

Research on Measurement and Control System Based on Wireless Sensor Network

【作者】 刘玉英

【导师】 史旺旺;

【作者基本信息】 扬州大学 , 控制理论与控制工程, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 无线传感器网络技术是近年来发展起来的一种新型的网络通信技术。它集成了传感器技术、计算机技术、通信技术等,能够实时感知、采集、传输和处理网络监控区域内各种环境和监测对象信息。无线传感器网络具有成本低、功耗小、易实现等特点,所以具有十分广阔的应用前景,可以应用于军事、环境、医疗健康、自动化生产等诸多领域。本文设计了适用于环境监测无线传感器网络测控系统。以Jennic公司的JN5121-Z01-M00无线微控制器模块为核心,以温湿度传感器SHT11及光强传感器TSL2561为主要外围接口器件,搭建了网络节点硬件平台。在分析了ZigBee协议栈的体系结构及利用JN5121开发Zigbee网络的基础上,设计了ZigBee协调器和终端节点的应用程序,主要包括网络的启动、数据采集及收发。针对无线传感器网络的能量有限、数据量大等特点,采用了低功耗及非阻塞的程序设计方法。针对基于无线传感器网络的测控系统的特殊性,在保证测控节点连通的约束条件下,使放置的移动节点数量最小化。提出了一种在满足测控节点连通约束条件下使节点数量最少的模型,并采用遗传算法进行优化计算。系统节点数量较多时,为了提高遗传算法的收敛速度,提出了基于二分法的编码区间收缩的机制,使得在变量编码位数较少时仍有足够的精度,并且可以大大减少染色体长度,提高优化收敛速度。对于连通性判断十分耗时问题,将求解最短路径的Dijkstra算法利用到本文的连通性判别,运算速度与基于道路矩阵的判别法相比有明显改善。针对基于无线传感器网络的测控系统中节点较多、数据信息量大,且网络中节点数量及类型根据需要可以动态调整等特性,设计了包括数据库和OPC接口的上位机程序。数据库用来存储节点类型,用户可以根据需要随时增加或者删减节点。OPC接口程序根据数据库信息自动生成标签,每个节点物理量对应一个标签,根据此标签可以直把数据信息存储起来,并实时显示。

【Abstract】 Wireless sensor network ( WSN ) is a new kind network technology for communication,in recent years. It achieves the integration of many technologies,for example,sensor technology,computer technology,communication technology. It can monitor,collect,transfer and process the real-time information of the object and environment in the area covered by the network. Wireless sensor network has the characteristics of low cost,low power,and is easy to implement. So it can be applied in many areas such as military,environment,health field and automation.Measure control system based on wireless sensor network that is applicable to environmental monitoring is designed. The network platform for environmental monitoring is built up with ZigBee compatible module JN5121-Z01-M00 as its core device,and temperature and humidity sensor SHT11 and light sensor TSL2561 as its main external interface device. The software includes coordinator and end device programs are designed based on the ZigBee protocol and Jennic ZigBee protocol. The softwares are mainly used to start network,collect data and transceive data. For the particularity of low-energy and large-data of the wireless sensor network,low-power and non-blocking method for designing program is used.For the particularity of measure control system based on wireless sensor network, the least nodes are used under the guarantee of full connection. A model that uses least nodes and ensures full connection is proposed and genetic algorithm is used to optimize. The genetic algorithm with large measure nodes based on dichotomy to improve convergence rate is put forward, which can ensure the accuracy and significantly reduce the length of Chromosome and improve the optimizing rate. For the problem of time-consuming for judging the connectivity,Dijkstra’s algorithm is applied in connection judgment , which can obviously accelerated rapidity of optimization.For the features of measure control system based on wireless sensor network with large nodes, more information, and the number of network nodes and types can be dynamically adjusted according to the needs of users, PC program is designed,including databases and OPC interface programming. Database is used to store the node type. And the user can increase or reduce nodes at any time. Tag is automatically generated according to the database. Each Quantity of nodes corresponds to a tag and data can be directly stored in accordance with this tag and displayed real-time.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 扬州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 01期