

Research and Design of Network Examination System for Diplomate Based on QTI

【作者】 韩耀萱

【导师】 郭文明;

【作者基本信息】 南方医科大学 , 生物医学工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 2006年卫生部在全国推进专科医师规范化培训试点工作。随着培训工作的不断深入,我省原有单一笔试的考核方式已经不能适应将来专科医师培训考试的需求,需要相关管理部门不断创新,创造出一套新的便于组织、管理,并能全面、客观评价培训质量的考核方式。随着当今计算机技术的高速发展,考试形式已冲破了传统的笔和纸的界限,越来越多的各类考试采用了网络做为考试的工具,例如托福考试、全国计算机水平考试都已转为机考。纵观多年网络考试的发展,网络考试系统具有如下优点:题库题量大,组题灵活多变,支持多媒体功能,可为学习者提供自我评价功能,考试组织成本低。因此,网络考试可以做为专科医师规范化培训考核方式的有益补充。目前,网络考试系统还处在发展阶段,并不十分完善,还存在着复用性、扩展性、资源共享性、集成性差等缺点,由此也造成了大量的重复开发,资源浪费严重。而解决这些问题的有效途径就是走标准化之路。就测验评量标准而言,目前被广泛采用是IMS组织(Instructional ManagementSystem)制定的QTI规范(Question Test and Interoperability,练习与测试互操作规范),这组规范由一系列单个规范文本组成。主要解决目前练习与测试数据的独享性和缺乏开放性等问题。建设符合QTI规范的考试系统是当前网络教育中一个新的研究方向。针对目前网络考试系统的缺点和专科医师规范化培训考核模式的特点,本文从XML技术、QTI规范等关键技术研究入手,经过对专科医师网络考试系统各功能模块需求的全面分析,提出了基于QTI的专科医师网络考试系统的设计和实现方法。本系统采用基于.NET的三层架构,分离表示层、业务逻辑层和数据层,层间松散耦合,易于维护,具有良好的扩展性和伸缩性,并大大降低了开发成本及使用成本。由于XML技术的平台无关性,使其在数据访问及数据转换上具有无可比拟的优势。QTI规范采用XML定义,具有较大的可扩展性、通用性。在试题设计、生成和题库维护上,严格符合IMS QTI规范,使得题库资源能在不同的学习管理系统、内容开发系统和资源库等之间实现编辑、导入和导出试题等功能,打破远程教育点、校园网、局域网的“资源孤岛”,实现真正的资源共享。答案的提交通过Ajax由网页自动实现,而不需要考生手动操作,这样既保存了答案,又不妨碍考生答题。专科医师网络考试系统的采用不但节省了大量过去用于组织笔试的人力、物力和财力,而且通过众多题型的考查和系统的自我评价功能使受培训医师能够真正提高理论联系实际、获取信息和分析处置问题等能力,并能对医师的培训质量做出正确评价。该系统的研究与开发具有一定的实用价值,值得推广应用。

【Abstract】 Since 2006,the diplomate standardization training has been generalized by the Ministry of Health.With the development of the standardization training,the former single written examination was no longer sufficed for the growing wants of the diplomate examination.And the correlated management has to innovating a new examination,which is helpful for organization and management,and also for comprehensively and objectively reflecting the quality of training.As the technology of computer developing in a high speed,the mode of test is break the circumscription of pen and paper,more and more many kinds of tests use the computer as the tool of test.Such as the test of toefl,National Computer Rank Examination have used the computer to test the students.Taking a wide view on the development of internet examination,the internet examination system has several advantages as follow:the item bank is large;the subject unit is flexible;it supports multimedia;and it can provid the self evaluation for the examinee;and the cost of organization is low.So the internet examination can be a beneficial supplementary for the examination of diplomate standardization training.The internet examination system which is imperfect is still at the primary stage. The system is poor in reusability、expansion、resource sharing,and also poor in integration.Thus it cause repeatedly developing and resource wasting.Standardization is an effective way to solute these problems. QTI that was developed by IMS is now widely used.It consists of a series of standardized single text.The IMS QTI specification has been designed to solve the problem of the exclusive and the lack of openness.To implement a Question & Test System based on QTI is a new research direction.Considering the shortage of the system and the characteristic of diplomate standardization training examing pattern,this article has done research on the technology of XML and QTI.We find out a method of the designment and the implement of the examination system which bases on QTI,after multi-analysing the function module of the system..The architecture used in this system is based on.NET structure.The three-tier structure is presentation layer,business logic layer and data access layer.It is loosely coupled between layers,so it is easy to maintain and has a good scalability and flexibility.It can be greatly reduced development costs and the using costs because of the framework.Becuase of the no-relevance of the operation system,the XML has great advantage in the field of data accessing and data exchange.Because of XML standard definition,QTI specification supports greater expansion and versatility.It is strictly compliance with IMS QTI standards.so data bank resources in different learning management system,content development systems and resources,such as the interoperability between break distance education,campus network, LAN"resources isolated island" of residents can be shared.The answer is referred by the Ajax on net without hand operation,which can preserve the answer without hindering the examinee.The system of diplomate examnition not only can save a lot of manpower, material and financial resources in organizing writtern exam,but also can upgrade the capability on combining theory with practice、obtaining the information and dealing with the problem via the function of self-evaluation and complex test.The research and exploitation of this system is worth of spreading and application.

【关键词】 XMLQTI.NET专科医师培训网络考试系统
【Key words】 XMLQTI.NETDiplomateTrainNetwork Examination System