

On Comparing View of Nature between <Janggar> and Homer

【作者】 白塔娜

【导师】 李文军;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 《江格尔》与荷马史诗分别是中国和欧洲的两部伟大史诗。本文主要通过对产生在蒙古族和希腊两个不同文化区域内的史诗进行比较性分析,来探索史诗作为人类早期文本的特质,借此揭示蒙古和希腊两个民族文学不同的审美走向。在跨文化的视野中,着重从两部史诗所体现的自然观的角度,解读史诗所蕴藏的文化差异和文化特质。正文主要从四个方面对论题进行阐释:(一)自然观是指人们对自然界的总的看法。对宇宙的想象,便是人类最初对自然的认识。《江格尔》与荷马史诗虽然在形成时间上有较大差距,但其赖以产生的时代特征、社会环境等历史条件都有很多共同点,它们所反映的价值观念与审美意识也有不少相似之处,尤其是在宇宙结构观念方面表现出很大程度的共同性。在两部史诗的世界里,宇宙分为上中下三界,三界之间相互关联。《江格尔》和荷马史诗在试图描述本部族历史的时候,都把这种上、中、下三界的宇宙结构观念融合其中,让我们看到了东西方不同地域、不同年代的民族极为相似的宇宙结构观,从中透视出他们在生活观念及思维方式上的相似之处。(二)在两部史诗中,动物形象非常之多也非常耀眼:野兽、家畜、飞鸟、昆虫等等。各种各样、形形色色的动物形象充斥在史诗的每一个角落。《江格尔》中作者饱蘸深情的浓墨抒发了蒙古人对马真挚而又深刻的感情。荷马史诗在描写动物时用得最多的手法便是明喻。喻体都是动物,而且是与人类的生活和活动密切相关的,本体则有残酷的生存、血腥的战争、人的尊严与伟大、生的荣耀、死的悲壮等等。通过这种手法表现出了古代希腊人渴望和向往人与自然的和谐与美好。(三)两部史诗中还有大量自然环境的描写。两个民族虽所处的时代与地域不同,但他们与大海、雪山、草地、旷野、戈壁为伴,和睦相处,与自然界构成了一幅豪迈、雄浑、壮阔、崇高的气势,而这种磅礴气势又培育了蒙古族与希腊人民宽阔的胸怀和豪爽的气质。在他们看来,高山是神圣的、崇高的,草地旷野是神明的圣地,海洋是万物生命的源泉,这一切都成为两个民族所崇拜和歌颂的对象。自然的崇高和神圣,也就具有了社会意义,寄托着人们所追求的那种道德的崇高。(四)造成两部史诗自然观的不同有很多原因,最重要的是其民族精神内涵的不同。这种民族精神乃至民族灵魂所折射出来的文化模式也是不尽相同的。结语部分进行总结性概括,并进一步说明对分属不同的文化区域内的史诗作品进行比较性的研究,不仅有助于揭示古代人类思想观念的演变轨迹和各民族文化内在精神的形成历程,而且也能够为陷入理性与文明危机的现代人提供精神治疗和文化拯救的可能。

【Abstract】 Janggar and Homer are the two great epics respectively in China and Europe。In this thesis, the author mainly compares the epics appeared in different cultural area—China and Greece, wants to explore the speciality of human’s early literature style—epic, discloses the different esthetic trend in Mongolian and Greek’s literature, and unscrambles the culture differences and culture trait that bears in epic especially from the view of nature reflected in Janggar and Homer。This thesis consists of four parts: (1) The view of nature is human’s general view of natural world。The imagination towards the universe is human being’s initial recognition of nature。Two epics have biggish differences in their formation time, but they have some common points in historical situation , such as characteristics of the times and social environment。Besides this, they also have similarity in values and aesthetic consciousness, especially in structural view of the universe。In the world of two epics, the universe has three storeys: the super world, the middle world and under layer world。They related closely to each other。The three-storey structural view of universe is appeared in Janggar and Homer, when they have tried to describe history of their own nation。Through this thesis, readers will know western and eastern nation’s similar structural view of universe in different area and times, and sum up their similarities in life concept and the way of thinking。(2) In these two epics, there are many dazzling zoomorphism, such as beast, livestock, flying bird, insect and etc。Various and mixed zoomorphism appeared in every part of these epics。It is very significant that simile is a figure of speech which used often to describe the animals in these two epics。Vehicle is often related to the animals that have close relationship with people’s life and daily activities。Tenor is usually related to the cruelty of life, bloody war, glory in life, human dignity and glorious feeling。There are many descriptions about nature in these two epics。Although there were some differences in time and area between two nations, they both get along well with their surroundings, such as ocean, jokul, grassland, weald, and desert, and form a heroic, virility, grand and majestic power with nature。This kind of power trains liberality and heroic temperament of the Mongolian and Greek people。To their opinion, the mountain is very holy and spiritual; the grassland and weald are god’s holy land; the ocean is the source of all lifespring。So the above feelings help to shape Mongolian and Greek’s adorers and eulogists。Nature’s majesty and holiness has its social meanings, which entrust the majesty of morality human being are pursuing for。There are many reasons that cause the differences in view of nature between two epics, but the most important thing is the meaning of nation spirit。Under different spirit and soul of nation, the cultural pattern will be surely different。 Finally, the author summarizes her thesis and do further explanation in her study of epics in different cultural area。It not only helps people to know development track of the ancient people’s thought and formation of inter-spirit in all nations, but also provides possibilities of spiritual treatment and cultural rescues to the modern people who get caught up in rationality and civilization crisis。

【关键词】 江格尔荷马史诗自然观文化模式
【Key words】 JanggarHomerview of naturecultural pattern
  • 【分类号】I106;I0-03
  • 【下载频次】234