

Study on Marketing Strategy of Shenzhen Cable DTV

【作者】 朱展宏

【导师】 李少惠;

【作者基本信息】 兰州大学 , 工商管理, 2009, 硕士

【摘要】 在吸引全球的21世纪中国市场中,数字电视产业也是独具魅力之一,一方面源于数字电视在中国的高速增长及巨大诱人的发展空间,另一方面也因为这一行业营销转型的显著性和营销内涵的丰满多彩。数字电视,20世纪80年代在欧美国家产生。在我国,数字电视是从有线电视开始发展起来的。近几年,随着世界数字电视技术的迅速发展和技术标准的逐步统一,我国的有线数字电视发展已进入到了实质性阶段。发展数字电视不仅事关广大民众文化生活水平的提高,同时也给国家和相关产业带来了很好的发展契机。但从目前我国有线数字电视的发展情况来看,由于受传统收视习惯影响,加上节目内容资源匮乏,运营网络复杂,缺乏有效的运营模式等难题在一定程度上制约着整个产业的快速发展步伐。作为有线数字电视产业链主导之一的有线电视运营公司如何找到合适的运营模式,运用行之有效的市场营销策略,真正实现从模拟到数字整体转换后质的转变无疑是关键。深圳市作为国内率先开展数字电视的城市,也是我国首批开展模拟向数字化转换的五个试点城市之一。深圳市天威视讯股份有限公司(以下简称:深圳有线)作为深圳市有线数字电视的运营商,深圳有线从2002年开始就投入了数字电视的试运行,2005年7月启动特区内整体转换工作,到2006年底成功地完成了深圳特区内模拟向数字电视整体平移工作,在市场运营推广方面积累了一定经验。本文笔者在深圳数字电视整体转换后深入调查了不同类型客户群的需求和深圳有线现状的基础上,结合国内、外有线数字电视产业发展态势分析,运用SWOT分析法研究其相对与竞争对手的优势和劣势,以及在目标市场上的机会和威胁,运用市场营销相关理论,确定深圳有线的市场定位和营销策略的选择。并就深圳整体转换后的市场营销策略实施与保障进行了实证研究。数字化时代的到来要求网络运营公司必须树立新的市场营销理念,彻底改变有线模拟电视传统的运营框架、模式及理念,以“市场需求为导向,实施精细化营销”成为当前网络运营商发展的基础。本文通过笔者多年在网络运营公司工作的积累,借助营销理论,有针对性地提出了数字电视整体转换后深圳有线的市场营销策略,为深圳有线的发展和国内网络运营公司提供一定的参考。

【Abstract】 In globally attracting Chinese market in the 21st century, the DTV industry is one of the industries with unique charm. The reason lies as follows. The first is the rapid growth and the exciting development potential of DTV in China. The other is the significant marketing transformation and the colorful marketing connotation in this industry.DTV was born in Europe and America in the 1980s. In China, DTV developed from the cable television. Recent years, with the rapid development of DTV technology and unification of technical standards in the world, Chinese cable DTV gained substantial development. The development of DTV can not only make an improvement in the cultural living standard, but also bring good opportunities for the country and related industries. However, according to status quo of Chinese cable DTV, the industry is restricted to a certain extent, due to such problems as the influence of watching habits, shortage of program resources, complexity of operation networks and the lack of effective operation model. It is undoubtedly the key for cable television operators as one of the leaders in the cable DTV industry to find an appropriate operation model and adopt an effective marketing strategy to achieve a qualitative leap after the transition from analog to digital.Shenzhen as the first city starting DTV development is one of the five pilot cities on the transition from analog to digital. Shenzhen Topway Video Communication Co., Ltd. (short as Shenzhen Cable), as the operator of cable DTV in Shenzhen, launched the trial run of DTV from 2002. It started the overall transition in the Shenzhen area from July 2005 and successfully completed the overall transition from analog television to DTV by the end of 2006, learning a lot in market operation and promotion.Based on an depth survey in the demand of different customers and the current status of cable television in Shenzhen after the overall transition, the author, combining the trend of cable DTV industries in the world, adopts SWOT analysis method to study its advantages and disadvantage compared with its competitors as well as opportunities and threats in the target market, and applies the marketing theories related to determine the market positioning and marketing strategy of Shenzhen Cable. Moreover, the author makes an empirical study on the implementation and guarantee of the marketing strategy after the overall transition in Shenzhen.Entering a digital era, network operators are required to establish new marketing concept and completely change the traditional operation frame, model and concept of the analog cable television. "Market oriented, customized marketing" has become the basis for the development of the current network operators. With many years engaged in network operation companies,, the author in this article uses marketing theory to propose a marketing strategy for Shenzhen Cable after the overall transition, aiming at providing a reference for the development of Shenzhen Cable and other network operators in China.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 兰州大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 01期
  • 【分类号】G229.2;F274
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】416