

【作者】 宋启元

【导师】 丁宏;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 民族学, 2009, 硕士


【摘要】 作为当代中国社会中的边缘群体—汉族穆斯林,他们的数量虽然极其有限,但研究意义重大。因为,在他们皈依伊斯兰教以前,一直受到中华传统文化的熏陶和无神论的意识形态教育,现在接受了伊斯兰信仰可以说是经过了一段艰难的历程。他们为什么、又是如何选择了伊斯兰信仰?他们皈依后的学习、工作和生活情况又是如何?在他们身上有什么特点和问题?在民族和宗教之间他们又是如何认同的?现实中民族宗教政策又是如何使他们处于尴尬的境地的?本文以上述问题意识为导向,通过对作者在北京市接触到的一些汉族穆斯林所进行的调查研究为根据,试图运用宗教心理学、宗教社会学和宗教人类学关于宗教皈依的理论来分析汉族穆斯林“皈依”行为所引发的一系列问题。本文第一章导论部分对汉族穆斯林“皈依”的相关理论及研究成果、汉族穆斯林的定位和研究方法做了简单介绍。在第二章中就汉族穆斯林皈依前所接受的传统宗教文化作为背景知识进行了介绍,以作为后面章节分析的依据。在第三章中,作者首先将访谈得到的关于汉族穆斯林皈依过程的第一手资料根据其皈依的最初原因进行了分类,如社会环境影响下的皈依、个人对宗教不断追寻后的皈依和因族际通婚而皈依三大类,而社会环境影响下的皈依这一类中,作者又将皈依的最初原因细化为受身边穆斯林群体的影响、媒体的影响、与穆斯林恋爱和因为回族血缘而皈依四小类。其次,作者根据访谈资料及国外宗教皈依的相关理论,将汉族穆斯林的皈依因素概括为个体成熟、社会环境、承载伊斯兰信息的媒介普及化、社会关系的影响和伊斯兰教义本身五大因素;并对汉族穆斯林皈依过程中的危机阶段、会遇阶段、互动阶段和投身阶段分别进行了相应的分析;对当今一些宗教社会学家奉为宗教研究新范式的“宗教行为的理性选择理论”分析汉族穆斯林皈依的局限性进行了批驳。在第四、第五章作者仍立足于所调查的第一手资料,运用主客位相结合的研究法对汉族穆斯林的特点和存在的问题进行了概括分析。作者认为当今汉族穆斯林在宗教信仰和参与、家庭关系和社会交往、文化认同上都有自身的特点,然而也存在诸如:对伊斯兰信仰的理解比较僵硬,对民族称谓满不在乎;对中国传统穆斯林理解有误;受“宗教世俗化”影响,伊斯兰信仰被其私人化等问题。最后,作者指出,汉族皈依伊斯兰教不是出于现实性和功利性考虑,也不是一时的冲动,他们的皈依受到了各种因素的影响。而社会环境是其皈依的外部条件,来自于人类本身对精神世界和生命意义的渴望才是他们皈依的根本条件。作为研究者的我们,只有运用“他者的眼光”,站在主位的角度上才能理解他们的宗教选择及宗教在现实社会对于人类生活的重大意义。

【Abstract】 As the marginal group in contemporary Chinese society, the Han Muslims’s number is extremely small, but studies for them have a great significance. Because they have been lived with the influence of traditional Chinese culture and the ideology of atheism education before they convert to Islam, the process of accepting the Islam is very difficult. Why and how did they choose the Islam? What are their characteristics and personality? what changes happened in their study work and daily life after conversion? How did they identity with nationality and religion? And how does the policy of nationality and religion make them feel embarrassment?On the basis of the above-mentioned questions, and through a survey conducted for some han muslims in Beijing, the paper try to analyze a series of problems arised by the Han Muslim by religious psychology, religious sociology and anthropology of religion.The first chapter of this paper is a brief introduction of the relevant theory and research of the han Muslims conversion, further more,the definition and research methods of Chinese han Muslims are also contained. As a basis for analysis, the second chapter introduced the traditional religion and culture which they accepted before their convertion as background knowledge . the third chapter describes some survey-based classifications. According with its initial reasons for their conversions, the influence of social environment,the conversion after personal continuing to pursue the religion and the conversion due to inter-ethnic marriages are three main types of initial reasons. And under the influence of social environment, the author fractionized the initial reasons for the conversion into 4 kinds: influence under social environment ,the influence of impact of the media, and love between Muslims and convertions for consanguinity of Hui groups. On the other hand, the author classified the factors of these conversion intentions into 5 types basing on information of interview and the theory of related to religious conversion,which include individual mature, social environment, and popular medias which carried to gain ground the Islamic message, the impact of social relations and the religion itself; and also analyse the the phase of crisis- stage ,leaguer -stage /interactive -stage , devoting -stage during the crisis process of Han converting to Muslim; and make rebuting to limitations of theory that analysis of han muslums with "religious acts of rational choice theory "In the following part, ,the author make a summary analysis of the characteristics of the Han nationality and the presence of Muslims analysis with the phase combination of subjective and objective research in the fourth and the fifth chapter. The author believes that han Muslims today have their own characteristics in religious beliefs and participate in of family relationships and social exchanges, and cultural identity, but there are also some problems, such as: rigid Islamic faith, careless about the national title; misundrstand of Chinese traditional Muslim; influenced by the " the secularization of religion ", personal of the Islamic faith,etc.Finally, the authors pointed out that Han convertions are influnced with a variety of factors instead of realistic and utilitarian considerations, or a impulsion. The desire from the spiritual world of humanity itself and the meaning of life is the fundamental condition of their conversions. And the social environment is the outer condition of their conversions, We, as researchers, can understand their choice of religion and significance of religious that influnce the human life in society only by use " The Perspective of the Other".

【关键词】 汉族穆斯林皈依伊斯兰教
【Key words】 Han muslimconvertIslam