汉语合成词构词方式的认识提出教学建议,旨在引导留学生逐步发现、掌握合成词的构词方式,从而使留学生更好地掌握大量的汉语词汇。同时,教师必须在每个阶段的教学中,使用适当的词语进行例证,这就需要对每个阶段的教学提供一张教学参考词表,在该词表中,本阶段学生掌握的词语已经根据构词方式的不同进行了分类罗列,该词表既是教师教学工作必不可少的辅助,也为留学生提供了一张分类记忆词表。本文共分五个部分。绪论部分,包括选题的发现和确立过程,对研究思路的介绍,研究目标,国内外相关研究情况介绍,研究的意义和价值。第一部分,研究步骤的介绍。介绍本次研究的语料来源,词汇量的确立,对词语采取的划分方式,全面分析介绍此次研究所采用的测试方法和数据分析方法。第二部分,本次研究成果的展示部分。对《汉语水平词汇与汉字等级大纲》甲、乙级词表中的合成词,根据构词方式划分后的情况进行总结;全面介绍我们基于测试和数据分析结果设计出的初级水平韩国留学生掌握合成词构词方式的习得过程。其中包括教学过程的整体设计与教学要求,以及我们根据留学生对不同构词方式合成词在每个阶段的习得增长率情况,为0-2个月、3-5个月、6-8个月、9-11个月、12-14个月这五个阶段确立的几种侧重讲解的构词方式,同时对每种构词方式的讲解提出了一些教学建议与要求。第三部分,本次研究过程中,通过对留学生进行词语测试以及后期的数据分析,我们得到了大量第一手数据,这些数据对于改进现行教材的一些问题有着很好的借鉴作用。在这一部分,我们将基于这些研究数据,对北语版《汉语教程》的收词改进问题,语法编写顺序问题和新型教材的编写设想提出自己的一些不成熟的建议。结语部分,对本次研究的整体过程,研究成果以及研究成果的利用情况进行总结。

【Abstract】 Chinese vocabulary in teaching chinese as a foreign language is a difficult problem.The phenomena of "retrogradation" often appears.The growth of vocabulary is slowdown..How to allow overseas students to master some of the characteristics of Chinese words?.What we can do to provide some ingenious way to help overseas students master more Chinese vocabulary?.Chinese vocabulary, there is a characteristic, that is, compound words is a word-building by way of several basic composition.If the vocabulary teaching can enable students to learn the structure of compound words,it provides overseas students with a ingenious method of remembering chinese vocabulary.The aim of this dissertation is to study on a acquisition process which can help elementary South Korean students learn the structure of chinese compound words.The acquisition process should conform the acceptance of students with interest in learning.In this paper, we design a test, analysis of the Korean students at different stages of testing, data analysis, a comprehensive understanding of each stage,by these ways,we can know the situation of overseas students masting the compound words,.Meanwhile, we design some focus for each stage ,to avoid compulsory education or comprehensive teaching style brought about by the situation of poor learning outcomes. In each stage ,we will give some teaching advice which can train students to gradually found that formation of compound words,At the same time, teachers must be teaching at each stage to identify the appropriate words to take examples, we will provide a reference vocabulary list for each stages ,the word lists have been classified according to the structure of the compound words.These word lists are not only essential to the work of teachers teaching aids, as well as to provide a classification remembering word list for students.The dissertation is organized into five chapters.Chapter One,Introduction, briefly introduces the current researches on compound words structure and demonstrates the objectives , significance ,approaches and perspectives of this dissertation.Chapter Two, Introduction of dissertation steps. In this part,we will introduce the source of the established vocabulary ,the way of dividing words , the institute introduced a comprehensive analysis of the test methods , data analysis methods.Chapter Three, The outcome show of this dissertation .We classified the "level of Chinese vocabulary and Chinese characters Outline level" A, B compound words according to their structure. Through a comprehensive testing and analysis,we design a acquisition process which can help the initial level of Korean master the structure of chinese compound words. The acquisition process includes the overall design of the teaching process and teaching requirements, we study formation of different ways at each stage of compound words in the case of the growth rate of the acquisition, for 0-2 months ,3-5 months, 6-8 months ,9-11 months ,12-14 months of the five stages. Meanwhile, we provide recommendations and requirements for each stages.Chapter Four, In the course of the study, by testing the students, we get a large number of first-hand data.These data can improve the existing teaching materials as well, some of the problems of reference.In this section, we will be based on the data of these studies, to take some improved advice about "Chinese course",including the words, the order of grammar and some thoughts adout compile new Chinese textbooks.Chapter Five,remaining discussion,concludes the primary results of this dissertation and puts forword the issues for further study in future.

  • 【分类号】H195.3
  • 【被引频次】3
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