

A Study of Xinjiang Shanshan County’s Land-use Change Detection

【作者】 王琼

【导师】 高敏华;

【作者基本信息】 新疆大学 , 地图学与地理信息系统, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 自1972年美国发射第一颗陆地资源卫星以来,对地观测卫星发展迅速,应用领域不断扩大,应用成效也得到不断提高。由于遥感技术可以提供最佳的信息获取方式,并且不受地形阻隔等限制,具有实时、快速、覆盖范围广、高空间分辨率、高光谱分辨率、高时相分辨率等特点。经过近30多年的发展,遥感技术已经成为采集地球数据及其变化信息的重要技术手段,并广泛渗透到国民经济的各个领域。上世纪80年代,美国、日本和欧洲空间局相继提出了对地观测计划(EOS),从此利用遥感影像进行土地利用变化检测就越来越多的为研究者们所关注,但是传统土地利用检测方法主要通过野外土地清查,或根据像片进行解译分析得来。这类方法存在的问题是检测结果在时间上不一致,且工作量大,现时性低,更新困难(史培军,1996)。土地利用状态的数据和信息的快速更新已成为困扰遥感、地理信息系统等领域的一个技术难题,研究如何准确快速地从己获取的地理数据中发现变化如何自动地从影像中提取所需地物的变化等理论和技术对于土地利用/覆盖图件快速更新具有十分重要的意义(睦海刚,2002) ,本论文则是基于此展开的。本文从近年来基于遥感影像的土地利用变化检测发展出发,总结出较为常用的变化检测方法,经过对比分析,采用遥感检测方法中的分类后比较法进行检测,以鄯善县1990年、1999年及2008年三期遥感影像和鄯善县91年和2005年土地利用现状图为研究数据,探讨了遥感变化检测三大流程:图像预处理、变化信息获取以及后处理的具体实施过程,在得到变化信息的基础上结合土地利用动态模型分析了研究区土地利用的时空变化情况,并进行了模拟预测。

【Abstract】 Since 1972, the United States launched the first Land Resource Satellites, Earth observation satellite developed rapidly, its application field and application effect is expanding constantly improving. Due to the remote sensing technique can provide the best information acquisition modes, and not block etc, terrain, rapid, real-time bestrew scope, high spatial resolution ,high resolution and high resolution phase, etc. After nearly 30 years of development, use the remote sensing data collecting earth changes has become a the important information and technology, and has been widely permeates every field of national economy.In the 1980s, the United States, Japan and the European space agency have proposed to the earth observation plan (EOS), remote sensing image of land use change detection, has had more and more concern of researchers, but traditional land use/covering mainly through the field detection method based on field measurement or check Pictures for linear-ring .This kind of method is obtained in time inconsistency, big workload, time-consuming, the difficult to update (Shi Peijun, 1996). Updating the LUCC state data and information rapidly has become a technical problem in fields such as Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System. The research on how to accurately and rapidly discover the change of geographic data we have had, and how to automatically extract the needed change-information from the image. The theory and technology for LUCC maps’updating, covering has important significance (Hanging Mu2002) this paper is sincerity based on these topics.This article, in view of the development of the land use change detection which based on remote sensing image, raise the change detection methods which are used regularly, through comparison and analysis, using remote sensing detection methods of classification comparison. used the Shanshan county region’remote sensing images in 1990, 1999 and 2008 and phase land use status in 91 and 2005, the study of remote sensing data, and discusses the three process change detection: image preprocessing, change information acquisition and the concrete implementation process, later, article used the result of land use based on information dynamic model is analyzed and studied area of land use changes, and simulated forecast.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 新疆大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 01期