

【作者】 田硕宁

【导师】 万霞;

【作者基本信息】 外交学院 , 国际法, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 跨界损害事件一直是国际社会的关注点,国际社会一直在不断努力,试图在国际层面建立跨界损害责任制度。国际法委员会自1978年对此类由国际法不加禁止的行为产生的损害性后果的国际责任开始编纂以来,一直从国家责任的角度解决这一问题,但发展缓慢。而自1997年开始,委员会决定将“预防问题”和“责任问题”分开讨论,委员会的编纂进程大大加快。国际法委员会关于跨界损害责任制度的编纂工作自2001年通过《关于预防危险活动的跨界损害的条款草案》,2006年通过《关于危险活动造成的跨界损害案件中损失分配的原则草案》后而暂时告一段落。委员会的编纂历程突破了国家责任发展的瓶颈,两个草案虽然仍存在一些缺陷,但意义重大。对于跨界损害事件的解决,国家有义务承担起预防责任,一旦违反此义务,就须承担因国际不法行为引起的国家责任;在国家充分履行预防义务的基础上,若还是出现跨界损害的后果,则通过建立损失分配模式来解决这一问题,由私人经营者首先承担责任,国家负有补充责任。草案的成形确立了预防原则和损失分配原则,预示了环境损害责任私法化,损害责任向预防义务的倾斜以及国际法与国内法不断融合的趋势,使跨界损害责任取得了新发展。

【Abstract】 Case of transboundary damage caused great concern to the international community. The international community has been in continuous efforts to establish the system of liability for transboundary damage at the international level. The International Law Commission began the codification of the acts not prohibited for injurious consequences arising out of international liability since 1978, and has been from the perspective of state responsibility to solve this problem. And since 1997, the Commission decided to discuss the“prevention problem”and“responsibility problem”separately, significantly speed up the compilation process.The codification of liability for transboundary damage by the International Law Commission had worked out temporarily and marked the final codification, which working-fruits are“Draft Article of Prevention of transboundary Harm from Hazardous Activities”in 2001 and“Draft Principles on the Allocation of Loss in the case of transboundary Harm Arising Out of Hazardous Activities”in 2006.The codification of the International Law Commission broke the development difficulty of the state liability. Though the two draft had some limitation, they had a big significance to the study. To solve the case of transboundary damage, states have the obligation of prevention. If they broke the obligation, they would bear the state responsibility arising from wrongful acts. If the transboundary damage occurred on the basis of states fully complimenting the prevention responsibility, the states would solve the problem through loss allocation. First of all, the private operator bear the responsibility, the states bear the added responsibility.The figuration of the two draft established the principle of prevention and allocation, showed the tendency of privatization in international environmental damage liability and the incline from the damage liability to the precautionary obligation and the amalgamation of international law and national law. The study of the liability for transboundary damage had made a significant progress.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 外交学院
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 02期
  • 【分类号】D99
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】324