

Application of Satellite Remote Sensing in Monitoring Wheat Grain Yield and Quality in Jiangsu

【作者】 张旭东

【导师】 朱新开;

【作者基本信息】 扬州大学 , 作物栽培学与耕作学, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 遥感是实现农田作物快速、无损监测的重要手段,利用遥感技术在小麦生长的中后期对籽粒产量及其蛋白质含量进行预测对于指导小麦后期氮素调控、实现分类收获和按质收购具有重要意义。氮素营养是遥感监测的基础,前人以施肥处理为基础研究了氮素对小麦品质、产量的影响,并采用近地光谱特征参数分析了其与小麦籽粒产量与品质的关系。本试验采用卫星遥感方法,于2006-2008年度选择江苏省9个县进行卫星遥感图像获取,并在江苏省作物遗传重点实验室进行小麦植株形态与生理参数分析,探索江苏主要小麦产区卫星遥感参数、小麦形态参数与籽粒品质与产量的相关特征,为作物籽粒品质遥感监测提供理论与实践依据。本研究主要结论如下:1.2006-2008年3年度监测区域小麦籽粒产量总体比较平稳,年度间略有波动,样点籽粒品质总体水平一致,对照强、弱筋小麦国家品质标准仍存在品质差距,南部弱筋小麦存在湿面筋超标的问题,而北部强筋小麦蛋白质含量不达标。2.开花期遥感参数与开花期生理性状参数相关性较好,其中以与SPAD值、叶片氮素积累量、植株氮素积累量的相关性最高;与成熟期籽粒产量呈极显著正相关,与籽粒品质相关性密切,能够预测小麦籽粒产量与品质,可以作为卫星遥感监测的地面验证参数应用。3.叶片SPAD值与小麦籽粒蛋白质含量的相关性达显著水平,叶片氮素积累量、植株氮素积累量、干物质积累量、LAI与籽粒蛋白质积累量呈极显著正相关,且受土壤基础地力的影响较小。4.开花期植株氮素积累量与籽粒蛋白质积累量的相关性高于孕穗期,并达到极显著相关,花后氮素积累量与籽粒粗蛋白产量、粗蛋白含量均呈极显著相关。5.卫星遥感参数中Band 4波段(波长范围为0.76-0.90μm )、归一化植被指数(NDVI)、土壤调整植被指数(SAVI)、调整土壤亮度的植被指数(OSAVI)、冠层结构不敏感植被指数(SIPI)、调整的归一化差异水体指数(NDWI2)、绿色归一化植被指数(GNDVI)这几个参数与籽粒品质、产量都具有良好的相关性,主成分分析表明:B4、NDVI、OSAVI、SAVI、SIPI、NDWI2、GNDVI在第一主成份因子PRIN1上的载荷较大。B4、NDVI、OSAVI、SAVI、SIPI、NDWI2、GNDVI可作为遥感监测的特征参数。

【Abstract】 Remote sensing is a newly-developed method to achieve field-crop data non-destructively and rapidly. By the use of remote sensing technology, N application at late growth stage could be suggested accurately, and grain yield and protein content of wheat grains could be forecasted before maturity. Remote monitoring based on nitrogen . The effects of nitrogen on wheat quality and yield have been studied, and the relationship of grain yield and quality with parameters of near-earth spectrum was analyzed in wheat.. Plant morphology and physiological parameters of wheat collected from typical 9 counties in Jiangsu Province were tested in Jiangsu Provincial Key Lab of Crop Genetics and Physiology from 2006 to 2008.The relationship of satellite remote sensing parameters with plant morphological indices and grain yield and quality was analyzed. The main results were as follows:1. Grain yield and quality of wheat sampled from the selected counties were relatively stable among different years from 2006 to 2008 and only a slight fluctuation existed. Wet- gluten content in some samples of weak-gluten wheat was too high, and protein content in some samples of strong-gluten wheat was too low.2. The relationship of remote parameters with physiological traits at anthesis, especially SPAD value, leaf nitrogen accumulation, plant nitrogen accumulation was significant. Remote parameters were significantly correlated with grain yield and quality, and could be used to predict grain yield and quality.3. SPAD value of leaves was significantly correlated with grain protein content .Nitrogen accumulation amount in leaves and plants, dry matter accumulation amount and LAI were significantly related with grain protein accumulation amount in grains, which was slightly affected by soil fertility.4. The correlation coefficient between nitrogen accumulation amount in plants at anthesis with grain protein accumulation amount was greater than that at booting stage. The accumulation amount of N after anthesis was very significantly related with protein content and accumulation amount in grains.5. Band four bands (wavelength range for 0.76-0.90μm), NDVI ,SAVI, OSAVI ,SIPI,NDWI2 ,GNDVI in satellite remote sensing parameters of , had good correlation with grain yield and quality, yield. Principal component analysis showed that OSAVI ,NDVI ,B4, SAVI, SIPI ,NDWI2,GNDVI had greater load in the first PRIN1 factors. OSAVI,NDVI, B4, SAVI, SIPI, NDWI2,GNDVI could be used as characteristic parameters in remote sensing monitoring.

【关键词】 小麦遥感参数产量品质
【Key words】 WheatRemote sensingParameterGrain yieldGrain quality
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 扬州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 12期
  • 【分类号】S512.1
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】161