

【作者】 杨琼

【导师】 嘉雍群培;

【作者基本信息】 中央民族大学 , 中国少数民族艺术, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 “锅庄”,是藏族非常古老并广泛流传的传统歌舞之一,通常情况下,在领舞“卓巴”或“卓本”带领下,男女各排半圆拉手成圈,一问一答,反复对唱中舞蹈。队形有“圆满自在”、“日月昭辉”、“蛟龙戏水”、“麦浪滚滚”等,每一种队形都有不同的寓意。锅庄于2006年被列为第一批国家非物质文化遗产,名录123号,类别:民间舞蹈,编号:Ⅲ-20,对于它的研究有助于了解藏族歌舞艺术起源、发展和流变的过程。随着时代发展,在全球化和现代城市化进程中,锅庄依附的环境发生了巨大的变化,随之发展出新的表现形式:如旅游业中的“旅游锅庄”,民众健身的“健身锅庄”等多种变量行为,受到群众的喜爱,不仅在藏区开始流行,而且随着人口的迁徙与流动,文化的交流和信息的传播,开始走出藏区,走向都市,走进大学校园。本文即关注“校园锅庄”,以中央民族大学“校园锅庄”为例,探讨锅庄在校园中的传承现状,并对这种现象进行探视,试图发现传统文化在新时代的传承和发展。论文由绪论、传统锅庄概况、中央民族大学“校园锅庄”、“校园锅庄”之音乐和舞蹈、“校园锅庄”的功能和美学思考组成。笔者在探讨“校园锅庄”的同时,试图用民族音乐学、社会学和民俗学的方法,对其所反映出来的一些文化行为和文化现象进行思考、探视。绪论:涉及到本文的研究对象、研究目的与意义、锅庄研究现状,以及资料来源和研究方法。第一章“传统锅庄概况”:是对传统锅庄文化的概览,包括其历史渊源和基本状况。锅庄产生的年代久远,其渊源一直是研究的热点,但是却缺乏相对的阶段性总结,本文尝试对其历史渊源研究给予综述,分为文献资料考证、民间传说及舞种名称释义等几部分,并分别叙述传统锅庄的分类、特点和功能。第二章中央民族大学“校园锅庄”:分别论述中央民族大学锅庄产生的大(藏区)背景和小(校园)背景及参与人员的特点。第三章“校园锅庄的音乐和舞蹈”:描述了中央民族大学“校园锅庄”的音乐和舞蹈,并对音乐、舞蹈相互影响的关系进行了探析。第四章“校园锅庄”的功能和美学思考:对中央民族大学“校园锅庄”所反映出来的现象进行探视,探讨它的功能和美学思考。

【Abstract】 ’Guozhuang’ is a widespread traditional Tibetan dance, which is also one of the oldest ones. Usually it dances under the leadership of ’Zhuo Ba’ or ’Zhuo Ben’. Men and women stand in two semicircles separately hand in hand, one group asks and the other answers repeatedly. It has many formations, such as circle-shaped, linear, wave-type and so on. In 2006, Guozhuang was listed as the first batch of National Intangible Cultural Heritage, which lists of 123, Category: folk dance, ID: III-20.Research about it will help people understand the origin, development and evolvement process of the Tibetan songs and dances. s the times, globalization and modern urbanization process, great changes have taken place in Guozhuang with the development of a new form of expression, such as ’Tourism Guozhuang’,’Fitness Guozhuang’, and many other variants. They are loved by the masses, meanwhile they are not only popular in Tibet, but also have walked into the University of campus along with population migration and mobility.This paper is concerned about the ’Campus Guozhuang’ and takes the Central University for Nationalities ’Campus Guozhuang’ as an example to describe the current situation on the campus and try to discover how it inherited and developed traditional culture.The thesis including five parts: the preface, the Overview of traditional Guozhuang, ’Campus Guozhuang Dance’ in Central University of Nationalities, Music and Dance of ’Campus Guozhuang’, and ’Campus Guozhuang’. This paper is trying to see ’Campus Guozhuang’ as a reflection of Tibetan culture and to do some perspective using methods of ethnomusicology, sociology and folklore.The Part of Preface involves the study of this paper, research purpose and meaning, Guozhuang research summary, as well as sources of information and research methodologies in the content.Chapter I ’The Overview of ’Traditional Guozhuang: including its historical origins and basic conditions. Guozhuang’s origin has been a hot research spot, but is lack of relative summary, in this article the author attempts to give one. And its basic conditions including its classification, functions and features of song and dance.Chapter II:’Campus Guozhuang’ in Central University for Nationalities, which describes the context of ’Campus Guozhuang’, generated background both in Tibet and school campus, and participants characteristics. Chapter III: The music and dance of ’Campus Guozhuang’, which focuses on the relationship between Guozhuang music and dance and described each other separately.Chapter IV: Functions and aesthetic tastes of Campus Guozhuang, which describes different functions and aesthetic tastes of ’Campus Guozhuang’.

【关键词】 “校园锅庄”音乐舞蹈新形式变体
【Key words】 ’campus guozhuang’musicdancenew form