

【作者】 杨景越

【导师】 郎丽华;

【作者基本信息】 首都经济贸易大学 , 国民经济学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 文化创意产业是21世纪的朝阳产业,其崛起是当今世界的一个趋势。它借助高科技手段,通过工业化生产和市场化运作,获得了高速发展的驱动力,对经济发展产生了前所未有的影响,因此关注文化创意产业理论和实践,以便发挥其巨大潜力,使文化创意产业成为一个促进整个经济发展的新亮点,是一个值得研究和解决的新课题。本文首先概述了文化创意产业的内涵、发展要素及特征,并对与文化创意产业相关理论进行了梳理,总结出文化创意产业发展的理论依据。接着本文介绍了国内外文化创意产业的发展现状,通过学习和借鉴世界各国创意产业发展的理论、策略、经验和方法,分析我国文化创意产业本身发展中所处的困境和存在的问题。最后,也是本文的核心部分,通过对上述问题的研究与分析,结合中国的文化创意产业发展现实,提出了相应的发展对策。一方面是外部政策环境层面,主要是指由政府出面,从政策、法规上为我国文化创意产业的发展营造出一个良好的外在发展环境;另一方面是文化创意产业自身的发展,其中之一是从文化创意产业发展的三个要素出发,探讨在科技、人才、资源方面进一步的发展策略;之二是创意文化产业整体的发展方式,即产业丛和产业链的构建。

【Abstract】 The cultural creativity industry is the 21st century’s sunrise industry, it rises is tendency in now a world. It used the high tech method, through industrialization production and marketability operation, has obtained the high speed development driving influence, and take unprecedented influence to the economic development. Therefore attention culture creativity industry theory and practice, In order to display its great potential, causes the cultural creativity industry to become a promotion entire economic development the new luminescent spot, it is worth studying and the solution new task.This article has first outlined the cultural creativity industry connotation, the development essential factor and the characteristic, and to carried on with the cultural creativity industry correlation theories has combed, summarizes the cultural creativity industrial development theory basis. Then it introduced the domestic and foreign cultural creativity industry’s development present situation, through studies and models from other countries creativity industrial development the theory, the strategy, the experience and the method, analyzes difficult position which and existence question our country culture creativity industry itself develops locates.Finally, is also the hard core, through to the above question’s research and the analysis, unifies China’s cultural creativity industrial development reality, proposed the corresponding development advice. On the one hand is the exterior policy environment, is mainly refers to the government step in, from the policy, in the laws and regulations builds a good external development environment for our country culture creativity industry’s development; On the other hand is cultural creativity industry own development, one of them is embarks from the cultural creativity industrial development three essential factors, discusses in technical, the talented person, the resources aspect further development strategy; And then are the creativity culture industry whole development ways, namely industry clump and industrial chain’s construction.
