

【作者】 赵相周

【导师】 金玉;

【作者基本信息】 扬州大学 , 课程与教学论, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 我国2005年7月6日《教育部关于2003年学生体质健康监测结果公告》显示,我国学生体质发展趋势很不乐观,存在一些突出的问题,如学生各年龄组的肺活量水平继续下降,速度、爆发力、力量耐力素质水平进一步下降。在这样不容乐观的形势下,学校体育面临着极大的挑战。这种情况的改变不能只靠每周几次的体育教学,作为学校体育有机组成部分的课余体育在青少年体质、体育兴趣、终身体育意识培养上具有体育教学不可替代的作用。作为学校体育两大有机组成部分的体育教学和课余体育则承担着实现我国学校体育目标的重任。在新一轮高校体育课程改革中,我们发现课余体育在对大学生体质健康方面、体育兴趣和习惯培养方面、终身体育意识养成等方面具有十分重要的作用。但是,相关调查结果显示我国高校课余体育开展的现状存在一些问题。因此,关注高校课余体育,充分挖掘课余体育的功能,开发和利用课余体育的体育教育资源,是当前高校体育改革的十分重要的课题。美国作为世界体育强国,它的高校课余体育(Intramural spots)在实现高校体育目标上方面发挥着重要的作用。其实施形式主要通过校内体育俱乐部的形式进行的,美国高校体育课余内容的丰富性、多样性以及独特的组织形式是值得我国高校学习和借鉴的。所以,本研究选择了美国高校课余体育开展现状与我国高校课余体育的现状作为比较研究对象,希望通过中美两国高校体育近半个世纪的发展历程与课余体育改革发展的现状的比较分析,在更大的视野下理解和认识高校课余体育的特点与功能,了解两国的差异及其原因,同时学习、借鉴美国高校课余体育的成功经验,提出符合我国国情的高校课余体育改革的对策,为我国高校课余体育的理论发展与实践探索提供参考。本研究采用的主要方法有:文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法、比较分析法。通过对中美两国高校学校体育半个世纪发展的回顾、两国高校现行的学校课余体育在目标、内容、组织形式与特点、管理等方面的比较与分析,发现即有共同之处,又存在诸多差异。分析认为产生差异的原因主要是两国经济发达程度、教育体制的不同、人们的体育价值观不同、社会传统文化的影响等。启示:随着我国社会经济的不断发展和世界各国文化交流的越加频繁和深入,高校课余体育的内容将越来越丰富,呈现多样化特征;高校课余体育的活动组织形式采取学生自治,不仅有利于课余体育锻炼的集群化,还有利于培养学生的领导能力、组织协调能力、团队协作能力和人际交往能力;开发在功能上具有综合性、民族性、时代性的体育场馆,使更多学生参与到课余体育活动,并满足更多体育项目的开展与竞赛的要求;加强课余体育的管理、建立健全科学的规章制度,是课余体育健康发展的重要保证;未来的中国高校课余体育必将顺应世界高校体育教育发展的潮流,使校内外课余体育纳入社会体系,成为体育社会化的一个重要组成部分,为培养学生终身体育意识与习惯服务。

【Abstract】 According to nation July 6th 2005《ministry of education about students’ fitness survey proclaim in 2003》showed that china students’ constitution deveolpment tendency is not optimistic,extisting some protudent problems,such as cardiolung capacity, speed ,power.strength edurance of students aged at different level keep decreasing.in such unoptimistic case,school PE face great challenge.this change cannot rely on PE teaching of several times once a week ,the after-school PE as an important part of school PE,in the aspect of students’ constitution ,PE interest,cultivation of lifetime PE awareness plays an irreplaceable role, as school PE two big parts :PE teaching and after-school PE should the responsibility of carrying out school PE objective, in the new round college PE curriculum reform, we found that after-school PE plays an important role in aspect of students’ constitution, PE interest and cultivation of hobby, form of lifetime PE awareness, however, correlated research result showed that college after-school PE in development status quo existing many problems, thereby, pay attention to college after-school PE, fully dig out the functions of after-school PE, explore and utilize PE education resourses of after-school PE, is the important topic of current college reform.America as one of the PE powers all over the world, its implement of college after-school PE is mainly through intramural PE sports clubs to carry through, the enrichmeng and diversity of content of its college after-school PE with its special organized form deserved us to learn.therefore, this disertation choosed after-school PE development status quo as comparative research object.in the hope of through the comparative between the two nations’ half of century developmeng and reform status quo of after-school PE to understand the functions and characteristics of America college after -school PE, know the differences and reason between the two nations, meantime, learn and borrow the successful exprience of America college after-school PE, put forward strategies of college after-school PE reform which is according to national condition, supply with reference for theoretical development and practical expore of national college after-school PE .The thesis mainly is mainly as literature method, questionaire method, expert talk method, comparative and analytical method for research methods, through the retrospection to half century development of school after-school PE in USA and China, the comparative and analysis in objectives, content, organized form and managemeng, found that there are common points and many differences, the analysis thinks the diverse reasons occurred because of the influence of the economic level, education system, people’ PE value, social traditional culture etc.inspirations: With the social economic continuing development and penetration of cultural exchange all over the world, content of college after-school PE will become more and more enriched, taking on diversity; organized form of college after-school PE is mainly adopted student-automated, not only condusive to exercise cluster of after-school PE, but to the cultivation of students’ ability of leadership, organization coordination, teamwork and intercourse relationships; exporing sports buildings which has synthsization, nation, times on functions, make more students participate in sports exercise, meet the need of more sports programmes and competition; strengthen the management of after-school PE, build scientific bylaw is the important guarantee of after-school PE development ;the future China college after-school PE is bound to comply with the tendency of world college PE teaching development, bring intramural sports and extramural sports into society, being an important part of sports socialization, serve for cultivation of students lifetime awareness and hobby.

【关键词】 中国美国高校课余体育比较
【Key words】 ChinaAmericaInstitutions of Higher Educationafter-schoolcomparison
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 扬州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 01期
  • 【分类号】G807.4
  • 【被引频次】17
  • 【下载频次】1390