

【作者】 黄有军

【导师】 王雨时; 闻泉;

【作者基本信息】 南京理工大学 , 机械电子工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 为了有助于我国小口径火炮弹药的发展,提高其作战效能,解决小口径火炮交替装弹问题。通过探索和分析新型小口径穿甲爆破多功能弹,初步设计出一种兼具榴弹和穿甲弹功能的新型小口径穿甲爆破多功能弹并进行原理试验论证,以加速该弹种的工程化进程。使用LS-DYNAD程序对不同材料、不同头部形状、不同质量、不同着角和着速的弹芯侵彻性能和炸药装药爆炸过程进行数值模拟分析,结果表明弹芯的材料性能直接影响侵彻深度,碳化钨合金弹芯要比钢质弹芯的侵彻性能要好;在着速、弹芯质量及弹芯直径相同的条件下,截锥形弹芯的侵彻性能要比半圆头和平头弹芯的要好;弹芯着角对侵彻性能有很大的影响,随着着角的增加,侵彻性能越差,弹芯越容易在靶板表面上发生滑移现象;弹芯着速越大,侵彻能力越强。通过数值分析炸药爆炸作用对弹芯的影响,可知炸药装药对弹芯的加速作用有限,主要原因是弹芯质量较大,炸药装药量较少;对小口径穿甲爆破多功能弹进行了外场试验,试验表明设计方案原理可行,外场试验数据与数值计算结果相吻合。最后,初步设计出小口径穿甲爆破多功能弹并进行设计计算。

【Abstract】 In order to develop our country projectiles used for small caliber cannon, improve their damage efficiency and resolve the problem of installing ammunition alternately. Through exploring and analysing the multifunction projectile, the structure of the multifunction projectile which possesses the functions of the shrapnel and armor-piercing projectile was designed and demonstrated by experiment. In this way, it is helpful to the research course of the multifunction projectile.The LS-DYNAD was used to simulate the process of the different material, shape of the head, mass, impact angle and velocity tungsten carbide penetrator penetrating through targets and blasting of detonator. Through the analysis, the material capability effect the depth of penetrating, the tungsten carbide is more favorable than steel. At the same condition of the velocity, mass and diameter, the penetrating capability of the cone-shaped penetrator is better than hemisphere-shaped and the flat-shaped penetrator. When the impact angle is larger, the penetrating capability is worse and the slippage phenomenon is easier to happen on the surface of the target. The larger velocity the penetrator possesses, the more enormous of penetrating capability the penetrator possesses. The numerical simulation of blasting of detonator shows that the velocity of penetrator achieved from the explosion is small. The main reason is that the mass of the penetrator is heavy, and the mass of the detonator is little. Through the experiment of the small caliber multifunction projectile, the plan of the multifunction projectile was proved to be feasible. The simulated results are good agreement with experimental datas.In the end, the small caliber armor-piercing and blasting multifunction projectile was designed and calculated.

  • 【分类号】TJ411.7
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】275