

A Comparative Research on Different Groups Form Influences PE Major University Students’ Physical Self-concept

【作者】 王洋

【导师】 孟和;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 身体自我概念是指对身体范围内各方面要素的能力感觉,同时也是一个多层次、多维度的整体结构,涉及到对自己的相貌、性格、身体能力等的看法。它是个体自我意识中最先萌发的成分,它涉及到个体对自己的相貌、性格、身体能力等的看法,是整体自我概念中一个基础而重要的部分。本文对不同项群专项的体育专业大学生进行研究,目的是为了较客观的反应出不同项群专项的体育专业大学生身体自我的差异,为体育教师、运动队教练及心理咨询和治疗工作者提供理论依据,并为进一步探讨运动项目的心理建设功能提供心理学依据。本研究主要运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法和比较分析法进行研究。从内蒙古自治区的5所含体育专业的本科院校中选取现行开设的全部专项项目,整群随机抽取年龄在18岁以上,业余训练时间在2年以上的1104名体育专业大学生。在严格控制被试条件的前提下,以《身体自我描述问卷》(PSDQ)为测量工具,对不同项群专项的研究对象进行比较研究。得出如下主要结论:1.不同性别的体育专业大学生身体自我在身体肥胖、整体身体、身体力量、体育活动、身体耐力、运动能力等6个维度上存在着显著的差异;其中,在身体肥胖维度上女生显著高于男生,而在其余的五个维度上均是男生显著高于女生。2.不同年级的体育专业大学生在总体上表现出显著差异,各维度的得分表现出随年级的升高而增长的趋势。但在大学四年级时呈现出略微下降的趋势。其中,身体健康、体育活动、运动能力、整体身体、身体外表、身体灵活、身体耐力、身体自尊维度上均存在显著差异。3.不同专业方向的体育专业大学生身体自我在总体上无显著差异。4.体能主导类与技能主导类(一级指标)专项的体育专业大学生身体自我在总体上具有显著的差异,技能主导类比体能主导类的学生对自身身体自我的满意度更高。5.不同项群(二级指标)专项的体育专业大学生在身体自我总体及各个维度上具有显著性差异。

【Abstract】 Physical self-concept refers to the physical elements of all aspects of the framework’s ability to feel, but also a multi-level, the overall structure of multi-dimensional, involving the appearance of their own, personality, physical ability to view. Individual self-consciousness it is the first element of germination, which involves individuals of their physical appearance, personality, physical ability, such as the view of the overall self-concept are an important part of the foundation. In this paper, a special group of different items of University Students of the major PE study to a more objective response for different special-group of PE major differences in physical self-University Students for PE teachers, sports coaches and psychological counseling and treatment of workers and provide a theoretical basis for further exploration of the psychology of sports psychology provides the basis of construction.This investigation applied four research methods: literature research, questionnaire survey and mathematical statistics and comparative research. From the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Sports 5 contain the undergraduate major institutions set up to select all of the existing special projects, cluster random sampling over 18 years of age, amateur training time in 2 years or more college students major PE 1104. Strict control of the test conditions in order to "physical self-description questionnaire" (PSDQ) instrument for the measurement of different special-group study of the comparative study. The main conclusions drawn are as follows:1. P.E major gender difference in physical self-University Students obesity, overall health, physical strength, physical activity, physical endurance, the ability to exercise on six dimensions there are significant differences; one of the girls on obesity a significant dimension higher than boys, and the remaining on the five dimensions are significant for boys than girls.2. Different grades of PE major college students in general show significant differences in the scores of the dimensions shown with higher grade and growth trends. However, when the fourth grade at the University of showing a slight downward trend. Among them, in good health, sports, exercise capacity, overall health, physical appearance, body flexibility, physical endurance, physical self-esteem on all dimensions, there was a significant difference.3. P.E different major directions of physical self-major college students in general no significant difference.4. Physique category and skills-led-led class (target level) of the specific physical self PE major students at a significant overall difference between analog physical skills led students led their own kind of physical self-satisfaction higher.5. Different-group (target 2) special students in the major sports in general and physical self on the various dimensions with significant difference.

  • 【分类号】G807.4
  • 【下载频次】310